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Thread: collecting pictures from ex gfs

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post

    After reading a few posts...nobody has suggested the obvious solution..... simply delete them all...and dont forget to "empty" Recycle Bin ..or he can simply restore them.
    Personally, i don't think it's a good idea to just delete them behind his back....
    those are his personal things, i will not just get rid of them without his knowledge.....
    if there's anyone who should delete those photos, it has to be him....on his own initiative...not me
    After all, if he really loves me, he would not do anything that would upset nor hurt me in any way....
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  2. #32
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    nagool ko nga nagbasa kay nagpakarong ingnon ka diay nga malipayon ka Some western guys just go to places like pinas,thailand etc for a much younger woman they can dominate,dont be upset,chat to him,make him realise how upset you are.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Personally, i don't think it's a good idea to just delete them behind his back....
    those are his personal things, i will not just get rid of them without his knowledge.....
    if there's anyone who should delete those photos, it has to be him....on his own initiative...not me
    After all, if he really loves me, he would not do anything that would upset nor hurt me in any way....
    I`ve just thought of that as well soph
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  4. #34
    Respected Member miss.piggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Personally, i don't think it's a good idea to just delete them behind his back....
    those are his personal things, i will not just get rid of them without his knowledge.....
    if there's anyone who should delete those photos, it has to be him....on his own initiative...not me
    After all, if he really loves me, he would not do anything that would upset nor hurt me in any way....
    I agree. Deleting pictures is just one thing anyways, but liking to keep dirty pictures is another and yet in fact the bigger issue.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    I`ve just thought of that as well soph
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  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss.piggy View Post
    I agree. Deleting pictures is just one thing anyways, but liking to keep dirty pictures is another and yet in fact the bigger issue.
    If i have shown him enough respect by not deleting those photos behind his back,
    then he should respect me thesame way, by deleting and getting rid of those photos himself.....voluntarily...
    atleast he owe me that.....
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovelylady View Post

    hi kim thanks for this site and i will going to face the reality that maybe that his hobby in life collecting pictures of his ex even its dirty pictures
    I think having pics of exes is ok, I even asked my boyfriend before to show me their pictures but naughty pictures are a different story. Why would he still keep them?

    It made me concerned I just emailed my boyfriend asking him if he have those. He better not or else I will be very very hurt.

    I hope you get to talk to him about it and it will be sorted out. Take
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  8. #38
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    I have thousands of slides from my life before I met my wife.
    They go back to 1979 when I first bought a good camera, there are photos of everything: ships, birds, trees, mountains, people and some of ex-girlfriends too.

    So, what do I have to do? Go through thousands of slides and throw away every picture of an ex.?

    I think that is so childish.
    IMO, I think we should all trust our husband or wife.
    What is marriage if it is not based on trust and love.
    I thought love is based on trust.
    Mine is.

    I wouldn't dream of looking at another woman in the street, whether I was with my wife or not.
    I have told her this.
    I have told her that even a naked Angel Locsin would not make me want to betray the love we have, or any other woman for that matter.
    I think that anyone who cannot trust their loved one cannot trust themselves!

    My friend is an amateur photographer. He takes pictures of naked ladies on photoshoots. He also takes amazing pictures of landscapes and sells them on his website.
    When my wife met him he showed her his portfolio. He is a very good photographer and he loves his wife 100%

    So, should he throw away his portfolio then?

    There are people that cheat on each other every day in every country, they may not have photos of their ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends.

    Having photographs on a pc or in print or on slides doesn't mean that the relationship is doomed.
    I wouldn't ask my wife to watch them as I know she would not like it, but it is part of my past and means just that - past.

    Openness and honesty keeps love alive.
    IMO, we should talk to our loved ones and trust them above all.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    One problem with that Arturo,LL has already said her husband might get angry,erasing them might cause a row its the obvious solution but it might trigger an adverse reaction,
    Rubbish, if the loving husband found a stack of pix from a load of guys.... he would do as I suggested...delete them and remind his partner that those days are gone.

    I am surprised he even keeps the pix - unless its to boost his ego.

    I assume most if not all guys with a filipina GF/wife/partner collected lots of these pix. When the choice is made to settle down, its common decency to bin the failures. Its what I did...and a busload of stored emails.

    Having made a commitment to the lady, what guy wants any reminder of others anyway.

    Each to his own..but it seems odd to me, and the other thing I notice is the lady seems to live in fear of him being angry with her? She's his wife not his slave. Or am I just too old fashioned in my attitude to a lady.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Openness and honesty keeps love alive.
    IMO, we should talk to our loved ones and trust them above all.
    BUT the guy with the pix in the thread not being open and honest, his wife found them on his computer. Thats a form of deceit from him.
    Open and honest is..."BTW darling I have a wagon load of photos on my computer of ladies before you - do you object".

    And if she lives in fear of him being that OK also?

    I know I am not a kid any more but is this typical of todays standards.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovelylady View Post

    hi kim thanks for this site and i will going to face the reality that maybe that his hobby in life collecting pictures of his ex even its dirty pictures
    Dirty pictures? Meaning, nude ones and showing it to friends? wow! he sounds like the "still picture" version of Hayden Kho.

    If he's just a bf, run away. If he's a husband.. well, think a thousand-fold if you want to spend the rest of your wonderful life with him.

    But then, I may be wrong. As usual, my fair advice is to communicate/air your feelings with your man.

    My bf didn't hesitate deleting his old gf's pics when I told him that I wasn't comfortable seeing them in his network page. That only shows he respects me. Hope your bf will do the same for you too.

  12. #42
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    i have heard this ----- have you got pictures of your ex's ffs THEY ARE GONE PAST DECESSED yes some guys do have pics of ex's girls get a life stop being so jealous:icon_lolYOUR HUSBAND MARRIED you THE PAST IS GONE

    ALSO REMEMBER YOUR HUSBANDS MIGHT HAVE HAD CHILDREN WITH THOSE EX'S so dont expect him to throw away pictures if his children are in the pictures

    and yes some guys do collect dirty pictures of there girlfriends

    i heard one story where the guy still has pictures on the living room wall of his ex wife i think thats pushing it to far

  13. #43
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Take a picture of his snoozing tadger and show it your friends! and laugh at how small it is!
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I have thousands of slides from my life before I met my wife.
    They go back to 1979 when I first bought a good camera, there are photos of everything: ships, birds, trees, mountains, people and some of ex-girlfriends too.

    So, what do I have to do? Go through thousands of slides and throw away every picture of an ex.?

    I think that is so childish.
    IMO, I think we should all trust our husband or wife.
    What is marriage if it is not based on trust and love.
    I thought love is based on trust.
    Mine is.

    I wouldn't dream of looking at another woman in the street, whether I was with my wife or not.
    I have told her this.
    I have told her that even a naked Angel Locsin would not make me want to betray the love we have, or any other woman for that matter.
    I think that anyone who cannot trust their loved one cannot trust themselves!

    My friend is an amateur photographer. He takes pictures of naked ladies on photoshoots. He also takes amazing pictures of landscapes and sells them on his website.
    When my wife met him he showed her his portfolio. He is a very good photographer and he loves his wife 100%

    So, should he throw away his portfolio then?

    There are people that cheat on each other every day in every country, they may not have photos of their ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends.

    Having photographs on a pc or in print or on slides doesn't mean that the relationship is doomed.
    I wouldn't ask my wife to watch them as I know she would not like it, but it is part of my past and means just that - past.

    Openness and honesty keeps love alive.
    IMO, we should talk to our loved ones and trust them above all.


    THE ONE PROBLEM WITH SOME FILIPINA IS THERE JEALOUS MINDS but as it has been said ----if we are not jealous we dont love you FFS

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Personally, i don't think it's a good idea to just delete them behind his back....
    those are his personal things, i will not just get rid of them without his knowledge.....
    if there's anyone who should delete those photos, it has to be him....on his own initiative...not me
    After all, if he really loves me, he would not do anything that would upset nor hurt me in any way....
    To be honest the post was originally a bit tongue in cheek. But on reflection and seeing that no post have addressd the commenst about being afraid he will be angry with her. Surely she had a right to be angry with him!

    The pictures may have the ex in front of the Taj Mahal - does he want to be reminded of that?

    I am also assuming these particular pictures are not - in the main - tourist /holiday photo's - and may be "Contact" photo's.

    And although its been suggested...the lady is obviously not confident that bringing the matter to the husband for discussion is going to get very far.

    Mutual trust and openess are the only way for a successful relationship....IMHO!

  16. #46
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Calm down arturo,I am the one with the Taj Mahal pics,and I was defending the lady,she lives in fear of him,read her posts,any guy in his late 40's with pics of a 19 year old in the nude laughing and giggling about his "Conquests" with his friends to boost his ego is a bit sad but thats just my opinion,I do think the anger issues is something that needs sorting though

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post

    THE ONE PROBLEM WITH SOME FILIPINA IS THERE JEALOUS MINDS but as it has been said ----if we are not jealous we dont love you FFS
    LOL, very true, you be very scared if your wife doesn't get jealous at all or anymore.....
    that could mean she doesn't really give a damn about you and doesn't really love you or doesn't love you anymore, lol
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  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Take a picture of his snoozing tadger and show it your friends! and laugh at how small it is!
    very clever idea a good payback, lol
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
    To be honest the post was originally a bit tongue in cheek. But on reflection and seeing that no post have addressd the commenst about being afraid he will be angry with her. Surely she had a right to be angry with him!

    The pictures may have the ex in front of the Taj Mahal - does he want to be reminded of that?

    I am also assuming these particular pictures are not - in the main - tourist /holiday photo's - and may be "Contact" photo's.

    And although its been suggested...the lady is obviously not confident that bringing the matter to the husband for discussion is going to get very far.

    Mutual trust and openess are the only way for a successful relationship....IMHO!
    I agree
    They should discuss this properly and she should not be scared to raise this issue, she has all the right to question him about those dirty photos....
    She cannot "bite her tongue" forever and just pretend to be ok even if she's uncomfortable and hurting's not fair.....

    Maybe i can tolerate my hubby keeping some stockpiles of angelina jolie, pamela anderson, carmen electra photos and other celebrities.......
    but if he is piling up stocks of photos of his ex's, then that's a different story, lol....specially if they were dirty way! lol
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  20. #50
    Respected Member D&G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    LOL, very true, you be very scared if your wife doesn't get jealous at all or anymore.....
    that could mean she doesn't really give a damn about you and doesn't really love you or doesn't love you anymore, lol
    sooo very true, Sophie!

    i think i'm one of those with "ex-girlfriend jealousy syndrome" my hunny & I had some not-so-good moments because of my major jealousy problem..i would always tell him to be happy that im still jealous because it only means im so much inlove with him otherwise i wouldn't give a damn! well, it took time to develop the trust & confidence..until one day i've decided & needed to stop being jealous and curious about his ex and instead live in the moment..i stopped thinking about her and our relationship got better.

    i understand that every guy, no matter what, has an ex-gf and keeping mementos of his past is sometimes inevitable (there might be a reason) but keeping nude/dirty photos of his ex-gf is a different story.

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    I agree

    Maybe i can tolerate my hubby keeping some stockpiles of angelina jolie, pamela anderson, carmen electra photos and other celebrities.......
    but if he is piling up stocks of photos of his ex's, then that's a different story, lol....specially if they were dirty way! lol

    exactly! i don't mind my hunny keeping pics/vids of gorgeous celebs as i myself got pics of Brad Pitt, David beckham & Theo Walcott but dirty photos of an a big NO!

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by D&G View Post
    sooo very true, Sophie!

    i think i'm one of those with "ex-girlfriend jealousy syndrome" my hunny & I had some not-so-good moments because of my major jealousy problem..i would always tell him to be happy that im still jealous because it only means im so much inlove with him otherwise i wouldn't give a damn! well, it took time to develop the trust & confidence..until one day i've decided & needed to stop being jealous and curious about his ex and instead live in the moment..i stopped thinking about her and our relationship got better.

    i understand that every guy, no matter what, has an ex-gf and keeping mementos of his past is sometimes inevitable (there might be a reason) but keeping nude/dirty photos of his ex-gf is a different story.
    same here
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  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by D&G View Post
    exactly! i don't mind my hunny keeping pics/vids of gorgeous celebs as i myself got pics of Brad Pitt, David beckham & Theo Walcott but dirty photos of an a big NO!
    Yeah, we are guilty of thesame thing too, lol
    and i so have the hots for brad pitt too, lol
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  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovelylady View Post
    i feel that he not respect me cause why he cant erase that dirty pictures of his ex then i found it i know he knows as well.he dont have feelings of what i really feel,he love to share to his friend to show off what they doing im just stay silent even i found already what his secret.
    let him realise that you are better than his ex... show that you are to respected and those dirty pictures should not be passed to anyone. He doesnt only disrespect you...he is a well dis respecting himself. Dont show your weakness (dont cry). Talk to him and make him understand your feelings and let it sink in to his mind that he doesnt need those pictures as he found a better lady which is you.

    cheer up

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovelylady View Post
    hi i was feel mad when i found my honey still collection ex pictures and i feel he still love them even they gone already on his life its hard for him to erase it.i saw that pictures on his pc when i was using on his pc and i want to confront him but maybe he will get so angry to me all i do is just keep crying:bigcr.what should i do?he still loves her until now or not?i need some help.

    Hi lovelylady! I can understand why you are feeling this way. Cheer up coz u're lovely

    We all feel weird about our partner's exes and that's just normal. I find it WEIRD that ur hubby is keeping "dirty" photos of his ex talk to him about's no good hiding the pain. Let him know how u feel. Have a good talk with him. In every relationship, COMMUNICATION is very important. he should care about how you feel but if he doesn't, you know what, i'm afraid he's probably not worth your love...

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    and i so have the hots for brad pitt too, lol
    do u mind sharing?? LOL

  27. #57
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    hi lovelylady,
    well, that not very good then,, i dont have an idea why he still collecting dirty pics of his advice is confront him,,in that way you will see if how important you are in his life,,if he going to delete it well, that means he really loves you..but if not and give you a row instead, obviously that dirty pics of his ex gf are more important to him than you in short he still love his ex gf because his proud of it and keep showing it to his there is the saying " if you love the person you must be proud of them " hehe, thats in my own opinion ok....
    so try to confront your bf, so that you will know what you are in his life..

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by D&G View Post
    do u mind sharing?? LOL
    by all means lol
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  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
    BUT the guy with the pix in the thread not being open and honest, his wife found them on his computer. Thats a form of deceit from him.
    Open and honest is..."BTW darling I have a wagon load of photos on my computer of ladies before you - do you object".

    And if she lives in fear of him being that OK also?

    I know I am not a kid any more but is this typical of todays standards.
    Yes, you have two good points there, Arturo.
    I suppose he got caught out with the photos instead of coming clean.

    So sad for anyone to live in fear
    I live in fear of my wife's disapproving look.
    I mean I quake in my boots.......what was it about Asian ladies being submissive My wife stops me in my tracks with a look at 30 paces

  30. #60
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    thank u all of u guys for the good opinion hereyes i have fear to him if he get angry but we are married i cant get rid of himi keep upbringing this problem w/ him i got now until forever coz im sure he dont like to erase the ditry pictures cause he love too his very proud with that than me.this my life maybe

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