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Hi all its me again well, its been awahile since i was on, the truth is i need advice i told you all some of my story before but not all i dident lie i dont believe in that but i just omitted some parts. It is hard to draw the line between telling all, and letting everyone know your innmost revelations and giving enough to get real help.
Well i need help and i know you guys know youe stuff, so here goes. I have been with my partner for 5 years but she is in Cebu and i am in Ireland, the reason is i was undergoing a very nasty divorce and a lot of court apperances, I hasten to add not because i am a bad person but ( you see this is the bit i was talking about ) because my ex wife contracted MS and went mad so the crown decided that they would appoint a solicitor and because she is ill and had to be taken care of it became very messy, she is now in a nursing home.
Anyway i have a nine year old son and decided to restart a family for his sake as much as my own, i fell in love with a very lovely phillipino lady and here we are.
Well my problems are that i am also disabled and medically retired, i get DLA and Income support and some other benifits, i was reading your reply to another person in my postion saying that if you have some money £3000.00 and accomadation and can prove that you can support your spouse there is no problem, you see i was given completly the opposit story from my solicitor, which believe me i am not over confident in but she said i would not be able to keep my benifits and also get my love home?
As i am asking for help i will give some more details you see i have 2 houses one which i own outright in partnership with my ex wife hence some of the legal mess, which i will be selling and one which i live in now which i rent with my little son, i will be getting a lump sum from the sale of the house and am not sure how to deal with that best, also i am of dual nationality, I have a British passport and an Eu passport.
Im not sure which is best for my needs and also my new wife has some children, i wish to adopt and bring home with her, I will be going to stay with her as soon as i can close the legal proceddings here.
We once applied for a tourist visa to bring her home and they kept us waiting for 8 months then told us she could not have it because she did not have enough money in her bank account! but they only told us this at the end of the 8 month period, if they had of told me before i could have raised it, we got ripped off by a so called immigration agency out there, that turned out to be hiding the applications and issuing false visas they where found out and shut down, but we lost out.
I dont know who to ask or who to trust i will do anything legal to get my new family home, I love them very much and i have been to stay with them 3 times now in the last 5 years, we have kept a paper trail and photos as proof of this as we where told it would help to do so, it is a great strain on me, So if you can help me i would be very grateful, I will answer any pertinant questions, what started as a mole hill 5 years ago has now become an unclimbable mountain, im asking now because all my court fun is coming to an end now in the begining of december 5 years of hell. in advance many thanks Douglas....