Well, at the expense of sounding like a prude.
I am a Christian, therefore I wouldn't go into one of these places. One of these bars where the bar-girls work.
I would certainly not marry one.
I am married to a lovely Christian girl. I know how innocent she was

I personally have been quite innocent too. Shy and sensitive, a Christian with no real past

But it was also through choice - not just because I am shy.
But, living in Birmingham, and later in the Philippines, I know a thing or two about what goes on. When i was living in the Philippines, I had some American friends who were intimately acquainted with this bar-scene and the girls who go along with it.
Let me make it clear, I wouldn't marry a prostitute, because she is a prostitute. Spiritually speaking, her job choices will have effectively seared her conscience. It doesn't require me to have had first hand experience to know that.
So that's the depth of my logic.
It's the dream come true - for me and my wife, to be honest!