Has anyone seen this video? Senator Noynoy Aquino (the son of late President Cory Aquino & Sen Benigno Aquino and brother of wellknown celebrity Kris Aquino) is running for the presidential position in the Philippines and this is his campaign ad:
I have posted this link on my Facebook and I stated:
"Senator Noynoy's infomercial is so star-studded, I hope they were not there to be paid, but rather to be in support of him (?)" then I got a reply from the Mayor of my hometown "Good morning Zobel.. if you notice the credits at the end of the mtv, their participation was a donation. i do know that they voluntarily gave their time to do this"
lol never thought that he will notice me hahaha... ooops was I in trouble?
Would like to know what's your reaction about it?