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Thread: CFO Problem re divorce!

  1. #1
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Exclamation CFO Problem re divorce!

    Hi all,
    My wife Jennifer attended the CFO at Manila today.
    There is a problem with my previous 2 divorces, Jennifer does of course know about them, but did not take the papers with her to the CFO.
    They are now asking her "why" I have had two divorces.
    The truth is I divorced my first wife after 26 years married and my 2nd wife divorced me after being married 9 years.
    In the UK as far as I know divorces like these are called "no blame" ones.
    So how much do we need to explain to the CFO?
    She is to return there on Thursday.
    Hope somone can help,

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Did you include a covering letter explaining all that in detail from you? If not, email one to her (with a sig).
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all,
    My wife Jennifer attended the CFO at Manila today.
    There is a problem with my previous 2 divorces, Jennifer does of course know about them, but did not take the papers with her to the CFO.
    They are now asking her "why" I have had two divorces.
    The truth is I divorced my first wife after 26 years married and my 2nd wife divorced me after being married 9 years.
    In the UK as far as I know divorces like these are called "no blame" ones.
    So how much do we need to explain to the CFO?
    She is to return there on Thursday.
    Hope somone can help,
    This sort of thing doesn't surprise me. I get the impression that the women at the CFO will pick on anything they can find to try and make thing awkward for the girls that attend and they also seem to make the rules up as they go along. I think that maybe they're just jealous because they've not not found a way of escaping to a new life in the west for themselves.

    I am also divorced and when my wife attended the CFO in 2006 she didn't have to produce my divorce papers, neither was she questioned about my divorce. These CFO people really Pss me off.

  4. #4
    Respected Member brian&maddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi all,
    My wife Jennifer attended the CFO at Manila today.
    There is a problem with my previous 2 divorces, Jennifer does of course know about them, but did not take the papers with her to the CFO.
    They are now asking her "why" I have had two divorces.
    The truth is I divorced my first wife after 26 years married and my 2nd wife divorced me after being married 9 years.
    In the UK as far as I know divorces like these are called "no blame" ones.
    So how much do we need to explain to the CFO?
    She is to return there on Thursday.
    Hope somone can help,
    Hi Mick
    Im sorry to read about your sentiment regarding the CFO, questioning your wife Jennifer about your previous 2 divorces. I think it is totally NONE of their business, wherein you have 2 previous divorces. All people makes mistakes in life. In my case I was divorced too, my ex was a jap and my fiance have had 2 previous divorces as well. And like you, they happened ages ago... previous wives are all history
    I wasnt questioned about my fiance's previous divorces and i didnt give document regarding that matter. Maybe Jen, encoutered someone at the CFO in Manila, who is what we call here in tagalog as 'Mabusisi'. But dont worry too much Mick, they cannot hold Jennifer to go out of the country just because of your history of previous divorces. They have no right to do that. Remember you are paying them

  5. #5
    Respected Member brian&maddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    This sort of thing doesn't surprise me. I get the impression that the women at the CFO will pick on anything they can find to try and make thing awkward for the girls that attend and they also seem to make the rules up as they go along. I think that maybe they're just jealous because they've not not found a way of escaping to a new life in the west for themselves.

    I am also divorced and when my wife attended the CFO in 2006 she didn't have to produce my divorce papers, neither was she questioned about my divorce. These CFO people really Pss me off.
    I agree with you on here Iain

  6. #6
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    I agree to Iain

    That's really embarassing question, reminds me my experienced at divorces I told them I forgot those papers and they still nosey keep asking what were the reasons I just told them it didn't work out the relationship and mutual agreement for getting their own freedom tell her to make a short specific and direct to the point answer and tell her to relax it will be alright
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
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  7. #7
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian&maddy View Post
    Hi Mick
    Im sorry to read about your sentiment regarding the CFO, questioning your wife Jennifer about your previous 2 divorces. I think it is totally NONE of their business, wherein you have 2 previous divorces. All people makes mistakes in life. In my case I was divorced too, my ex was a jap and my fiance have had 2 previous divorces as well. And like you, they happened ages ago... previous wives are all history
    I wasnt questioned about my fiance's previous divorces and i didnt give document regarding that matter. Maybe Jen, encoutered someone at the CFO in Manila, who is what we call here in tagalog as 'Mabusisi'. But dont worry too much Mick, they cannot hold Jennifer to go out of the country just because of your history of previous divorces. They have no right to do that. Remember you are paying them
    Thanks for the quick replies, can I do the covering letter stating the dates of the marriages and when they ended in divorce, without explaing "why" the divorces happened?
    I would think their only concern is that the marriages were legally dissolved?
    But if I need to put “why” better to do it now and not have more problems and delay.

  8. #8
    Respected Member brian&maddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Thanks for the quick replies, can I do the covering letter stating the dates of the marriages and when they ended in divorce, without explaing "why" the divorces happened?
    I would think their only concern is that the marriages were legally dissolved?
    But if I need to put “why” better to do it now and not have more problems and delay.
    Maybe that is a good idea, just write a simple but straight letter explaining to their faces WHY the divorces happened , i think this is what they are very eager to know, and have Jen memorize it and tell to this person at CFO when she comes back there on Thurs. Again Mick, just take it easy besides CFO is just a formality of squeezing money from us

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    This sort of thing doesn't surprise me. I get the impression that the women at the CFO will pick on anything they can find to try and make thing awkward for the girls that attend and they also seem to make the rules up as they go along. I think that maybe they're just jealous because they've not not found a way of escaping to a new life in the west for themselves.

    I am also divorced and when my wife attended the CFO in 2006 she didn't have to produce my divorce papers, neither was she questioned about my divorce. These CFO people really Pss me off.

    totaly agree they are a pain in the

    why has she got to go back you are married already all your documents have been checked by bigger people than them dimwits :furious3

    :these are the same twits that let my wife attend the cfo seminar [i sat outside like a lemon ]even though she was just appling for a visitors visa they then asked me for my divorce papers which i did not have then then they said ooooo you did not have to attend this as you are only going as a visitor

    that was before we found this site

    and she will still have to go back again now after the the visa is issued

  10. #10
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about Jennifer"s CFO thing...I think CFO Cebu is a less "Mabusisi".

  11. #11
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Thanks for the quick replies, can I do the covering letter stating the dates of the marriages and when they ended in divorce, without explaing "why" the divorces happened?
    I would think their only concern is that the marriages were legally dissolved?
    But if I need to put “why” better to do it now and not have more problems and delay.
    They know that the marriages were legally dissolved, if they hadn't been you never would have got a CNI or the Philippines equivalent and your wife would never have been issued with a visa. They're just busybodies and it seems to me that they come up with these things just to try and justify their own existence.

  12. #12
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian&maddy View Post
    Maybe that is a good idea, just write a simple but straight letter explaining to their faces WHY the divorces happened , i think this is what they are very eager to know, and have Jen memorize it and tell to this person at CFO when she comes back there on Thurs. Again Mick, just take it easy besides CFO is just a formality of squeezing money from us
    I would tell her to say that you were granted a divorce because of the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage (that's the legal term I think), that will stop their noses twitching, that could mean anything!

  13. #13
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I would tell her to say that you were granted a divorce because of the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage (that's the legal term I think), that will stop their noses twitching, that could mean anything!
    Hi Iain,
    I did email my wife a letter saying I divorced my first wife because of her adultery 5 times during our 26 year marriage and with my 2nd wife, although we both had children from our first marriages, she wanted little contact with my children after the marriage but wanted me to take on the role of father to hers, this caused growing friction over our 9 year marriage, because my children although older felt I wanted little contact, which was not the case. Then she divorced me for unreasonable behaviour, she even had a barrister to fight on money matters, but the judge stepped in on that side of it, I did not even try to fight the divorce, I just wanted out.

    Jennifer is back at the CFO tomorrow hopefully is will then be over!
    I will post about it then.
    Hopfully now 26 days to when she flies here

  14. #14
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Jennifer is back at the CFO tomorrow hopefully is will then be over!
    I will post about it then.
    Hopfully now 26 days to when she flies here

    Hi again,
    Yes Jennifer now has te stamp in her passpport!
    This seems to have been a long stressful wait since the 16th April, but we are now at the end of that, and looking forward to starting our lifr together!

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    its a bloody disgrace what would have happened if you had planned the flight in the evening after she had attented the seminar

    its none of the buisness you are legaly married as others have stated

  16. #16
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post
    its a bloody disgrace what would have happened if you had planned the flight in the evening after she had attented the seminar

    its none of the buisness you are legaly married as others have stated
    I agree dave, but at least its over now!
    Can look forward to being together again at last.

  17. #17
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Hi again,
    Yes Jennifer now has te stamp in her passpport!
    This seems to have been a long stressful wait since the 16th April, but we are now at the end of that, and looking forward to starting our lifr together!
    Great News Mick, I'm glad she's got it OK, but what if, as Dave said, you had already bought a ticket, some girls from the provinces do go and attend the CFO in Manila and Cebu on their way to the UK.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    ... I feel for you mate.

    Thankfully Mrs Bluebirdjobes didn't get the same "runaround", but other's
    did as I mentioned at the time

    ... but you and others are right.... they are basically interfering busybodies
    who somehow have to justify their existence, who seem to make up rules as
    they go along.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  19. #19
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Great News Mick, I'm glad she's got it OK, but what if, as Dave said, you had already bought a ticket, some girls from the provinces do go and attend the CFO in Manila and Cebu on their way to the UK.
    Hi Iain,
    I shudder to think if Jennifer had been planning to do it like that, it seems like a jobsworth to me, but what can we de except pull our hair out!
    She is now going home to CDO and said she is returning to Manila on the Sunday at the end of the month for her flight that leaves 00.15 on the Tuesday, which is better than worrying about being late if the internal flight is delayed.

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