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Thread: Moms and moms to be living in UK...

  1. #1
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    Moms and moms to be living in UK...

    I have been registered in our local surgery for my NHS. Everything went fine and a midwife came to our house for my first in-house follow up check up. Im about 7 months pregnant now and i was taking prenatal vitamins when i was still back home in pinas but when i arrive in UK, i run out of my multivitamins prescribed by my doctor in the philippines.

    Its so different here because you will be attended by a midwife rather than a doctor but my husband said, midwives here are expert in dealing with pregnancies so i was at ease then. But the i asked if i could have prenatal vitamins and my midwife said, they dont prescribed any vitamins because there is really no need to take them as long as you are eating healthy. But i really want to have vitamins because i want the best for my baby.

    We went to Tesco supermarket and found this prenatal vitamins which is called Pregnacare. I read the label and it seems good, i showed it to the midwife and she said its totally fine so i started taking them for 3 days now. But what worries me is that, its not prescribed by a doctor.

    To those filipina mothers who gave birth to UK and those who are moms to be, can you share me your experiences? Have you guys been taken multivitamins here like pregnacare? Were you attended by a doctor or just a midwife? How did you manage your pregnancies without worrying too much? We worry sometimes because we only want whats best for our babies right....

    Hope to hear for you...

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    I have been registered in our local surgery for my NHS. Everything went fine and a midwife came to our house for my first in-house follow up check up. Im about 7 months pregnant now and i was taking prenatal vitamins when i was still back home in pinas but when i arrive in UK, i run out of my multivitamins prescribed by my doctor in the philippines.

    Its so different here because you will be attended by a midwife rather than a doctor but my husband said, midwives here are expert in dealing with pregnancies so i was at ease then. But the i asked if i could have prenatal vitamins and my midwife said, they dont prescribed any vitamins because there is really no need to take them as long as you are eating healthy. But i really want to have vitamins because i want the best for my baby.

    We went to Tesco supermarket and found this prenatal vitamins which is called Pregnacare. I read the label and it seems good, i showed it to the midwife and she said its totally fine so i started taking them for 3 days now. But what worries me is that, its not prescribed by a doctor.

    To those filipina mothers who gave birth to UK and those who are moms to be, can you share me your experiences? Have you guys been taken multivitamins here like pregnacare? Were you attended by a doctor or just a midwife? How did you manage your pregnancies without worrying too much? We worry sometimes because we only want whats best for our babies right....

    Hope to hear for you...

    Yes, you are right its totally different here. I had my 2 wee boys here . I know all your worries as we want whats best for our baby. The only vitamins they will prescribed you is the folic acid and that is before pregnancy and for the first 12 weeks and its up to you to carry it on after 12 weeks. Apart from that if they see any problems they will give you prescription but if non so nothing to worry. But i took multivitamins the pregnacare which i consulted my gp first before taking them. You will be alright.

    You will only see you gp for the first appointment and the rest will be your midwife( they are really good and well trained here compare in the PI ) unless you want to see your gp which i did for a couple of times.

    Trust the midwives they are really good..if you have any doubts you can always see your gp

    Goodluck to your pregnancy

  3. #3
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    I will second the motion to Ann, although i havent experience that but i can agree it is better here than PI, cant explain everything but by reading all the info/leaflet and visiting the NHS, no doubt its damn clean and safe in all aspect

  4. #4
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    Ohhhh thank you ann and september for sharing your thoughts... well i have been taking folic acid on my first trimester and my doctor change it to calcium and obimin on my 2nd tri. only during my 3rd tri that i skipped vitamins since i arrived in UK, but its nice to know that ann was also taking pregnacare during her pergnancy. that helps ease my worries. thank you guys.. hope some other moms could share their thoughts regarding this matter...

  5. #5
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    By the way, ann, did you have all those laboratory tests done such as rubella, blood grouping, blood count, syphillis, hiv, thallasemia etc?? The midwife asked me if im willing to undergo these tests and she said its entirely up to me. But i find the other tests unnecessary really....

  6. #6
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    By the way, ann, did you have all those laboratory tests done such as rubella, blood grouping, blood count, syphillis, hiv, thallasemia etc?? The midwife asked me if im willing to undergo these tests and she said its entirely up to me. But i find the other tests unnecessary really....
    As you said you want the best for your unborn baby and ofcourse yourself... so there's no harm of taking these tests, they're free and also would help for both of you and your unborn baby.

    When I was pregnant i didn't take any vitamins at all I just ate healthy foods or anything that my midwife/gp prescribed me to take...but it's up to you pregnacare is no harm.

    As Ann said trust your midwife/gp tell them all your worries
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    By the way, ann, did you have all those laboratory tests done such as rubella, blood grouping, blood count, syphillis, hiv, thallasemia etc?? The midwife asked me if im willing to undergo these tests and she said its entirely up to me. But i find the other tests unnecessary really....
    yes my love took all that test even if they didnt asked me to do it i said yes and yes after i read the leaflets I have 2 big strong boys my first is 9lbs 1oz and my second is 9lbs 11oz....big noh LOL ! Thanks for my midwife and gp hehehehe xxx you will be alright love so dont worry too much x

  8. #8
    Respected Member aphrodite78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    yes my love took all that test even if they didnt asked me to do it i said yes and yes after i read the leaflets I have 2 big strong boys my first is 9lbs 1oz and my second is 9lbs 11oz....big noh LOL ! Thanks for my midwife and gp hehehehe xxx you will be alright love so dont worry too much x
    hello ann07, that is a whopper

    yup filipina_owl there is a massive difference, and it's normal to feel a bit worried about it. had 2 kids here and they are all fine. i myself got worried at first because no vitamins whatsoever was prescribed as well and yet my 2 wee boys are healthy and fine.

    gp's will be only in the picture if there is any complications during your pregnancy. and looks like you are well fit and doing really well. just enjoy your pregnancy and try not to worry, save your strength as you will need it to do all the pushing when little one decides to say hello to the world.
    "Success is not about how much money you have; it's about the choices you can make in life"

  9. #9
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    Very well said ladyJ, ann and aphrodite... I will have those tests done then, thank you so much for the nice words. At least now i have peace of mind, im really excited for our first baby boy.

    I know eating healthy is eating fruits, vegetables, lean meats etc. But do you guys still eat rice like in pinas? Im a rice eater but people here doesnt eat rice at all. I find it strange but trying to get over it. Or perhaps, you have been infulenced by your husbands? Like eating cereals for breakfast, bread, potaotoes, chips etc. Ohhh i find it difficult so i just cook my own food or i and my unborn baby will be starving... My husband said eating rice all the time is not healthy?

    I wonder if some pinays here still eat rice 3 time a day and cook filipino dishes like me? s

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    Very well said ladyJ, ann and aphrodite... I will have those tests done then, thank you so much for the nice words. At least now i have peace of mind, im really excited for our first baby boy.

    I know eating healthy is eating fruits, vegetables, lean meats etc. But do you guys still eat rice like in pinas? Im a rice eater but people here doesnt eat rice at all. I find it strange but trying to get over it. Or perhaps, you have been infulenced by your husbands? Like eating cereals for breakfast, bread, potaotoes, chips etc. Ohhh i find it difficult so i just cook my own food or i and my unborn baby will be starving... My husband said eating rice all the time is not healthy?

    I wonder if some pinays here still eat rice 3 time a day and cook filipino dishes like me? s
    my pleasure filipina_owl

    I was like that with my first boy i cant eat their foods here so i end up making mine i eat rice daily just once a day . With my second baby its different i always asked for fish and chips still rice once in a while.

    Now we always have rice every other day or sometimes daily my husband loves rice now esp fried rice ( i have him converted)

    Thats good always eats healthy foods esp veggies and fish good for the baby and mummy and plenty of liquids ( Oh i hate it during the last trimester esp in the middle of the night the loo became my bestfriend)

    Goodluck to you dear im sure your baby is healthy

  11. #11
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    Very well said ladyJ, ann and aphrodite... I will have those tests done then, thank you so much for the nice words. At least now i have peace of mind, im really excited for our first baby boy.

    I know eating healthy is eating fruits, vegetables, lean meats etc. But do you guys still eat rice like in pinas? Im a rice eater but people here doesnt eat rice at all. I find it strange but trying to get over it. Or perhaps, you have been infulenced by your husbands? Like eating cereals for breakfast, bread, potaotoes, chips etc. Ohhh i find it difficult so i just cook my own food or i and my unborn baby will be starving... My husband said eating rice all the time is not healthy?

    I wonder if some pinays here still eat rice 3 time a day and cook filipino dishes like me? s
    "eating rice all the time is not healthy" sorry but I dont believe on what your husband said. Rice contains very high quality of proteins, although you should not just eat rice all the time, why not try green leaf salad, pasta, sardines, oily fish like tuna or smoked fish (but dont eat too much) etc. (browse online for more healthy foods for pregnancy) and also it's the best way to eat little but often or just follow your gut feelings
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

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