As another who has already 'made it' ... in terms of being retired, that is ... I'd have to say, "Sorry, count ME out!". And yes, having reached this elderly

stage of my life, I'm grateful for the existence of the British NHS. But there's an infinitely more important reason for my reluctance to uproot - one which I explained to another [middle-aged] British chap whom I befriended when I first visited the Phils in 2008, and who, having decided to remain there for the rest of his life ... tried, in vain, to entice me into doing likewise - and it's simply this: I couldn't bear the thought of being separated from my immediate family and miss watching my grandchildren grow up.
And last ... though not necessarily least ... I don't think my body would ever be able to adjust to either the constant humidity or the food (no offence!) - even though the people themselves are lovely!!