We all know the government fiddle the unemployment figures, as they assume we are all as dumb as them!
My lad, and his cousin get £30 a week for attending college for 2 days a week, so they are not unemployed.....but they are allowed to work....so that erm.....make them unemployed at the moment then!! But they are not included in the figures.
A distant relative of mine has been on aroun 10 courses over the last 5 years to 'retrain' him!!.......they have now given up and the Job Center got him on cares allowance for his elderly mother......so that keeps him off the unemployment list. He's lived with mummy all his life, her health has been the same for the last 20 years!!!
I wonder what the unemployment stats are if we use the method used back in the 80's? 4M+ I'll bet