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Thread: Why is it so difficult to get a job here?

  1. #91
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fhars View Post
    Hi guys

    The manager sent me an email and apologise for not ringing me and he ask me to come for a second interview. I went and today they offered me the job!
    Great news so if you had politely rang him...

    Well Done and good luck in the future

  2. #92
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katy View Post
    i lived in the philippines for 5 years, and could not get a job, even uk doctors can not work in the philippines, so its much easier here then there for us, and at least here you can work somewhere, i spent a miserable 5 years in the heat and the pollution of manila, bored and stagnating , i am so glad i am back in europe, just keep on trying but dont epect to get any special treatment, you have to join the back of the queue
    uk docs can't work in the phils ?? many uk docs are working in auz and new zeland.

    not easy for non euro docs to work in the uk, unless your married to european

  3. #93
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    I have a degree in chemistry. There are lack of scientist degree out there now. But the pay sucks for the work involved. I have met many of you pychology graduates before.But you have to ask yourself? What skills are transferable to a job. Of course studying Friedrich_Nietzsche, you must be able to speak on your subject. I would assume from that public speaking is not a problem for you? So its useful in presentation ideas and pitching stuff. Marketing?

    From my experiences, education is being dumbed down. I know that for a fact since I was the last to do O grades in 1990 before they were scrapped for Standard Grades, with there so called coursework, and core studies. That transition period was full of strikes. The teachers that were old and strict retired.And new teachers came in with a new attitude of... wanting to be your friend,not your teacher. Weird.
    If you have kids doing these now,the content is questionable. I heard phrases like "well I got 40% on my coursework so I don't need high mark in my final exam" "Maybe I won't turn up" hmmm, maybe i won't turn up for the heart operation tomorrow jimmy.

    People left school with O grades in 4th year for a reason. That was it. They were equipped. Those that wanted more stayed. The Arithmetic O grade paper was one of the most important and now people watch Carol Vorderman thinking shes clever doing sums. how i hate that woman.Plsss, children need better role models than this. Anyways. I am just waffling.

    Heres a report about bringing back counting inside the head..

    Anyways try these websites and put ur CV up there too. It is useful to let them headhunt you. And remember, if you got to the interview stage, you are doing the right things. You are impressing people enough to get there. Keep at it. Good luck

  4. #94
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    I am presently in the Philippines and my wife is completing the BsEd she was taking when we met. I am appalled at the standard of teaching she is receiving, the high class numbers and the fact that many of the "units" have little relevance to becoming a teacher. Some of her classmates can hardly speak our language so how on earth they can expect to teach it is beyond me. There is a huge difference between the Philippine standards and those in the UK and those of you who fail to accept this are deluding yourselves. From what I have observed a "degree" course here is around the same level as a GCSE in the UK. What has to be remembered is that educational establishments here are businesses. Their principal reason for existing is to take fees off willing students. Good teaching and successful results are very secondary. If they can economise on staff they will. If they can cram classrooms they will. If they can encourage drop outs, and then economise on staff they will. I have no doubt that there must be some level of government imposed control but it's pretty loose and ineffective. Most UK schools are not run for profit, but by local authorities. The standards imposed are universally high, controlled by Ofsted. I own a nursery school and can vouch for their thoroughness. Class numbers are limited, teachers well qualified, the curriculum and examinations standardised. I don't mean to hurt the feelings of any Filipino reading this. I have employed several Filipinos in the past and have huge respect for their work ethic and caring attitude. It is simply unfortunate that the qualifications you feel so proud of will not often be of very much use to you in the UK. That does not make you unemployable. Far from it, but you need to adopt an alternative approach and not expect the paper you present to carry much weight.

  5. #95
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    check with to see if your paper carries much weight

    in some cases what you say maybe true, but don't put down the many qualified nurses who work here in the uk, and to suggest that degrees are worthless is , in the case of my misses she has a degree in biology and her medical degree is recognised by the GMC.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    check with to see if your paper carries much weight

    in some cases what you say maybe true, but don't put down the many qualified nurses who work here in the uk, and to suggest that degrees are worthless is , in the case of my misses she has a degree in biology and her medical degree is recognised by the GMC.
    Accepted, of course. My wife registered with Naric when she first arrived in the UK and they gave her nil credit, absolutely ziltch, for all her efforts in the Philippines. Nurses have to undergo an adaptation course before they can start to work but their degrees, and other medical based ones, appear to have some real value. Of course such arrivals will almost always have a job to go to and their qualification thoroughly checked before their visa issued. My main point was to try to ensure that the level of expectation is not too high so that other newcomers remain realistic. We have many Filipino friends who have arrived with the belief that their commercial "degree" will smooth their path into a "good" job who ended up disappointed.

  7. #97
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    How is it then Pakistani people seem to do better.That's an assumed observation of course. Is it networking?

  8. #98
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    Just a bit of information to brighten the spirit, my wife applied to many many job vacancies all in areas that where within her comfort zone of administrative work, she was relentless in making applications and would spend almost all day on the computer searching and filling in applications on all the popular web job search web sites. She never gave up even though at the end of each day she felt very stressed by the whole process, but now she has a job that is better than she could have dreamed of, it just goes to show that patience is a virtue, and to any lazy Brits just claiming benefits when in reality they could work for a living, do what my wife did and get a job!!!! :-)
    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  9. #99
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    That's what Filipino are... ......................never

  10. #100
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silver13 View Post
    and to any lazy Brits just claiming benefits when in reality they could work for a living, do what my wife did and get a job!!!! :-)
    the problem is, for some people claiming benefits they are unemployable, unlike your wife, and the longer your on benefits the harder it is to get off, not many employers will take that risk. So their in a bit of a catch 22

  11. #101
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    Local Authority and Housing Associations

    • I think that people might have more luck with local authorities and housing associations. Very detailed job descriptions and jobs/person specifications are issued. Read it all thoroughly and then take the person spec and give real information and examples of your work e.g don't just say you have x qualification but also give an example of where you applied this qualification and talk about your achievements without being over boastful. If you can cover each point on the person spec you stand a good chance of interview.
    • Type it all with bulleted lists in Word and do proper spell checks. Give the Word document the title of that page or paragraph. Start a new document for another paragraph. Then on the application form write 'See attached Word document headed ABC'. Application forms get photocopied and if you supply a lot of the information such as education and experience on a Word document it turns out nice and pristine and can easily be read through which may not be the case if you squeeze it into an application form. I alawys put 'footers on mine saying 'Page 1 of 2 Experience and my initials' for example. That way it should all remain organised and attached to my application and not attributed to someone else. Get someone else to read your application and accept feedback.
    • Look at your educational qualifications and take the ones you did at 15/16 years and say this is the equilvalent of GCSE exams. The ones you did at 17/18 may equate to the A levels children take in the UK. They are not going to do the homework on this so break it down for them. Don't gloss over things. If you sudied French, history, maths English lit, chemistry, physics at 15/16 exams give this detail. If a course you took is the equivalent of a university entrance or A levels then say so. Just accept that you have had an excellent eduacation and put it across. They are not going to fish for it. Spell it out.
    • If there is something on the person spec about equla opportunites write a decent statement about not just race but hearing impaired, people in wheel chairs. Write from your heart about how you feel treating people with respect matters to you. Avoid giving some meaningless wrap up sentence. Write like you are speaking to them.
    • Show that you understand the importance of deadlines, of keeping people informed well in advance if you cannot meet them and show your understanding of the importance of team work. Again give examples from your working life. They want a flavour of you as an individual.
    • Last but not least know what you have written inside out and know that those interviewing you will only have glanced at it so regurgitate it verbally in your answers at interview. Don't think that they have read it and know it.

  12. #102
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    uk education system

    Quote Originally Posted by barnsley-mark View Post

    Dont get yourself down. Unfortunately the `educated` people here will only employ similar `educated` people because thats all they know.
    However there are a lot of people and companies who realise that the UK education system is a complete waste of time and you are much better off employing people who are wanting to work - even if they have no qualifications.
    Look a bit deeper for opportunities - dress-up and walk straight into hotels or offices where you would like to work and show them what you are like - even offer to work for a few days for free even - if they like you then they employ you.
    This may sound daft but it does work - especially with the smaller companies
    Good luck.
    i m sorry i dont think thats right barnsley mark its hard to get a job in uk becouse theres so many people that are looking for jobs. so thay can take there pick. And the education system isent that bad when so many people come here for education from overseas.So you d employ some one that carnt read or right but will work hard come on mark ,ok its not perfect but its pretty good here ( education) and standed of liveing as well be gratefull we have some kind of system that is free well (we do pay lot of tax for it )work for free you ll be saying next mark she sould sleep with the boss to get the job. just keep trying there are jobs out there and you will get one just dont give up,,, gaz/maybs (only what i think ) allways smile

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    You're not alone Rita, I also received lots of good comments from interviewer. It seems they need us to follow their UK high standard. I finished BSBA-Accounting and had experience as Payrol Acct, applied as Payroll Clerk here but I need to take Sage Line 50. Applied IT Support but they are asking for ECDL Cert., Applied higher position but I need to learn DRIVING .

    I am now in a factory and applied to another company which offers more overtime. The interviewer said, I am more clever than him as I'm a Bachelor and can speak 3 foreign language. He said he likes filipinos because he heard that we are hardworking and dedicated to work. We'll see tomorrow if he is just kidding because he said he will contact me tomorrow.
    penny that pic at bottom pulling his pants down on your text made me louth for 20 minutes very very funny

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by kermit123 View Post
    penny that pic at bottom pulling his pants down on your text made me louth for 20 minutes very very funny

    Same here

  15. #105
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    yesterday the manager phoned me to let me know that i got the job and i start on 9th january, for me this is a good blessing to start my new year of 2009.
    all things are possible!

  16. #106
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    yesterday the manager phoned me to let me know that i got the job and i start on 9th january, for me this is a good blessing to start my new year of 2009.
    great news

  17. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    yesterday the manager phoned me to let me know that i got the job and i start on 9th january, for me this is a good blessing to start my new year of 2009.

    Great news, good luck with the job
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by kermit123 View Post
    i m sorry i dont think thats right barnsley mark its hard to get a job in uk becouse theres so many people that are looking for jobs. so thay can take there pick. And the education system isent that bad when so many people come here for education from overseas.So you d employ some one that carnt read or right but will work hard come on mark ,ok its not perfect but its pretty good here ( education) and standed of liveing as well be gratefull we have some kind of system that is free well (we do pay lot of tax for it )work for free you ll be saying next mark she sould sleep with the boss to get the job. just keep trying there are jobs out there and you will get one just dont give up,,, gaz/maybs (only what i think ) allways smile
    Many come here from abroad to study some come to use the top class schools, unis and colleges which exist. But sadly not all schools and what have you are up to the very best standards.

    Many people do trial periods in jobs my wifes first job was a trial where she worked free for so many hours 10 or 15 i think. She impressed and was before she knew it signed up.
    She had a job with out any work experience to show. But she proved to them she was a top notch worker.

    Needs must and the job market at the moment is shrinking at a tremdous rate so employers will not take risks. Once that employee is signed up they are dam hard to get rid of. If they are not sure you are not ideal for the job they will most likely pass you by as so many candidates in the market.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    great news
    thanks you kuya joe and somebody
    all things are possible!

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    yesterday the manager phoned me to let me know that i got the job and i start on 9th january, for me this is a good blessing to start my new year of 2009.

    Thats brilliant news! Congrats VBkelly.
    Good luck to your new career and best wishes to you and to your family.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Thats brilliant news! Congrats VBkelly.
    Good luck to your new career and best wishes to you and to your family.
    thank you simplelife and happy new year to you and your family
    all things are possible!

  22. #112
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    andy and jobs

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy n Grasya View Post
    As an employer can I point out how difficult it is to find decent staff these days.

    You'd think that in times like these that people would want to work and would be grateful for an interview. However many cannot be bothered to find out where they need to go for interviews, some turn up so that they can continue to claim benefits (no intention of taking a job) and others find out that they will lose tax credits and so don't even bother turning up for interviews.

    hi andy i have heard same about uk i been here in philippines 4 years and comeing back to uk with my wife next year to have a baby then we will return to philippines .say 2 years there im british form brum.i have friends that say thay have guys turn up for jobs saying i need 240 pounds week to make it worth while to work of benifits really bad. i ll be happy just getting basic rate just while we are there think it 5 or 6 pounds hour i have flt and reach truck licences and drive 7.5 ton trucks and i have seen lots jobs on job centre but like pinoys ill do any job to make a liveing and im glad to say i ll do good days work for a days pay to think people in uk get far to many hand outs sad to say gaz /maybs

  23. #113
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    takeing to job

    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    i had an interview the other day for a carer but i turned it down bcoz they offer me a £6per hour night shift, toink!
    vbkelly i would have told my wife to take the job.Becouse if you have a job its allways a lot easer to get another job and you are gaining experece as well it might seem really bad pay but 40 hours at 6 pounds is 240 pounds better than nothink :( and gives you money to play with while looking for another job thats better for you . You might have enjoyed it night shift is normally very quiet so you might have been able to study to while there reading and lap top. gaz/maybs

  24. #114
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    £6 an hour at 40hrs a week is about £870 a month after tax/nat, it's not a lot for working nights

    also if you got kids, you will have to see if you can claim tax creds to pay for child care, and the inconvenience of not seeing your hubby and kids at normal hours can cause problems.

    but as you say, its better to be working than claiming, many employers thou offer only the minimum wage, and by the time you've paid your bills, got to work, you could well have nothing left

    old adage - a decent days pay for a decent days work

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by kermit123 View Post
    vbkelly i would have told my wife to take the job.Becouse if you have a job its allways a lot easer to get another job and you are gaining experece as well it might seem really bad pay but 40 hours at 6 pounds is 240 pounds better than nothink :( and gives you money to play with while looking for another job thats better for you . You might have enjoyed it night shift is normally very quiet so you might have been able to study to while there reading and lap top. gaz/maybs
    yeah you are right but the other care home offer me £6.50per hour day shift but i didn't accept it bcoz there's no bank holiday pay, how bad is that anyway i got a job now
    all things are possible!

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    yeah you are right but the other care home offer me £6.50per hour day shift but i didn't accept it bcoz there's no bank holiday pay, how bad is that anyway i got a job now
    Good point about the pay.

    Although the chaps rightly say it sounds low. Its not just about the pay per hour. Are you paid weekly or monthly? Different people prefer it in differnt ways. Always nice to get extra for bank holidays. Again some people prefer the higher rate others want more for the bank holidays.

    Nights can be handy, i know some couples actually say they see more of one another if they plan out the time well. As both get chores done when the other working/sleeping and the quality time they have is better used.
    I know those with children find again if well planed out the time spent with children is better used and with just one parent they spend more one to one time. Which maybe hertic at the time but is worth it when they look back in years to come.

    One couple told me now say they only have certain evenings together they plan them and do something nice with them or at least have a good conversation instead of sitting square eyed in front of the telly

    There is alwasy a positive if you put your mind to it
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Have you tried signing up to different employment agencies? My wife did and they were for ever pestering her about different jobs..At one point it became a little annoying.
    Yes, I agree with fred, Rita.
    The idea is to earn money, so signing on with agencies should get you some work.
    Whilst you are working doing something you are too qualified for, you will be earning money and networking with people.
    Your good qualities could be noticed and other openings could happen.
    Lots of us Brits are over qualified for the jobs we do but we have to pay the bills so it's "hey ho hey ho, it's off to work I go".
    With money coming in you can keep looking for something better.
    I was in Hemel Hempstead the other week and saw hundreds of agency workers going to work sorting letters for the Royal Mail.
    They were from all over the world.
    You will find something Rita but don't aim too high right away, work your way up - things will happen if you keep looking and stay positive.
    Best of luck.

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Have you tried signing up to different employment agencies? My wife did and they were for ever pestering her about different jobs..At one point it became a little annoying.
    Yes, I agree with fred, Rita.
    The idea is to earn money, so signing on with agencies should get you some work.
    Whilst you are working doing something you are too qualified for, you will be earning money and networking with people.
    Your good qualities could be noticed and other openings could happen.
    Lots of us Brits are over qualified for the jobs we do but we have to pay the bills so it's "hey ho hey ho, it's off to work I go".
    With money coming in you can keep looking for something better.
    I was in Hemel Hempstead the other week and saw hundreds of agency workers going to work sorting letters fo the Royal Mail.
    They were from all over the world.
    You will find something Rita but don't aim too high right away, work your way up and stay positive - things will happen if you keep looking and stay positive.
    Best of luck.

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    ...........another thing to do to polish your CV.
    Just remember to make your CV (resume for Americans) one page.
    Keep it clear, concise and don't be tempted to make it three pages or it will probably end up not being looked at.

  30. #120
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    took me 2 months to find a job here. Submit your transcript of records and your diploma as well to UK NARIC. They will assess your equivalent qualification to that of the UK educational system.

    Thats the document you need to attach everytime you apply for a job here.

    Just keep on trying . . . believe me . . . i understand how you feel!!!

    been disappointed too many times when it comes to applying a job here!

    Luckily got one in the end with whitebread!!

    To tell you the truth , they are quite impress with my working attitude, i guess it boils down to being a Filipino. Most of us (Filipinos) are hard working and we always put a personal touch in everything we do!

    Good luck and best wishes!!!

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