Dear Friends,
It seems that we always have lots of 'not so good' things to say regarding this country. From homesickness to weather. Much have been said and sometimes made us more depressed and missing more our beloved country...
Now, let us make it different this time 'round. Let us be more positive.

Britons can contribute here too...
Guide phrases:
I love this country because...
What I learnt here...
What amazes me...
I have learnt to love UK...
I am happy because...
etc etc etc... (please add more, just about anything really!)
Let me start:
What I love about this country is the:

It has 4 seasons:
Spring (You can see lots of animals hopping & running around - Drivers be careful not to bump into them; Flowers, vegetables & fruits are its best!)
Summer (SUN, airconditioned SUN! No sweating excessively; Days are longer than nights; at 8PM Sun is still up and skies are bright; BBQ-ing with friends)
Autumn (orange, red & yellow leaves, how do they change colours?)
Winter (CHRISTMAS SEASON! snuggly and cozy drinking hot chocolate in a winter dark night sitting by the fireplace with the one you love
