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Thread: British Men.. Victims of 25 years of Womens Liberation

  1. #1
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    British Men.. Victims of 25 years of Womens Liberation

    Having read a few of the threads concerning the reason most British men like Filipinas, and in my opinion the issue is not one of sex, and just how good the Pinay is or is not in bed. After all if one is just looking for exotic sex, a weekend in Amsterdam should suffice... its closer, cheaper, can fit into most work schedules; and be paid for by credit card with a discreet company address..

    So, assuming the Pinay is no better or worse than any other nationality in the sack; then what is the attraction?..

    The issue is the Pinays' attitude to family, and the place she holds within the family structure. To all intents and purposes she is the mother and custodian of everything that is needed to hold the family together. She expects her husband to be industrious and provide for their immediate family. She will be the one to handle the family budget, and everything pertaining to the running of the houshold....

    She will have no conflict with her role within the family, she will not be influenced by the 25 -30 years of the womens liberation movement that we British men have had to put up with; a movement that has turned our women (British) into foul mouthed drunken slags who have little or no moral compass.


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    I do Hope mother is not reading this!!

  3. #3
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    I don't suppose british women are this a matter of fact, i admire my mother in law so much....
    a very kind and nurturing woman and mom specially as a wife and they've been married for 47 long years, amazing
    Of course i cannot just give all the credit to my mom in law but to my dad in law as well, i think they did great together as a couple
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bystander09 View Post

    She will have no conflict with her role within the family, she will not be influenced by the 25 -30 years of the womens liberation movement that we British men have had to put up with; a movement that has turned our women (British) into foul mouthed drunken ss who have little or no moral compass.


    I respect your opinion but I beg to differ. Women in this country are changing and yes the women's lib movement has impacted society, and we have yet to work out what to do next. But that is part and parcel of an evolving society And I do not think that a young girl who drinks vodka and coke, has sexual relations before getting married is a sg. In fact, I would argue that the very word "sg" was developed during the time when the UK was closer in Christian dominated values to the Philippines as a way to put women down and maintain the status quo.

    However, it is not just the women's liberation movement that is having an impact into this country but also the secular movement taking us away from religious dogma and control. Now I do not wish to engage anyone with a debate on the ethics of religion or the fundamentals of those religions, and if I do so I hope I do not offend anyone's beliefs, but this country has long been moving towards a model of none religious governance. And it is the freedom from religion and the sexual controls built into those religions that the newer generations are now living with.

    Most young women today will learn to be independent, due in part to the lower wages on offer and so it is almost impossible for one partner to work for a living whilst the other stays home to bring up the children. But accordingly and at the same time, women have been getting more integrated in the workplace and having careers of their own. This is also happening all over the world now, only the poorest societies have any problems with women making a living, but they too are changing.

    Also, I take issue with the moral compass you refer to. Premarital sex is only immoral if it is the Bible or the Koran that you use for a moral compass! But we can do better than this, as everyone ignores the Bible when it prescribes stoning your bride on her fathers doorstep when you discover she is not a virgin, or when it prescribes only two threads to be worn by women. Yet the so called moral compass that virginity is a part of also comes from these books! Our religions are sexist in nature, the Bible says woman came from man, and values her life to less that of a man. The Koran says that a mans testimony can only be offset by the testimony of two women. Women are expected to live in service to their fathers then finally to their husband. Saint Peter wrote "wives be subject to your husband, as to the lord. As the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church". This was the attitude taught to countless people throughout history and still today. And is the reason we find ourselves at a point where we are lost as a society! We have rejected the morals of the Holy Books and are trying to figure out a new way. And in that process, a few drink too much or become reckless. All part of growing up

    I argue that morality is a matter of opinion. And if it is your opinion to be a virgin till you marry, then you have all the right and blessing from all to do so. However, if a young woman decides to live a sexual life then settle down a few years after these experiences, she has the same right. And if you don't like it, don't marry her.

    So, why did I choose a Filipina? Excellent question! And one I will probably have a different answer for every time I think about it. But it was not for a demure sexual plaything, or an obedient wife. Yes, family is important to me but only so long as it is within an equal setting. I find Filipino women very attractive, I think the accent is very sweet; the height of a Filipina is perfect to me (I am 5,8) and she wants a family. The reasons could go on... British women are amazing and in many ways I am proudest when I see British women making their mark in the world, showing the world how far we have moved on. But I suppose I like adventure and the Filipina offers me that! Every man on here will answer the question differently, and they all have their own reasons.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post

    I respect your opinion but I beg to differ. Women in this country are changing and yes the women's lib movement has impacted society, and we have yet to work out what to do next. But that is part and parcel of an evolving society And I do not think that a young girl who drinks vodka and coke, has sexual relations before getting married is a sg. In fact, I would argue that the very word "sg" was developed during the time when the UK was closer in Christian dominated values to the Philippines as a way to put women down and maintain the status quo.

    However, it is not just the women's liberation movement that is having an impact into this country but also the secular movement taking us away from religious dogma and control. Now I do not wish to engage anyone with a debate on the ethics of religion or the fundamentals of those religions, and if I do so I hope I do not offend anyone's beliefs, but this country has long been moving towards a model of none religious governance. And it is the freedom from religion and the sexual controls built into those religions that the newer generations are now living with.

    Most young women today will learn to be independent, due in part to the lower wages on offer and so it is almost impossible for one partner to work for a living whilst the other stays home to bring up the children. But accordingly and at the same time, women have been getting more integrated in the workplace and having careers of their own. This is also happening all over the world now, only the poorest societies have any problems with women making a living, but they too are changing.

    Also, I take issue with the moral compass you refer to. Premarital sex is only immoral if it is the Bible or the Koran that you use for a moral compass! But we can do better than this, as everyone ignores the Bible when it prescribes stoning your bride on her fathers doorstep when you discover she is not a virgin, or when it prescribes only two threads to be worn by women. Yet the so called moral compass that virginity is a part of also comes from these books! Our religions are sexist in nature, the Bible says woman came from man, and values her life to less than a man. The Koran says that a mans testimony can only be offset by the testimony of two women. Women are expected to live in service to their fathers then finally to their husband. Saint Peter wrote "wives be subject to your husband, as to the lord. As the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church". This was the attitude taught to countless people throughout history and still today. And is the reason we find ourselves at a point where we are lost as a society! We have rejected the morals of the Holy Books and are trying to figure out a new way. And in that process, a few drink too much or become reckless. All part of growing up

    I argue that morality is a matter of opinion. And if it is your opinion to be a virgin till you marry, then you have all the right and blessing from all to do so. However, if a young woman decides to live a sexual life then settle down a few years after these experiences, she has the same right. And if you don't like it, don't marry her.

    So, why did I choose a Filipina? Excellent question! And one I will probably have a different answer for every time I think about it. But it was not for a demure sexual plaything, or an obedient wife. Yes, family is important to me but only so long as it is within an equal setting. I find Filipino women very attractive, I think the accent is very sweet; the height of a Filipina is perfect to me (I am 5,8) and she wants a family. The reasons could go on... British women are amazing and in many ways I am proudest when I see British women making their mark in the world, showing the world how far we have moved on. But I suppose I like adventure and the Filipina offers me that! Every man on here will answer the question differently, and they all have their own reasons.

    Thanks for that saved me a lot of typing.

    I get angry when in Phill and see job man only or job for young lady must look good in short skirt and that was for a well known PC chain

    I met a Lady who happened to be Filipina but while she will never forget her background is very happy in the UK due to the rights and freedoms she has.

    While I like Phill and it's people the countrys laws certainly in my humble view could do with protecting women a lot better than they do now but from the little I know things do seem to be improving.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    I don't suppose british women are this a matter of fact, i admire my mother in law so much....
    a very kind and nurturing woman and mom specially as a wife and they've been married for 47 long years, amazing
    Of course i cannot just give all the credit to my mom in law but to my dad in law as well, i think they did great together as a couple

    Of course not lots of British men and women who may not live or act in a way i think the best but i can say the same about Phill. But in both countries I find people from all walks of life who restore my faith in human nature
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Thanks for that saved me a lot of typing.
    Yeah, I did have a bit of a type fest then

    And I agree with you.. I also think that through women's liberation, countries economies grow. So it is a good thing all round

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bystander09 View Post
    Having read a few of the threads concerning the reason most British men like Filipinas, and in my opinion the issue is not one of sex, and just how good the Pinay is or is not in bed. After all if one is just looking for exotic sex, a weekend in Amsterdam should suffice... its closer, cheaper, can fit into most work schedules; and be paid for by credit card with a discreet company address..

    So, assuming the Pinay is no better or worse than any other nationality in the sack; then what is the attraction?..

    The issue is the Pinays' attitude to family, and the place she holds within the family structure. To all intents and purposes she is the mother and custodian of everything that is needed to hold the family together. She expects her husband to be industrious and provide for their immediate family. She will be the one to handle the family budget, and everything pertaining to the running of the houshold....

    She will have no conflict with her role within the family, she will not be influenced by the 25 -30 years of the womens liberation movement that we British men have had to put up with; a movement that has turned our women (British) into foul mouthed drunken slags who have little or no moral compass.

    Dear me, I hope you don't mention these comments in public.
    There are many wonderful women in Britain.

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