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Thread: Living in The Philippines!

  1. #1
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    Living in The Philippines!

    Hi Everyone,

    Not sure if you have read my story in the "Courting and Relationships" section but anyway i thought i would give you some tips on living here and share just a few experiences i have had.

    You want to live here in the Philippines? Great weather nice people everything is so cheap but wait its not all orchids hanging from the terrace!

    Whatever you may think you will always be a foreigner here and depending on what part you live in maybe you will never "fit" in.

    The most important thing i have found is shopping, if you have more money than sense this does not apply, but if you dont have Bill Gates bank account and want to stay here for good then here are some tips.

    1) Try not to go shopping on your own unless its in the Malls if you want to visit the markets and side shops beware. Prices of goods will some times tripple when you pay for them yourself.
    If the goods have a price on its ok but most places away from the malls dont and you have to ask thats when you pay too much.

    Am i being petty? maybe but being charged 400 pesos for something my wife cant get for 100 pesos is ok once but if your going to live here for good every 300 peso adds up.

    2) Trycycle drivers are also notorious for over charging foreigners, we all know that we give tips to them as they have a hard job, but once i was charged 150 pesos for a journey which should of cost 40 pesos, i then gave him a 50 peso tip thining i was being nice. Once i told my wife she told me the proper cost.

    3) Going to bring lots of luggage? then you will probably end up using the courier service at the airport and your luggage will arrive 10 days after you.
    Mine cost me 200 pounds in England to send i thought no problem.

    When you go to collect your luggage at the building opposite the Casino near the airport you realise your in for a long day.
    They have there "helpers" with tags around there neck with airline names like Cathay Pacific and Emirates displayed on them.
    When you approach the doors you will be met by at least one of these helpers who will offer to sort your paperwork for you and get your luggage.

    Me thinking i,m the clever Brit declined the offer and thought i could do it myself. But what i didnt realise was if you try and do it yourself you will go back to that building everyday for about a week going to different departments getting a stamp and another piece of paper for the next guy to stamp!
    When you use one of these helpers they will get your luggage in about 4 hours, but when the guy takes you to each department you will need to pay a fee. Then at the end of this all you need to pay your helper.

    The whole process cost me 10,000 pesos to get 3 large suitcases so be warned.

    4) Some bars use Aji in the drinks. Whats Aji i hear you say?
    Aji No Moto which is pure monosodium glutamate and is used in nearly all Philippine cooking to give taste.

    This has not happened to me because my wife warned me about it but we were out one night and saw it happen to another foreigner, when Aji is added to any alcohol it speeds up the "drunk" process. Great! i hear you say, its ok but then the guy ended up paying for about 6 tables drinks for the night because he was so drunk then when he was outside he had his wallet stolen.

    5) Trust no one! Please listen to me on that one us brits tend to trust very easy.

    These are just some tips i can think of now maybe other people can add more?
    Dont get me wrong this is a wonderful country but if you want to live here for good you need to have your eyes open.

  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timandjudith View Post
    4) Some bars use Aji in the drinks. Whats Aji i hear you say?
    Aji No Moto which is pure monosodium glutamate and is used in nearly all Philippine cooking to give taste.

    This has not happened to me because my wife warned me about it but we were out one night and saw it happen to another foreigner, when Aji is added to any alcohol it speeds up the "drunk" process. Great! i hear you say, its ok but then the guy ended up paying for about 6 tables drinks for the night because he was so drunk then when he was outside he had his wallet stolen.
    Not good , it is mostly happened in Manila

    5) Trust no one! Please listen to me on that one us brits tend to trust very easy.
    So you've learned alot in our country now . How things going on with you Tim?
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Most expats send large amounts of stuff in "Balikbayan boxes" to avoid all that nonsense that you describe..
    These large boxes are sent from door to door at a one off nominal cost. They may take a little longer to arrive but the UK company has all the correct connections to ensure that the boxes arrive unopened and at no extra cost.

    If you want to save money on trycycles,never take a "special trip" as you will be charged the whole fare for your destination..If you insist on a special trip then make sure you know the correct fare in advance and negotiate with the driver before you get in..No need to tip.(but have correct change)
    The cheaper way is too flag down a trike on his regular route that already has other passengers..Again..Know the fare and have the correct change and pass to driver. Its best to get your GF to teach you a few words in tagalog such as "bayad oh" and "mamma,sukli ko". If you learn these few simple words the driver will know that you are not a foreigner simpleton and will treat you as any other passenger.
    Same goes in a Filipino market..Never buy at the first stall but keep asking "magkano po" whilst pointing at the item..Eventually you will find the correct prices and there will be no need to pay the "long nose" price.
    Once you have a rapour with a vendor and he knows that you are not a stupid naive foreigner then you will have no problems..Try to get out of the habit of letting the Mrs buy everything..Be independent.

    If you are drinking beer,dont use a glass. Only a freshly opened bottle.
    Common sense really.

  4. #4
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    Some good tips from Fred and Tim, I always get Elsa to buy things anyway - she won't be ripped off by anyone, and will say so in a loud voice if anyone tries it on with the sudden increase in price thing.

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