Hello all,
After reading the BBC websites coverage of the trial in Iran of a British Embassy worker, I got pretty miffed.It seems the days are long gone when a foreign country would have been given a countdown to military action for such an agreagous act of war.
Remember, Iran had also (recently) captured British military officers and were given simply a verbal slap on the wrist
Now I am far from a war mongerer, but surely we need to look after our own citizens and particularly those our government sends out to those areas! And not giving the Iranians a timescale till the bombs drop is just pandering to their already inflated national ego.
Perhaps I am simply not seeing the larger picture here, but I think world leaders should not accept some third world despotic country, when it is clear that they neither respect nor care for human life. The recent elections were clearly a fraud and we stood back and let those who protested die in the (possibly) hundreds whilst we were too busy mourning the loss of Michael JacksonAnd no world leader, not even Barack Obama told Tehran Anything other than how "concerned" the world is.
But today, all we get from our foreign secretary is a statement telling the world he is "deeply concerned". And this is David "dithering" Miliband speaking, often spoken of as the next Labour leader and possible PM![]()
Tehran must bethemselves laughing....