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Thread: Share your thoughts

  1. #1
    Respected Member thejarvs's Avatar
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    Talking Share your thoughts


    To a wife,

    Is it easy being a british wife?

    To a husband,

    Is it easy being a filipina's husband?

  2. #2
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    firstly I think you should prefix the question with the statement

    marriage is not easy.. period. both parties have to work at it and anything worth having is usually got to be worked for

    That being said

    being married to Ligaya is just like the meaning of her name Joy and happieness

    Learning to deal with Tampo and stinky dilis have been my only hardships
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  3. #3
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    Marrying a british husband like my hubby,cant ask anything more

    wonder what he gonna say about filipina wife,lets wait till he read this thread

  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    firstly I think you should prefix the question with the statement

    marriage is not easy.. period. both parties have to work at it and anything worth having is usually got to be worked for

    That being said

    being married to Ligaya is just like the meaning of her name Joy and happieness

    Learning to deal with Tampo and stinky dilis have been my only hardships
    Can you ever really learn to deal with tampo, in my experience you just have to let it run it's course. I've come to the conclusion that all Filipina's need to have a good tampo every now and then and they usually aim their wrath at the husband whether he personally has done something to upset her or not.

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Marrying a british husband like my hubby,cant ask anything more

    wonder what he gonna say about filipina wife,lets wait till he read this thread
    Has he seen you in full blown tampo mode yet Mrs J?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Has he seen you in full blown tampo mode yet Mrs J?
    Oh yeah,but he said he dont bother and that was more annoying

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by thejarvs View Post

    To a wife,

    Is it easy being a british wife?

    To a husband,

    Is it easy being a filipina's husband?
    Marriage in intself, is hard enough. And it needs a lot of work from both the husband and the wife. Generally it might be harder because of the difference in culture but i guess it all depends on how far both of you are willing to compromise and understand each other's differences individually as well as culturally, to make the marriage work.
    I just got here last week, so i'm still trying to adapt how everything is done here. My husband was teasing me the other day, he told me "you can take the filipina out of the philippines but u cannot take the philippines out of the filipina". We just both laughed about it as i know my husband is giving me more time to adjust to the way of life here. At thesame time, on my end, i am also trying to learn to do everything around here the british way and try to keep up fast And so far, i'm having a blast! U just need to be more flexible and open-minded to new things that come your way.
    And most importantly, be happy and decide to be happy no matter what the circumstances are - good or bad. Its all on the attitude. We cannot control bad things from happening but we can control how are we gonna react to it. So its always best to deal with it positively and with the right attitude.

  8. #8
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Sophie;123274]Marriage in intself, is hard enough. And it needs a lot of work from both the husband and the wife. Generally it might be harder because of the difference in culture but i guess it all depends on how far both of you are willing to compromise and understand each other's differences individually as well as culturally, to make the marriage work.
    I just got here last week, so i'm still trying to adapt how everything is done here. My husband was teasing me the other day, he told me "you can take the filipina out of the philippines but u cannot take the philippines out of the filipina". We just both laughed about it as i know my husband is giving me more time to adjust to the way of life here. At thesame time, on my end, i am also trying to learn to do everything around here the british way and try to keep up fast And so far, i'm having a blast! U just need to be more flexible and open-minded to new things that come your way.
    And most importantly, be happy and decide to be happy no matter what the circumstances are - good or bad. Its all on the attitude. We cannot control bad things from happening but we can control how are we gonna react to it. So its always best to deal with it positively and with the right attitude.[/QUOTE]

    Well said Sophie, you will be fine here in the UK with that attitude.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  9. #9
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    amen to that

  10. #10
    Respected Member Happy_Now's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Oh yeah,but he said he dont bother and that was more annoying

    Learning to deal with Tampo and stinky dilis have been my only hardships
    hehehehehehe(from ligaya)

    hurray! im not alone!
    During the first year of our marriage, this is my struggles
    He cant descern im in "tampo"
    Im in a room whole day, and he just ignore me
    He tought im not well
    Im jealousbecause he always on the phone talking with a lady friend about her new sex toy. Unpleasant to me and i think something fishy. What i did, drink one bottle of lambrella, after being drunk i confronted him
    He just laugh, and said, if he only can erase all of his past, knowing & loving me will he save...

    Im wondering if the word "SUYO" is not "uso" to brit?

    Marriage without argument is abnormal
    "Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city"...
    (Psalm 31:21)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broken Hearted View Post
    Im wondering if the word "SUYO" is not "uso" to brit?

    Marriage without argument is abnormal

    hehe he did making suyo or offering for peace when he saw me in tampo,
    because if not...:bluegrab:

  12. #12
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Marriage in intself, is hard enough. And it needs a lot of work from both the husband and the wife. Generally it might be harder because of the difference in culture but i guess it all depends on how far both of you are willing to compromise and understand each other's differences individually as well as culturally, to make the marriage work.
    I just got here last week, so i'm still trying to adapt how everything is done here. My husband was teasing me the other day, he told me "you can take the filipina out of the philippines but u cannot take the philippines out of the filipina". We just both laughed about it as i know my husband is giving me more time to adjust to the way of life here. At thesame time, on my end, i am also trying to learn to do everything around here the british way and try to keep up fast And so far, i'm having a blast! U just need to be more flexible and open-minded to new things that come your way.
    And most importantly, be happy and decide to be happy no matter what the circumstances are - good or bad. Its all on the attitude. We cannot control bad things from happening but we can control how are we gonna react to it. So its always best to deal with it positively and with the right attitude.
    Very true, I've said that to my wife more than once.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    I think its too early for me to say Well I will try based on my exp now. Indeed, its really hard both must work it out to flourish everything in the relationship. Esp having a baby and more to come Lots lots and lots of struggle. Selfgiving, understanding and so on ... As my husband always says we will cross that bridge when we get there

  14. #14
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    well i noticed with my husband when i have tampo or i'm upset with him. he always ask what's wrong even he already knew what is really wrong
    which makes me more upset..
    now he knows me well. when i have tampo he'll just leave me alone till my tampo subsides...

  15. #15
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    My husband doesn't even know that word... perhaps because I don't get tampo I just get upset and angry and when I'm upset he just leaves me alone...

  16. #16
    Member faithgareth's Avatar
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    it's hard everytime we argue on something because there are some words that i cant express in english and i wish he would understand it when i say it in tagalog or ilonggo...sigh

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