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Thread: financial situation

  1. #1
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    financial situation

    Hi to all!

    I am worried about the financial situation of my fiance. Here is the story, my fiance's credit card was stolen by one of his friends. At that time, he was not aware it was gone because he didn't use it. When the bill came, he was surprised to see the amount due he never incurred. He tried to locate his friend but no where to be found. He filed evidence against the bill and had some hearings. But it seems that the bank doesn't believe him. However, he doesn't want to pay. It is a big amount and interest keeps on adding up. He could not afford it. Instead, he wants to file bankruptcy to solve it.

    And now, my question is: If my fiance files bankruptcy, do you think, it could affect our visa processing like for example fiancee visa or spousal visa? I would really appreciate to hear some experiences similar to mine and advices as well. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    yes....he has to settle this things b4 you apply for visa as he need to prove that he is financially capable of supporting you in the uk...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  3. #3
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    that is the worse thing he can do. It would be better to agree repayment with the credit card company. if he told the bank he couldn't pay, the bank must stop interest accruing on the card.

    if you are a bankrupt many companies will not employ you even after the 6yrs are expired. you will also have problems getting a mortgage.

  4. #4
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Do not go for bankruptcy instead he will contact to any Debt Management Company and explain to them the sitution. They will help to sort his debts. And he still can keep his bank account.

    To file bankruptcy means he will have no bank account. Black listed for 6 years!
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  5. #5
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    So, if he filed bankruptcy it could affect our visa processing like fiancee or spousal visa?

    Btw, thanks for the replies, guys. I'll tell my fiance about the Debt Management Company. It sounds sad that he will be blacklisted for 6 years and no bank account.

  6. #6
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    i think debt management companies are not a good idea..

    If he speaks directly to the credit card company normally he will get a better deal - like no interest to pay. it will have no effect on the visa application.

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Speak to the credit card company and also the CAB, in fact its best to seek legal/expert advice before speaking to the credit card company if possible to make sure.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i may be wrong but is islander the same person as troubled if your not sorry as both posted 1 msg and have big problems..

    go bankrupt because you owe one cred card ? what was your limit ? i owe 2 cred cards, put £2000 on visa fees on one, and £900 op for me dog on the other, ive just been to my bank to get a loan to pay them off, so i dont have to pay 17% intrest

    i find it hard to believe that he cannot pay one card off, i dont know what his limit was on the card £3000, minimum payment would be what £70 a month

    why not apply for another card with intrest free transfer for a year, and cancel the old card..

    end of the world for one cred card

  9. #9
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    Firstly when backrupt you can still obtain a bank account.... natwest step ac, royal bank key account.... co-op cashminder account.

    If bankrupt you dont have every penny taken away from you ! yes the house and car might be at rish but it depends on the equity in it.

    If your freind has other debts and these are all cleared with teh bankruptcy then he may have more cash in his bank each month to show he can support his financee.

    And unless he is asked on teh immigration form or they credit check him, how would they know when his finacee applies for a visa.... as long as he has a bank account and has some moneyt each month to show he can support her I dont see the problem.

  10. #10
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    ment to also say, only if you have a job in the finance industry or similar are you at risk of loosing a job.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post

    if you are a bankrupt many companies will not employ you
    Not true unless your employment is within the banking sector...

    Insolvency uk, government organisation has all the correct information, and you can even file your bankruptcy petition online:

    To the OP, I would suggest that the person who is alleged to have incurred this debt to speak the the credit card company first see if something can be arranged. If he cannot provide sufficent evidence to prove he did not incur the credit card debt, I'm afraid he will have to pay it.

  12. #12
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    ? i owe 2 cred cards, put £2000 on visa fees on one, and £900 op for me dog on the other, ive just been to my bank to get a loan to pay them off, so i dont have to pay 17% intrest
    In hindsight you should have cooked the dog, saved 900, and enjoyed a slap up meal

  13. #13
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by islander View Post
    Hi to all!

    I am worried about the financial situation of my fiance. Here is the story, my fiance's credit card was stolen by one of his friends. At that time, he was not aware it was gone because he didn't use it. When the bill came, he was surprised to see the amount due he never incurred. He tried to locate his friend but no where to be found. He filed evidence against the bill and had some hearings. But it seems that the bank doesn't believe him. However, he doesn't want to pay. It is a big amount and interest keeps on adding up. He could not afford it. Instead, he wants to file bankruptcy to solve it.

    And now, my question is: If my fiance files bankruptcy, do you think, it could affect our visa processing like for example fiancee visa or spousal visa? I would really appreciate to hear some experiences similar to mine and advices as well. Thanks in advance!
    Actually, bankruptcy is usually discharged after 12 months.

    but ask your partner to go to Citizen Advice Bureau for more advice
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Actually, bankruptcy is usually discharged after 12 months.

    but ask your partner to go to Citizen Advice Bureau for more advice
    or 3 years in scotland, but law due to change dec 2007 to that of england and will be 12 months.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    In hindsight you should have cooked the dog, saved 900, and enjoyed a slap up meal
    yes well its 12yrs old, when it's you can come and collect it, and make a lechon, except it will not be the dog on a stick but a badboy pinoy

    when my wife went mad at the £900, i told the wife, its her or the dog, so the dog still here

    well with hindsight, if i had known the gov would push up visa fees from £335 to £750 each i would have got them all here earlier

  16. #16
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    why not apply for another card with intrest free transfer for a year, and cancel the old card..
    Because they no longer exist as far as I am aware..Most that I know have a 2%/3% transfer charge and much depends on credit history as to whether he will be able to get one.
    My credit record has been perfect for years but since I sold my house and moved into rented, my credit score has tumbled and I was refused a card on my last application.
    I will not apply for others as further refusals will probably further damage my score.
    If the guy had reported the theft to the Police and immediatley to the credit card company, he may have been covered by the companies insurance..
    A good place to ask the question would be
    They are pretty damned good over there.

    Give me some rep power..You know I deserve it!!

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh they do exist, ive just transfer money from a barclaycard which was on interest free transfer for 9 months and a rbs master card which was on interest free for more than 6 months, and i would have appiled for a hsbc card which has 0% on balance transfers for 12 months !!! but ive done enougth of it all now, so i got a loan paid them all off.

    but when rbs phoned me, saying why didnt i get a loan to pay my cred card off, i told them why when i can get at least 6 months int free if i transfer to another credit card, what did they tell me, oh why dont you apply for a master card int free for 6 months !!!!

    if you got the time, you can beat'em at their own game, sure you pay a transfer handling fee, but you still save as long as you never use that card

    nah , no rep power, you'll have the same as me then

    when you moving to pinoyland fred ? my wife wants to move to oz or new zeland , becuase its hard for her to get training to be a consultant here now ,the gov has screwed it all up

  18. #18
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    Hi! Thanks so much for all your infos. I will be sending this link to my fiance for him to weigh things before deciding.

    God Bless you all!

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You just transfer every 6 months to keep 0% interest, or get a 7% bank loan. Not paying is NOT an option, as you'll all be screwed.

    He does need to go the CAB though, that is 100% certain.
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    oh they do exist, ive just transfer money from a barclaycard which was on interest free transfer for 9 months and a rbs master card which was on interest free for more than 6 months, and i would have appiled for a hsbc card which has 0% on balance transfers for 12 months !!! but ive done enougth of it all now, so i got a loan paid them all off.

    but when rbs phoned me, saying why didnt i get a loan to pay my cred card off, i told them why when i can get at least 6 months int free if i transfer to another credit card, what did they tell me, oh why dont you apply for a master card int free for 6 months !!!!

    if you got the time, you can beat'em at their own game, sure you pay a transfer handling fee, but you still save as long as you never use that card

    nah , no rep power, you'll have the same as me then

    when you moving to pinoyland fred ? my wife wants to move to oz or new zeland , becuase its hard for her to get training to be a consultant here now ,the gov has screwed it all up
    My point is that I have 10K on my card and this debt is about 3 years old now..Although we have had every interest free deal going it still costs me 200 quid everytime I transfer it because of the new charges..This didnt use to happen. 0% meant 0%.

    We are going on the 18th of July...Cant bloody wait!!

    Tell you what..You give me some rep power and I'll give you some!!
    Deal or no deal??

  21. #21
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You just transfer every 6 months to keep 0% interest, or get a 7% bank loan. Not paying is NOT an option, as you'll all be screwed.

    He does need to go the CAB though, that is 100% certain.
    Hey !! About time you did the business with my rep power too keith..
    Cmon!! You know it makes sense!!

  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    My point is that I have 10K on my card and this debt is about 3 years old now..Although we have had every interest free deal going it still costs me 200 quid everytime I transfer it because of the new charges..This didnt use to happen. 0% meant 0%.

    We are going on the 18th of July...Cant bloody wait!!

    Tell you what..You give me some rep power and I'll give you some!!
    Deal or no deal??

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    My point is that I have 10K on my card and this debt is about 3 years old now..Although we have had every interest free deal going it still costs me 200 quid everytime I transfer it because of the new charges..This didnt use to happen. 0% meant 0%.

    We are going on the 18th of July...Cant bloody wait!!

    Tell you what..You give me some rep power and I'll give you some!!
    Deal or no deal??
    are you paying it off or you doing a errr

    my nephew, his business was doing really well for years, and then microsoft him over, so he quit, and owned the bank £25k, he went to CAB and they wrote a letter to his bank saying he couldn't pay much, and he offered to pay £1 a month, and they accepted !!!
    he wanst made bankrupt or anything, still has a bank account

  24. #24
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    are you paying it off or you doing a errr

    my nephew, his business was doing really well for years, and then microsoft him over, so he quit, and owned the bank £25k, he went to CAB and they wrote a letter to his bank saying he couldn't pay much, and he offered to pay £1 a month, and they accepted !!!
    he wanst made bankrupt or anything, still has a bank account

    Naa..We have decided to let it run on the 0% for another year..
    If I was going to do a runner with credit card money I would do it for a lot more than £10,000.
    As you can see,the thought did cross my mind!!
    If we hit our cards for the maximum its scary to think how much I could bank.
    I suppose a lot of people in my position would do exactly that..
    I'm far too honest for my own good..
    (rep point for my impeccable honesty anyone?)

    Rep returned!! Good doing business with you!!

  25. #25
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    Hi guys. thanks a lot for the replies. My concern is if my fiance filed bankruptcy could it affect our visa processing?

  26. #26
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Yes, as he has no way of supporting you, so it will be denied.
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #27
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    HOw can he not support you.

    The official reciver will take 50% of any surplus income..... surplus income is after you have given a statment of affiars, saying what you need to live off.

    for example, you earn £1500pm, your statement of affairs show for your mortgage/rent and bills and food ect you need £1000.... you are left with £500. £250 of that or 50% will have to be paid to the official receiver.

    what you do with that £250 is "up to you" so how can you not support a ph gf ?

    also when she came over his soa would be looked at and ajusted for his partner, so maybe he needs £1200 a month to live.... so the or will only get 50% of the excess with is now £300 so he pays less, only £150!!

  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If the embassy checks that he's just become bankrupt, he can't prove 'no recourse to public funds'!!!

    Besides, there is ZERO reason to declare bankruptcy. the CAB will mediate, he'll have an excellent credit record, and still pay off what is owed with only a few quid a month, probaby interest free, or at least low interest.

    Creditors will always accept SOME money, rather than NONE, but most folk seem to think bankruptcy is an easy answer, when it is much more complicated than that, and can effect your life for years.
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #29
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    If the embassy checks that he's just become bankrupt, he can't prove 'no recourse to public funds'!!!

    Besides, there is ZERO reason to declare bankruptcy. the CAB will mediate, he'll have an excellent credit record, and still pay off what is owed with only a few quid a month, probaby interest free, or at least low interest.

    Creditors will always accept SOME money, rather than NONE, but most folk seem to think bankruptcy is an easy answer, when it is much more complicated than that, and can effect your life for years.
    It really depends on how much you owe and personal situation..If its a serious amount that cannot be managed efficiently ,I heard Martin Lewis advise bankruptcy as the best route.

  30. #30
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I doubt his CC company would have let it go over the balance enough to make bankruptcy a viable option. Besides, the CAB will know ways of maybe getting the total amount down.
    Keith - Administrator

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