thats what I thought eljhono after reading through all these.I thought that she might be married back in PI and that she is just using the poor white man financially...
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
she says that she is illegal and her family have a hold over her - also when she is out, if she sees other filipino's she covers her head in case she is recognised. She also will not meet any more of andrews friends and does not tend to want to mix in - I am thinking that this is because the more people that know her, the more chance that her story will not add up. Andrew says that it is because she is afraid of people and very shy and timid.
I am just thinking - what if she is reading these posts - actually I hope she is because maybe she will know that although Andrew is being blind at the moment, his friends do care about him and will take action to not see him being scammed.
If she is here as a TNT the stories gone from bad to worse,I have a friend in North London who got entangled with a similar sort of woman,similar sort of age,nothing but trouble,she twisted him around her little fingers like a strand of copper wire,my mates not exactly slow,he is a computer engineer,but he has the mental age of a 12 year old kid in social situations,no confidence with women etc,never had girlfriends when he was younger,you know the sort,is "Andrew" similar?How old is he?She is one nail he has to hit on the head,jettison her ASAP,if he is smitten with her your best bet is to back away,get on with your own life,its not your problem,he will waken up once she has wrung him dry,her karma hopefully awaits in the not too distant futureOne question though,if she is working how?Isnt her employer aware of the hefty fines for employing illegals?
thank you tawi - you have described him perfectly. She works different jobs but has told him that she is illegal - we don't know if she is illegal or not - she says that her family in the uk is holding her passport and papers so she cannot access them to show Andrew. Also she says she was brought here to mind their children - she then got a job with the families blessing but must come straight home from the job. She also says that her family thinks "all white men are bad" - if this is so why did she move to a country that is full of white men.
none of her stories seem to add up. This is the worrying thing.
She is 35 - surely her family do not still have control of her.
I met countless guys like that worried,they go to asia and suddenly think they are in adult disneyland,they didnt have much experience with women when they were in their teens or twenties and lose all reason when a half decent looking women takes notice of them in later lifeGive the guy distance,back away and let them sort out their own problems,he wont take notice of you anyway,when I was based in Hong Kong we used to call it "P*ssy-whipped",enjoy your own life,let him come to his senses if and when he is ready,how old is he?
he is 48
its easy to say back off. But he is going to lose everything and be left with nothing. I don't want to back off until this happens and then say "oh I could have told you that would happen" He needs someone to put him straight now, even if only to put it into his head so he would be more cautious.
also, he never went to asia - I don't think he ever mentioned a filipino woman before he met this person - I don't even think he knew what the capital was. He is not well travelled at all and is not well up on socialising with a lot of women.
48?Mid-life crisis time for some of usHe is a grown man anna,you cant live his life for him,if he makes mistakes its down to him to rectify them or live with them
Ok then,have a word,plant the seed in his mind,then back off,if it germinates and he clues on all well and good,if it whithers on stony ground dont worry because at least you tried
Dont stress about someone elses problems,enjoy the sunny bank holiday weather
If he "Met her through work" what was he working as and what was she working as that brought them together for sufficient time to allow a "Relationship" to blossom?![]()
I think that filipina is really a damn beautiful it ? because youre friend is really dying inlove to her...![]()
yes, he got an extra job working in a restaurant and she was there - the "romance" blossomed on drives home - he took the staff home in his car to save them money purchasing a cab - she was the last one to be dropped off each night and they got talking.
yes, she is a pretty woman, but then the majority of Filipinos are very pretty.
if you are too concern of your friend (which i'm sure you are)... why don't you go to her house when she's not there and see for yourself if the people there is her relatives or if she's telling the truth![]()
not crawling at all - its a fact. some races are prettier than others - filipinos happen to be a handsome race.
I would go to her house but I don't know where she lives - its a secret.
No fool like an old fool![]()
Easy to find her house,ask him where he used to drop her off![]()
its clear she is hiding something (SHE IS MARRIED). if its the family who holds her passport how come she is able to get a job as employer usually asks for it. if shes here illegal then theres no chance for them to get married here.
try following her after her work for sure you know where it is. Whereabouts are you? maybe one of us here is near your place and can help you know about this girl. You may also try to search on networking sites like friendster or facebook and search for the name of the girl who knows she got one.
yes can you say the area you are in or even the name of the restaurent maybe someone on here knows the place or even heri would'nt mind eating out especialy if i am going to be served by a pretty filipina
Sorry to state the obvious but this might not end well for your friend and if he is so smitten with this girl talking to him will not work.
I hope though he realises what good friends he has with you guys![]()
Go the local fitness centre and hire a tough guy to go round to ask why he'swith his wife!
Keith - Administrator
Most Filipinas are pretty? Some are some aren't.
I am, of course, startling sort of cross between Brad Pitt, Stan Ogden and Baden Powell.
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