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Thread: Filipina whoes husband is dying in the UK

  1. #1
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Exclamation Filipina whoes husband is dying in the UK

    Hi all,
    There is a Filipina married to a British man living in the same housing complex as me.
    She does not have a computer so I am writing this on her behalf.
    She met a British man through her work in the Philippines 25 years ago, and came to the UK soon after they married.
    When her retired in 1984 after 30 years in the police service they went to the Philippines to live.
    He became seriously ill around three years ago and came back to the UK because of his medical treatment cost.
    He is now in a hospice and not expected to live more than weeks.
    She paid a full stamp when she worked in the UK before they retired to the Philippines.
    She wants to return to be with her family in the Philippines after nature takes its course.
    She will be entitled to a widow’s pension from his occupational one, should she also be entitled to a British state widows pension and be able to receive them in the Philippines?
    She is 58 at the moment.
    I realise for details she needs to contact both pension providers but I was hoping we could put her mind at rest while she continues to care for her husband.
    Hoping somone can help her.

  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hello Mick,

    Shouldnt be a problem, if her husband is deceased at some point, then of course she would need to contact DWP at her local office, they will give her the necessary forms, a colleague of mine (female) who is 60 recently lost her husband, she has received a widows pension.

    Secondly, if the lady is entitled to her own pension through his employment or similar, she would need to contact them on death of her spouse, no doubt there will be some papework to complete.

    Should she then wish to return to Philippines, thats fine, the pensions would need to be paid to a UK Account, however with DWP I understand there is an overseas payment section, they would need to be contacted, all this information is on DWP website but if she does not have access to a PC, then go to local JOB CENTRE PLUS OFFICE in local town, they can answer any queries and provide any information leaflets. hope this helps Mick.

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all,
    There is a Filipina married to a British man living in the same housing complex as me.
    She does not have a computer so I am writing this on her behalf.
    She met a British man through her work in the Philippines 25 years ago, and came to the UK soon after they married.
    When her retired in 1984 after 30 years in the police service they went to the Philippines to live.
    He became seriously ill around three years ago and came back to the UK because of his medical treatment cost.
    He is now in a hospice and not expected to live more than weeks.
    She paid a full stamp when she worked in the UK before they retired to the Philippines.
    She wants to return to be with her family in the Philippines after nature takes its course.
    She will be entitled to a widow’s pension from his occupational one, should she also be entitled to a British state widows pension and be able to receive them in the Philippines?
    She is 58 at the moment.
    I realise for details she needs to contact both pension providers but I was hoping we could put her mind at rest while she continues to care for her husband.
    Hoping somone can help her.
    Hi Mick
    I think her entitlement to the UK state pension may be reduced or even non existent because given that they went to live in Phils in 1984, I don't think she will have paid anywhere near enough NI contributions to qualify...... well definately not for the full amount.


  4. #4
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Hi Mick
    I think her entitlement to the UK state pension may be reduced or even non existent because given that they went to live in Phils in 1984, I don't think she will have paid anywhere near enough NI contributions to qualify...... well definately not for the full amount.


    Thanks Pete and Iain, I think I had better confirm the dates with her and get back to you on the time they lived in the Philippines, I have tried to explain it would be best not to hurry too much with her plans but to get her finances sorted first, I know her husband handled all the finances and hopefully he has left her provided for, as a new friend I do not think it my place to advise on somthing I know little about, but do want to help her where I can.

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Thanks Pete and Iain, I think I had better confirm the dates with her and get back to you on the time they lived in the Philippines, I have tried to explain it would be best not to hurry too much with her plans but to get her finances sorted first, I know her husband handled all the finances and hopefully he has left her provided for, as a new friend I do not think it my place to advise on somthing I know little about, but do want to help her where I can.
    That's very nieghbourly! Good for you.

  6. #6
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    The UK has a pension agreement with the Philippines,meaning any pension due can be paid direct to a bank in the Philippines,also any Uk pension increase will be passed on.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all,
    There is a Filipina married to a British man living in the same housing complex as me.
    She does not have a computer so I am writing this on her behalf.
    She met a British man through her work in the Philippines 25 years ago, and came to the UK soon after they married.
    When her retired in 1984 after 30 years in the police service they went to the Philippines to live.
    He became seriously ill around three years ago and came back to the UK because of his medical treatment cost.
    He is now in a hospice and not expected to live more than weeks.
    She paid a full stamp when she worked in the UK before they retired to the Philippines.
    She wants to return to be with her family in the Philippines after nature takes its course.
    She will be entitled to a widow’s pension from his occupational one, should she also be entitled to a British state widows pension and be able to receive them in the Philippines?
    She is 58 at the moment.
    I realise for details she needs to contact both pension providers but I was hoping we could put her mind at rest while she continues to care for her husband.
    Hoping somone can help her.
    Hi all, just to say the husband died on Saturday 12th September.
    I will help her with the pension paperwork where I can, and of course support her at this time.Mick.

  8. #8
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Condolences to her. Does this form help at all.

    She should get the state widows pension based on his contributions. She will also be entitled to the pension from his occupational scheme.

    For her- at 60 years old she would be entitled to claim a pension from the DWP based on her contributions. Therefore she should ask for a pension forecast showing what her pension will be from her 60 birthday. This can be done online or by mail.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all, just to say the husband died on Saturday 12th September.
    I will help her with the pension paperwork where I can, and of course support her at this time.Mick.
    Oh my... that's sad. What's the husband's name? I'm asking as Simon (my fiance), who works with the police, might know him and can help if he can.

    Our condolences.

  10. #10
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=gary2jessica;173035]Condolences to her. Does this form help at all.

    Hi gary2jessica,
    Thank you for the information I will show this to her, but I am sure she has made her mind up before that she wants to return to the Philippines to be with her family, we will try to see what she is intitled to.

  11. #11
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    Oh my... that's sad. What's the husband's name? I'm asking as Simon (my fiance), who works with the police, might know him and can help if he can.

    Our condolences.
    Hi Florge,
    Thanks for your offer of possible help.
    I will ask her about this to make sure if its allright for me to give his surname.

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all, just to say the husband died on Saturday 12th September.
    I will help her with the pension paperwork where I can, and of course support her at this time.Mick.
    Sad news, Mick ... sincere condolences to your bereaved neighbour! It's heartwarming to know, though, that you and Jennifer will be on hand to comfort and sustain her through this dark period.

    Kindest Regards, my friend,


  13. #13
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Very sad news indeed!

    Condolences to her and family.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all, just to say the husband died on Saturday 12th September.
    I will help her with the pension paperwork where I can, and of course support her at this time.Mick.
    Sad news indeed, my condolences to her and her family, hopefully she will be ok, and it's really nice of you mick for helping her out
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  15. #15
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    My condolences to her and family, very sad news indeed.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all, just to say the husband died on Saturday 12th September.
    I will help her with the pension paperwork where I can, and of course support her at this time.Mick.
    that's sad. Nice of you to be of help Mick.
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  17. #17
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Sad news. Blessings and thoughts to the bereaved and family!

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  18. #18
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    Hi Mick,

    Sad news indeed. Getting back to her possible N.I. contributions, her Husband may of continued paying her contributions for her.

    Well done Mick

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all, just to say the husband died on Saturday 12th September.
    I will help her with the pension paperwork where I can, and of course support her at this time.Mick.
    That is very sad, good on you Mick for helping her out at this sad time in her life.


  20. #20
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi all, the funeral was on Friday morning, not many there but from the wifes (Ann) side there were around 15 Filipinos one sand "My Way" which was very good.
    On the questions about his Police pension and her state pension when she is 60 in two years, a relitive who lives in London has taken that in hand, which is a relif for me as I felt uneasy about asking such personal questions but we now know she will get all the help she needs.
    She does still intend going home to Cebue as soon as practable, but we will be staying in touch.
    She did know I was asking help here and I have passed on peoples kind regards.

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