How to Gain Trust Back After an Affair - Rebuild Your Relationship
Is it already too late? She's probably thinking that there is no way she'll ever be forgiven after having an affair. She is really in big trouble this time. She realizes the mistake she has made because she has lost something she can never have again. Now, she is trying to figure out how to gain trust back after having an affair in a relationship.
Most people believe that if a partner had an affair it is enough cause to end a relationship. But there are also those who disagree. I think a relationship can be saved regardless of how crazy things may be, if both parties are willing to work it out.
However, in situations where cheating is involve it would certainly require more effort and hard work. Rebuilding trust after an affair requires an adjustment in your attitude and in your course of action.
There is no excuse for hurting her husband the way she did. She cannot undo what she has done but the good news is she can fix it which she already is doing. But before she can make amends she will have to recall what made her or pushed her to be unfaithful.
She has to ask herself some basic questions like, when she strayed, was there something she is looking for she feels is missing in their relationship. Was it the sex? Does he lack quality time together or communication? Was he too busy to be with her? Was she looking for someone who looks a bit more good looking and someone who spends time to make himself lovable?
Let's face it, she will not get into another affair if she is happy with how their relationship is going. If she wants to get back together with her husband she must first make sure that she will not commit the same mistakes again.
Make an honest self analysis of the situation. Find out how she can fix the core issues and problems of the relationship. After she has pinpointed the main problem only then she can try to fix restoring the lost trust between them.
In some instances it requires the couple to undergo marriage or relationship counseling. This is a big step for both of them if they want to really understand each others thoughts. However, she must also be ready to make concrete steps to clear things out.
The best she can do right now is not only to make small promises but make sure she has the will and strength to keep them. That includes even the smallest promises. Or take a sincere effort to know his family or support him in his job and undertakings. This is the key to healing and regain her husband's trust. Do it and do it consistently.
If her husband sees that she is really serious in keeping her word, this will help a great deal in gaining the trust back. When she has proved that she is worthy to be trusted even in small things, he will give her a second chance and take the risk to trust her again.
Her words and more importantly, her actions should assure her husband that she has already changed. She has to be prepared to treat comments about her cheating to surface every once in a while. Give him time to forget. If she really wants to be with him, she should learn to be patient.
Learning how to gain trust back after infidelity takes time. It requires a change in ones attitude and actions. Just keep a positive outlook in the situation and believe that you can bring back the intimacy and love you once shared and heal the wound that damaged what was once a beautiful relationship.
In the next two minutes you will be on your way to rebuilding your relationship without losing your self-respect.
Everyone has made mistakes in the past. They can learn from it.