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Thread: I just discovered Filipinas....

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Appreciate all the replies/advice folks. (BTW I have friends in M/C + Wales!)
    That's what I came here for.
    I'm not a novice and if Lexie is by any chance a scammer she deserves some returns in any case. I speak to her every night + sometimes in between + I see/hear no 'warning bells'. Just a human being who I admire for her stoicism in the face of continual natural, sometimes calamitous events, (Typhoons, corrupt governments et al) and a certain strength as well as beauty, and a natural good nature.

    All I know is she is a refreshing change from previous encounters with various nationalities. (I was married to a lovely Swede for a loooooong time previously

    Our current problems relate to visa applications, travel, finance and so on.
    Not a new phenomena on here I think!
    I'm in this one for the whole 'roller coaster ride' and it'll be reported here for posterity if anybody is interested to read.
    If I'm wrong you will know.
    If I'm right, and successful, you will know too.
    My instinct says we are right!
    And I go with my instinct.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post
    just saved me warning you a disaster so early ok the age is no problem it keeps you fit ok you might have heart attack at least you die happy 29 years between and my wife is that a record .....i dont think so

    i warn you now you want a fair bit of money saved up dont get scammed read the links that have been posted before and read them again

    best of luck its a long hard expensive road ahead
    I know this is a long and sometimes difficult road but... I take this route anyway.
    Our age gap at 35 is more than yours!! But I had plenty of previous practice.... Don't expect to die from exertion, but not quite sure right now!
    Expenses/visas rather than exertion might be our particular ongoing problem.
    But I intend to find out
    At least I die happy!

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Discovered filipinas?Ferdinand Magellan might just have beaten you to it methinks
    Yes, Mr Clever Dick, (dick being the operative word here) Mr 'Magellan' might have discovered numerous things, if you believe what is written.
    I think other people already discovered Filipinas way before him. Like the people already living there.....

    I obviously discover certain things before you. Like common sense and civility.
    Sorry to be blunt, but you were uncivil and facetious. So I reply in kind.

    Is this the way certain people 'welcome' newcomers on this site??
    I'm sure it's not the norm after all the kind thoughts and advice since.

    Thanks, all you positive people!!!
    I love this sweet Filipina and I will go the the last mile for her.

  4. #34
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Labuyo View Post
    Yes, Mr Clever Dick, (dick being the operative word here) Mr 'Magellan' might have discovered numerous things, if you believe what is written.
    I think other people already discovered Filipinas way before him. Like the people already living there.....

    I obviously discover certain things before you. Like common sense and civility.
    Sorry to be blunt, but you were uncivil and facetious. So I reply in kind.

    Is this the way certain people 'welcome' newcomers on this site??
    I'm sure it's not the norm after all the kind thoughts and advice since.

    Thanks, all you positive people!!!
    I love this sweet Filipina and I will go the the last mile for her.
    I would have assumed at your age you would have learnt a few manners,I guess not,took you a whole day to think of it though if your going to be rude I guess its what I would expect of someone who likes kids 30+ years his junior

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  5. #35
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Your comments say a lot more about your character than they do about mine

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I would have assumed at your age you would have learnt a few manners,I guess not,took you a whole day to think of it though if your going to be rude I guess its what I would expect of someone who likes kids 30+ years his junior
    Don't lecture me about manners.
    I'm rude to point out your deficiencies and wrong facts?
    I get on with younger women? You jealous. Or sick?
    You now add deliberate insults???
    I accept your previous comments were unthought, unconsidered ramblings.
    But deliberate insults I don't accept.
    From you or anybody.

    If that's what this site is about I'm sorry I found it.
    Your manners are as lacking as is your original 'information' about Magellan.

  7. #37
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Labuyo View Post
    I'm here because I recently met this most amazing Filipina.
    I didn't even know, for sure, where the Phillipines were before....
    (But yesterday Labuyo taught me serious lessons, here in UK)

    I'm interested in other Brits experiences of doing 'this one'!?!
    All new to me, but I got a serious interest in this area now.....

    Me, in a sentence am Brit, retired, long divorced, bored, and then I 'meet' a Filapina!!!
    Life changing stuff.

    OK. Not the best intro, but I got hypnotised! Don't blame me.
    hello and welcome,,labuyo

  8. #38
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    Welcome to the forum

    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    First of all, let me welcome you in the forum.

    You will find lots of friendly advice from people of all walks of life, that have gone on the expensive, painful and heartbreaking LDR path, and come out at the other end, far stronger and happier for having undertaken that journey.

    I strongly advise you to read everything on Peter's website .

    Mull over, and digest what you have read, and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to post.
    But before you do that, try to use the search function with some keywords.
    Usually, someone, some other time, will have asked exactly the same, and the answer/s will be found there within the various replies.

    As you may have noticed, I did highlight a part of your post.......

    It is for every newbie on the forum, do not part with any money, no matter what the emergency is....

    That is unless you have personally met the lady in question and you are 100% satisfied that she is genuine.

    Just to be on the safe side.
    Lots of members will agree with me, that unfortunately some ladies do trawl the net for scamming the innocent and unwary.
    And the "few" seem to give the good ones a bad name.

    Again, a warm welcome.
    Getting back to the excellent advice for any newbie given by aromulas, I advise you to read the threads by myself and other victims of scammers. And also note that the scammers are a small minority of Filipinas, the vast majority of them are sincere and honest! But being a little wiser helps no matter the situation.

    Good Luck

  9. #39
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    Having read the rest of the thread...

    Labuyo. Chill out dude! There is no need to start a slanging match on the forum

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I would have assumed at your age you would have learnt a few manners,I guess not,took you a whole day to think of it though if your going to be rude I guess its what I would expect of someone who likes kids 30+ years his junior

    That was totally uncalled for......

    I would expect some kind of public apology being proffered for the diabolic slur...

    Quote Originally Posted by Labuyo View Post
    If that's what this site is about I'm sorry I found it.

    No need to be sorry to have found this site, because as many people would vouch, it is the right place to be.

    Unfortunately, we cannot help some members having some personal disagreements, and as long it is kept out of the forums, we normally do not intervene.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Welcome to the forum

    Getting back to the excellent advice for any newbie given by aromulas, I advise you to read the threads by myself and other victims of scammers. And also note that the scammers are a small minority of Filipinas, the vast majority of them are sincere and honest! But being a little wiser helps no matter the situation.

    Good Luck
    To get back to the real point...
    I appreciate and understand aromulas good advice.
    I'm well aware of scammers and I've passed that point a while back.

    I think I might throw this open here.
    Any questions about scammers address them directly to the lady in question?
    She better in Tagalog than English, but don't underestimate her

    When she gets back online she has the answers. I'm sure of that one!!!
    So lets hear the questions from the sceptics!!???

    Situation report tonight is that she has cleaned up her home after Sundays floods (3 feet of filthy water + lost plenty) and is now faced with another 3/4 days of very heavy rain that may well result in further flooding... She sleeps on the wet floor tonight.
    I need to say more??

    The colder hearted amongst us might like to think about that a while.
    The rest will understand exactly.
    That's where I am right now.
    Feeling helpless and concerned here safe in Gloucester.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    That was totally uncalled for......

    I would expect some kind of public apology being proffered for the diabolic slur...

    No need to be sorry to have found this site, because as many people would vouch, it is the right place to be.

    Unfortunately, we cannot help some members having some personal disagreements, and as long it is kept out of the forums, we normally do not intervene.
    No problem, I know the vast majority on here are respectful, interested and polite. So many welcoming people on here it gives me encouragement to pursue my quest.
    In this world though there are dissenters.
    Do you turn the other cheek or respond?
    Not an easy choice sometimes.

    Many thanks for the positive responses all
    She and I are committed to each other already and we are going to try to work it out.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Labuyo View Post

    Situation report tonight is that she has cleaned up her home after Sundays floods (3 feet of filthy water + lost plenty) and is now faced with another 3/4 days of very heavy rain that may well result in further flooding... She sleeps on the wet floor tonight.
    I need to say more??

    The colder hearted amongst us might like to think about that a while.
    The rest will understand exactly.
    That's where I am right now.
    Feeling helpless and concerned here safe in Gloucester.
    If you feel so much for the lady, why don't you get a flight out and check it out yourself.

    Lots of us have done just that, and are happier for it, for different reasons, some of us have found a real life partner and some others have found out that the lady they were pursuing wasn't their cup of tea and went back on the drawing board.

    The worse it may happen is that you will have had a different holiday from the normal Tenerife/Ibiza thing.

    My suggestion still stands valid, and may be vouched by others, do not send money.
    She managed without your help for many years, and she can manage a while longer I reckon.

  14. #44
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum labuyo... what a nice username. Did you know that labuyo refers to the small chili pepper in the Philippines?.. My Dad bites a bit of it everytime during a meal. Where in Las Pinas is your gf staying? My family lives near L.P.

    Best of luck on your quest..

    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post
    Welcome to the forum labuyo... what a nice username. Did you know that labuyo refers to the small chili pepper in the Philippines?.. My Dad bites a bit of it everytime during a meal. Where in Las Pinas is your gf staying? My family lives near L.P.

    Best of luck on your quest..

    Hello, Hello both!
    I know Labuyo is hot
    Labuyo is also the name of the Typhoon that hit RP last weekend so my user name has a certain 'bite' right now
    Lexie lives in Pulang lupa?
    In a poor, low lying part of town!
    She works at the Paranaque National High School. When it's not flooded.
    Every day I speak to her and she doesn't have it easy.
    She's an education for me.
    In lots of different ways.

  16. #46
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Hi Labuyo welcome to the forum and Goodluck
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  17. #47
    Respected Member pumpkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Labuyo View Post
    Hello, Hello both!
    I know Labuyo is hot
    Labuyo is also the name of the Typhoon that hit RP last weekend so my user name has a certain 'bite' right now
    Lexie lives in Pulang lupa?
    In a poor, low lying part of town!
    She works at the Paranaque National High School. When it's not flooded.
    Every day I speak to her and she doesn't have it easy.
    She's an education for me.
    In lots of different ways.
    hi labuyo , i am living walking distance to pulanlupa..where in pulanlupa,if you dont mind me to ask? i have a friend living there..and in our place is really flooding until knees especially this non stop raining here.. and gosh! my friend is working also in Parañaque National High School.
    how long you have been chatting?


    pumpkins babykins

  18. #48
    Respected Member britishdetained's Avatar
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    Welcome here Labuyo a very hot welcome for you

    Its nice to know that you are interested with a Filipina...but remember also that cautions is needed too

    Again, enjoy and have the best luck
    There once was a girl that believed in mankind, that there was still honor and chivalry that existed in everyone of us. She also believed that everyone deserves a chance to prove oneself individually and hoped that the courtesy would be returned. That girl is dead now, and all that is left is her shadow. To give one a chance to prove thyself is a chance for you to become dwindled in the dissappointment.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    When you get here Florge(congrats on the visa)dont go saying you just discovered Manchester because I think some folks already live there
    LOL.. very funny Tawi... and thanks.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by bystander09 View Post

    Filipinas are maintenance intensive.. be very sure that your finances can support your infatuation...

    If you have staying power, and find the right women, then you will be happy for life..

    I'm sorry... pardon my stupidity, but can you kindly explain what you mean by "maintenance intensive"? I'm so sure it doesn't mean bad... but getting a different meaning as I ponder on these words... thanks

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    I'm sorry... pardon my stupidity, but can you kindly explain what you mean by "maintenance intensive"? I'm so sure it doesn't mean bad... but getting a different meaning as I ponder on these words... thanks
    You are forgiven... However it may be prudent to continue with this on another thread.. See my thread in the courtship and relations heading..

    In the meantime just crack on with the housework..


  22. #52
    Respected Member pumpkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Labuyo View Post
    My instinct says we are right!
    And I go with my instinct.
    Trust your own instinct.
    Your mistakes might as well be your own,
    instead of someone else


    pumpkins babykins

  23. #53
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bystander09 View Post
    In the meantime just crack on with the housework..
    I keep forgetting, we still need to treat women like trash, and use them for male domination to make up for feeling inadequate!
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by bystander09 View Post
    You are forgiven... However it may be prudent to continue with this on another thread.. See my thread in the courtship and relations heading..

    In the meantime just crack on with the housework..

    Hmmm.. Bystander never did get back to me when I ripped his opinion apart Ah, well. And I see he has now got himself banned!

    Off to the forum for him then!

  25. #55
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Off to the forum for him then!
    I've just registered that so I can ban him again
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #56
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Labuyo View Post
    To get back to the real point...
    I appreciate and understand aromulas good advice.
    I'm well aware of scammers and I've passed that point a while back.

    I think I might throw this open here.
    Any questions about scammers address them directly to the lady in question?
    She better in Tagalog than English, but don't underestimate her

    When she gets back online she has the answers. I'm sure of that one!!!
    So lets hear the questions from the sceptics!!???

    Situation report tonight is that she has cleaned up her home after Sundays floods (3 feet of filthy water + lost plenty) and is now faced with another 3/4 days of very heavy rain that may well result in further flooding... She sleeps on the wet floor tonight.
    I need to say more??

    The colder hearted amongst us might like to think about that a while.
    The rest will understand exactly.
    That's where I am right now.
    Feeling helpless and concerned here safe in Gloucester.
    There are no questions you can ask outright that will catch out a scammer. The really good ones will just tell you sob stories or even stories about life and death (someone needs an operation and they'll die soon if they don't have it) matters and hope you will offer to help, these are very deliberate tactics and they quite often work with people who are unwary of how these online scammers get them hooked and reel them in.

    I don't want to appear skeptical about your girl or her intentions, but so far she has laid it on a bit thick about her hardships to you already. Until you actually meet her you must always take everything you are told with a large pinch of salt no matter how genuine you may think she appears on the surface.


  27. #57
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    There are no questions you can ask outright that will catch out a scammer. .

    You ask the girl "Are you a scammer?".

    If she says YES, move on, and if she says NO, she's lying!
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    There are no questions you can ask outright that will catch out a scammer. The really good ones will just tell you sob stories or even stories about life and death (someone needs an operation and they'll die soon if they don't have it) matters and hope you will offer to help, these are very deliberate tactics and they quite often work with people who are unwary of how these online scammers get them hooked and reel them in.

    I don't want to appear skeptical about your girl or her intentions, but so far she has laid it on a bit thick about her hardships to you already. Until you actually meet her you must always take everything you are told with a large pinch of salt no matter how genuine you may think she appears on the surface.

    Thanks Iain.
    I just posed the question for the sceptics but didn't really expect any that I had not previously considered and already asked.
    I'm not surprised by hardships in a 3rd world country and to hear that being posited as something to beware of doesn't quite 'gel' with me.

    I live in Gloucester and my first summer here was invaded by floods.
    If I tell my friends about that it doesn't mean I'm fishing for 'support', does it?
    Natural disasters affect all of us at some time.

    I haven't even yet told the whole story here.
    How could I, in a sprinkle of posts?
    (Forget the thread hijackers and well intentioned sceptics for now)
    The scammer issue is well past its sell by date with her and myself.
    I'm simply looking for advice, and hopefully, hearing others experiences about correctly applying for visas in the current climate.

    My problem is not that she might be a scammer, but rather how to negotiate the minefield of visa applications, etc.
    I can use one of the agencies that facilitate these things, but don't see why I should go down that road before checking other peoples real experiences first.
    That's what forums are for, I thought?

    I may be on the wrong forum here, in which case I retire and pursue other avenues, but I sense a certain amount of goodwill here and I will persevere for a while.
    Thanks again.

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Labuyo View Post

    My problem is not that she might be a scammer, but rather how to negotiate the minefield of visa applications, etc.
    I can use one of the agencies that facilitate these things, but don't see why I should go down that road before checking other peoples real experiences first.
    That's what forums are for, I thought?

    I may be on the wrong forum here, in which case I retire and pursue other avenues, but I sense a certain amount of goodwill here and I will persevere for a while.
    Thanks again.
    Ask to your heart's content..................

    Agencies do not facilitate anything, they only get your money for work which you have to do yourself anyway....

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpkins View Post
    hi labuyo , i am living walking distance to pulanlupa..where in pulanlupa,if you dont mind me to ask? i have a friend living there..and in our place is really flooding until knees especially this non stop raining here.. and gosh! my friend is working also in Parañaque National High School.
    how long you have been chatting?

    Well, pumpkins I don't intend to give out her precise address on here for obvious reasons, but Bagwis Ville mean anything? I got photos of Intrams last week at the school! She been working there a long time and got lots of friends there.
    We been in contact for several months, and I speak to her every day and I know she's cool
    I check the weather forecasts there also and I know you have heavy, heavy rain in the last few days:(
    How nice to 'meet' you though!
    If you know some of her friends also, that would be really nice.
    I can tell you their names no problem!
    Thanks pumpkins

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