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Thread: Visitor Visa Not Approved

  1. #1
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    Thumbs down Visitor Visa Not Approved

    Hi ,

    I tried to get a visitor visa for my girlfriend to come here to the uk, but we found out just after xmas that it was not approved, we are so upset, but i was expecting it not to be approved cos of all the comments on here saying its very hard to get one, i did warn my girlfriend about this but she thought it would all be ok..

    And i was the sponsor to her..

    The reason for refusal was:

    The Entry Clearance Officer`s reasons and supporting evidence

    I`am not satisfied you meet sections 1-2 of the rules above

    saying rhea is
    Rule 1 : Is genuinely seeking entry as a visitor for a limited period as stated by him, not exceeding 6 months: and
    Rule 2: Intends to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the period as of visit as stated by him...


    you have applied for entry clearance to the UK as a visitor for 6 months.

    You are unemployed have no evidence of any savings, property or assets of your own, are entirely reliant on others for financail support, and are clearly yet to establish yourself in the philippines both economically or career wise. Against this background you now wish to take and extended holiday to visit your boyfriend in the UK. These points are not considered in isolation but in the round, and i am not satisfied that you have demonstrated, on the balance of probabilities, sufficiently strong family, social or economic ties to satisfy me that you intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of your visit.

    I do not wish to question the credibility of your sponsor ot doubt that the sponsorship was offered in good faith, However , its your intentions with which i am concerned and on the evidance available to me, as detailed above, iam not satisfied.

    Therefore refuse your application.


    I have now filled in an appeal form AIT-2 and a copy of the above letter, along with another letter from me saying why i appeal..

    I think this so unfair, just cos they feel rhea will not return back to the phills within the 6 month period..

    I gave all the information they asked for as a sponsor.. it even says that they where happy with me the sponsor...

    So we have appealed and it now been 7 working day since we posted it of to a uk address , but what does everyone think about this???

    What did i do wrong???

    if we lose the appeal, then we will have to try again
    i have already gone back to see her over the new year, and set up a joint bank account and an account just in her name..

    my plan is to put £2,000 -£3,000 into her account to prove she has money, but then again i guess they will start to ask where she got it???

    Anyway theres my story, advice is more than welcome..

    Oh btw rhea is 19 , so we can not even get a fionce visa even if we wanted, cos of the new law change of being she needs to be 21, but iam still leagaly married , until my divorce come through..

    ty Craig and Rhea

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    good luck, you may need it

    many if not most VV are refused for the same reasons, as for appealing many appeals are won, something like %66, thou i dont think you have such a good chance as that with a VV.

    and if you apply again, unless you can convince the case worker that she will return, you will probably get the same result, and a failed VV app in the past will not help you

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    good luck, you may need it

    many if not most VV are refused for the same reasons, as for appealing many appeals are won, something like %66, thou i dont think you have such a good chance as that with a VV.

    and if you apply again, unless you can convince the case worker that she will return, you will probably get the same result, and a failed VV app in the past will not help you
    Ty for your comments, wow 66% chance of winning an appeal, thats better than the 33% chance of getting the visa in the first place.

    So does that give me some hope then

  4. #4
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigandrhea View Post
    Hi ,

    The reason for refusal was:

    The Entry Clearance Officer`s reasons and supporting evidence


    you have applied for entry clearance to the UK as a visitor for 6 months.

    You are unemployed have no evidence of any savings, property or assets of your own, are entirely reliant on others for financail support, and are clearly yet to establish yourself in the philippines both economically or career wise. Against this background you now wish to take and extended holiday to visit your boyfriend in the UK. These points are not considered in isolation but in the round, and i am not satisfied that you have demonstrated, on the balance of probabilities, sufficiently strong family, social or economic ties to satisfy me that you intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of your visit.

    I do not wish to question the credibility of your sponsor ot doubt that the sponsorship was offered in good faith, However , its your intentions with which i am concerned and on the evidance available to me, as detailed above, iam not satisfied.

    Therefore refuse your application.


    I have now filled in an appeal form AIT-2 and a copy of the above letter, along with another letter from me saying why i appeal..

    if we lose the appeal, then we will have to try again
    i have already gone back to see her over the new year, and set up a joint bank account and an account just in her name..

    my plan is to put £2,000 -£3,000 into her account to prove she has money, but then again i guess they will start to ask where she got it???

    Anyway theres my story, advice is more than welcome..

    Oh btw rhea is 19 , so we can not even get a fionce visa even if we wanted, cos of the new law change of being she needs to be 21, but iam still leagaly married , until my divorce come through..

    ty Craig and Rhea

    I am sorry Craig...

    1) but you are still legally married and she is 19...
    2) if you will transfer money to her account it will be very suspicious... again, she is 19 and the ECO mentioned the reasons why the visa was denied... (unemployment, no savings etc...)

    i dunno... just my opinion...

  5. #5
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    seems its late for you to give her show money.You should done it before the application and submit evidence of savings, like certification of deposit from the bank , like savings, time deposit,etc...and have let her request 6 months latest record of her moving account, ATM will do, even not much more savings on it as long as its still moving.Thats aside from the certification from the bank where the show money uve give her deposited.It doesnt matter if not in same bank, as long as theres evidence of funds available for her.

  6. #6
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    I am so sorry to hear the refusal. I was refused a student visa entry to the UK last July 2008 and I know exactly how it feels. I was being sponsored by my boyfriend and I have an existing job, more than 2,000 pounds moving funds in my account, legal documents, traveled already to Europe and worked in Australia and still denied despite the fact I never violated any immigration rules. Life is beautiful and tricky. Why don't u travel in South Asian Region for holidays, establish your relationship first, a joint international travel will give weight to your winning visa application... good luck

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigandrhea View Post
    Hi ,

    I tried to get a visitor visa for my girlfriend to come here to the uk, but we found out just after xmas that it was not approved, we are so upset, but i was expecting it not to be approved cos of all the comments on here saying its very hard to get one, i did warn my girlfriend about this but she thought it would all be ok..

    And i was the sponsor to her..

    The reason for refusal was:

    The Entry Clearance Officer`s reasons and supporting evidence

    I`am not satisfied you meet sections 1-2 of the rules above

    saying rhea is
    Rule 1 : Is genuinely seeking entry as a visitor for a limited period as stated by him, not exceeding 6 months: and
    Rule 2: Intends to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the period as of visit as stated by him...


    you have applied for entry clearance to the UK as a visitor for 6 months.

    You are unemployed have no evidence of any savings, property or assets of your own, are entirely reliant on others for financail support, and are clearly yet to establish yourself in the philippines both economically or career wise. Against this background you now wish to take and extended holiday to visit your boyfriend in the UK. These points are not considered in isolation but in the round, and i am not satisfied that you have demonstrated, on the balance of probabilities, sufficiently strong family, social or economic ties to satisfy me that you intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of your visit.

    I do not wish to question the credibility of your sponsor ot doubt that the sponsorship was offered in good faith, However , its your intentions with which i am concerned and on the evidance available to me, as detailed above, iam not satisfied.

    Therefore refuse your application.


    I have now filled in an appeal form AIT-2 and a copy of the above letter, along with another letter from me saying why i appeal..

    I think this so unfair, just cos they feel rhea will not return back to the phills within the 6 month period..

    I gave all the information they asked for as a sponsor.. it even says that they where happy with me the sponsor...

    So we have appealed and it now been 7 working day since we posted it of to a uk address , but what does everyone think about this???

    What did i do wrong???

    if we lose the appeal, then we will have to try again
    i have already gone back to see her over the new year, and set up a joint bank account and an account just in her name..

    my plan is to put £2,000 -£3,000 into her account to prove she has money, but then again i guess they will start to ask where she got it???

    Anyway theres my story, advice is more than welcome..

    Oh btw rhea is 19 , so we can not even get a fionce visa even if we wanted, cos of the new law change of being she needs to be 21, but iam still leagaly married , until my divorce come through..

    ty Craig and Rhea

    Too hard to convince immigration if you're unemployed applying for VV She must be brave at 19. If I were you, I will not file an appeal and will not put money in her account. Just wait for the right time and apply again.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigandrhea View Post
    You are unemployed have no evidence of any savings, property or assets of your own, are entirely reliant on others for financail support, and are clearly yet to establish yourself in the philippines both economically or career wise. Against this background you now wish to take and extended holiday to visit your boyfriend in the UK. These points are not considered in isolation but in the round, and i am not satisfied that you have demonstrated, on the balance of probabilities, sufficiently strong family, social or economic ties to satisfy me that you intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of your visit.

    my plan is to put £2,000 -£3,000 into her account to prove she has money, but then again i guess they will start to ask where she got it???
    Putting money in her account now doesn't prove she has her money, it will just prove that she is entirely reliant on others for financal support.

    One thing you need to avoid is trying to deceive the ECO in any way. As when/if you apply for a spouse/fiancee visa having previous refusals for visit visas shouldn't harm your case in any way. But trying to deceive the ECO can harm your case as the ECO may feel you are not entirely trustworthy.

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigandrhea View Post
    Ty for your comments, wow 66% chance of winning an appeal, thats better than the 33% chance of getting the visa in the first place.

    So does that give me some hope then
    that's the success rate for all types of appeals, for a VV it's lower than that

    did you read the rest of the sentence thou i dont think you have such a good chance as that with a VV.

    i don't think your chances are high of winning an appeal , she's is not a family member and the reasons for her refusal are very common

    but i wish you good luck thou

    and for an appeal i don't think you can submit new evidence, only the evidence that was available upto the time you made the visa app, as the case workers decision was based on the evidence you submitted, not evidence after you submitted your app

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    In English:

    Reason for Refusal:
    You applied for a 6 month visit visa so your girlfriend could see if she liked being with you, and the country. The Fiancee visa is designed for girlfirend/boyfriend (hence the word fiancee), and includes 6 months so your girlfriend could see if she liked being with you, and the country.

    Therefor you applied for the wrong visa, hence the high refusal rates for visitor visas for girlfirend/boyfriend.

    You DO NOT have to prove she will return with a fiancee visa, that is the difference, otherwise it is very hard to prove for relationships.

    In addition: You are married and applying for a visitor visa for a mistress! (That is the way it looks to an outsider)

    Ways around it: Only one, marry in the Philippines.
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Respected Member socool007's Avatar
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    I know how you feel i have been there,But please just forget about VV you will not get it.

  12. #12
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    I must be gettin old, but I consider a 19 year old - 'a child'. sorry.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleFingers View Post
    I must be gettin old, but I consider a 19 year old - 'a child'. sorry.
    under uk law i dont think there is one law that defines the age of a child, most either state a child is under 16 or 18yrs old.

    in immigration law, in the uk a child is under 18, EU law a child is under 21. so i would expect some challenges on setting the age of a settlement visa to 21, surely it has to be an infringement on your human rights. an adult over 18 can marry yet not bring their 18yr+ wife with them

  14. #14
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    In English:

    Reason for Refusal:

    The Fiancee visa is designed for girlfirend/boyfriend (hence the word fiancee).

    In addition: You are married and applying for a visitor visa for a mistress!
    (That is the way it looks to an outsider).

  15. #15
    Respected Member Frances's Avatar
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    hello there!

    I was also refuse vv and also appealed and after a month i receive a letter from the embassy that you cannot appeal on a vv.
    True love waits.

  16. #16
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    really sorry m8 to here a refusal (but did you really think thay would with you still being married to another women ) god moves in funny ways so kill the ex then you dont need a devorce solved lol sorry light humior it takes time m8 to sort it all out make list and work throuth it ,i was told if thay think the pinoy has nothink to come back to in the philippines then thay will probly refuse (no reason to come back to philippines ) gaz/ maybs ps killing ex was joke dont do it

  17. #17
    Respected Member reginacarlson's Avatar
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    Oh dear...that's complicated. I wish you all the best, don't lose hope just yet.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    under uk law i dont think there is one law that defines the age of a child, most either state a child is under 16 or 18yrs old.

    in immigration law, in the uk a child is under 18, EU law a child is under 21. so i would expect some challenges on setting the age of a settlement visa to 21, surely it has to be an infringement on your human rights. an adult over 18 can marry yet not bring their 18yr+ wife with them
    In Philippine Law, if you reach 18, you cannot marry without parental consent. But if you reach 21, you can marry without your parent's consent. Children under 18 cannot marry with or without consent. It is against the law

  19. #19
    Respected Member girl england's Avatar
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    i know the feelings bec.i was refuse a vv too 2008 january.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigandrhea View Post
    still leagaly married , until my divorce come through..

    Jumping the gun, a bit, huh...???

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frances View Post
    hello there!

    I was also refuse vv and also appealed and after a month i receive a letter from the embassy that you cannot appeal on a vv.
    you can if its for a close family member

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigandrhea View Post
    Hi ,
    Oh btw rhea is 19 , so we can not even get a fionce visa even if we wanted, cos of the new law change of being she needs to be 21, but iam still leagaly married , until my divorce come through..
    Goodluck, craig, you do need it. I don't wonder why the caseworker refused your VV. But I admire your determination for not giving up You may have a chance if you applied for a fiancee' visa instead of a vv. I've heard one member here applied the same while he was still married or something like his divorce was still ongoing, and their application for a fiancee' visa was approved.
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    Goodluck, craig, you do need it. I don't wonder why the caseworker refused your VV. But I admire your determination for not giving up You may have a chance if you applied for a fiancee' visa instead of a vv. I've heard one member here applied the same while he was still married or something like his divorce was still ongoing, and their application for a fiancee' visa was approved.
    As previously mentioned a fiancee visa isn't an option for a year or two as you have to be at least 21 to be granted a fiancee or spouse visa.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    As previously mentioned a fiancee visa isn't an option for a year or two as you have to be at least 21 to be granted a fiancee or spouse visa.
    oooops Sorry, I forgot about 21 years or above age requirement. Peace.
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  25. #25
    Respected Member fhara's Avatar
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    goodluck craig..things will be okay soon just trust above..
    ..there is one way to true and lasting peace....THAT WAY IS GOD'S WILL

  26. #26
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    I've heard one member here applied the same while he was still married or something like his divorce was still ongoing, and their application for a fiancee' visa was approved.
    Ruby came to visit me in UK before I received the Decree Absolute - but there was no question about my marital status in the VV application.

  27. #27
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Criag, A local travel agent said that at least £5k is needed in the applicant's bank account.

    Appeals can take months. My sis-in-law's visit visa was refused in Nov08. The latest letter states that her hearing would be in March 09. However, she got married last week to my scottish friend, which now means that she needs to apply for a spouse visa.

    Anyway, in your case, if appeal fails, you need to wait until she is 21 to apply for fiancee or spouse visa. Its a long and painful wait, so get her into a job or course and keep yourself occupied.

    Any chance that you can take an extended holiday? e.g. 2 years in the philippines. Its not expensive if you live like a local.


  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    Criag, A local travel agent said that at least £5k is needed in the applicant's bank account.
    I wouldn't trust that travel agent then as you've only got to look on this forum to see visas have been granted to people with a lot less than £5K in their bank account.

  29. #29
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    Hello everyone
    I'm a new member, just signed up tonight sitting in my hotel room in Manila with my Filipina gf by my side seeking advice on this very subject and am sad to read this thread, as I feel our circumstances are similar at this moment, we had been trying to decide whether to apply for the Visitors Visa in the next few days and was really coming hear hoping to find out how long you have to wait for the interview after applying, but after reading Craig's case, makes me think we will get refused also as my Filipina is currently unemployed and has no real money of her own!
    I was only hoping to bring her to London to see how she likes life in the UK before possibly applying for a fiancee visa in the future.

    So can others confirm that if your loved one has very little money and or also unemployed that you have next to no chance of being successful in your visa application, and when applying for a fiancee Visa does anyone know if financial status applies there?

    Thanks for any help, Hope your successful Craig!

  30. #30
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by complex View Post
    Hello everyone
    I'm a new member, just signed up tonight sitting in my hotel room in Manila with my Filipina gf by my side seeking advice on this very subject and am sad to read this thread, as I feel our circumstances are similar at this moment, we had been trying to decide whether to apply for the Visitors Visa in the next few days and was really coming hear hoping to find out how long you have to wait for the interview after applying, but after reading Craig's case, makes me think we will get refused also as my Filipina is currently unemployed and has no real money of her own!
    I was only hoping to bring her to London to see how she likes life in the UK before possibly applying for a fiancee visa in the future.

    So can others confirm that if your loved one has very little money and or also unemployed that you have next to no chance of being successful in your visa application, and when applying for a fiancee Visa does anyone know if financial status applies there?

    Thanks for any help, Hope your successful Craig!
    Join the club mate. We're all in, or have been in this situation.
    You can try for a visit visa if you want to, but in your situation & like most others, it will likely be refused.
    Go for the fiancee visa & she will have 6 months in the UK, to see if she likes it here. Bear in mind, you also need to marry within this time too.

    Alternatively marry her in the Phils & bring her back, on a spouse visa.

    These are your best 2 options.

    A word of advice, it's best you start your own thread, when seeking answers.

    Anyway, welcome here & Good luck!
    There are lots of people on here, with sound knowledge.

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