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Thread: Daughter's settlement visa

  1. #1
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    Daughter's settlement visa

    Hi everyone,

    I am new to this forum. I find it useful and informative as I am trying to apply a settlement visa for my daughter. She will be 18 in December. I am separated for 7 years but not yet annulled and I want to bring my daughter here. What supporting documents should I prepare to help establish that I have got the sole responsibility of her. PLease help or it might be too late.

    Any replies are more than welcome. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Hi Eileen welcome to the forum sorry i cant answer your question but there will be many on this site who will give you all the advice & gudance you need good luck with your daughters visa application

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Hi Eileen!!..i think Joebloggs will give u a more discrete answer on your query here..but as you said your daughter will be turning 18 in December? might be a little hard to prove sole responsibility...

    Can children over 18 qualify?

    Any 'child' aged 18 years or over must qualify for settlement in his/her own right unless there are exceptional circumstances. If there are exceptional circumstances the application may be considered under the Rules on Other Dependant Relatives.

    * If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, what has been/what is the sponsoring parent's relationship with the child?
    * Has the sponsoring parent consistently supported the child, either by:
    direct personal care ; or by regular and substantial financial remittances?
    * By whom, and in what proportions, is the cost of the child's maintenance borne?
    * Who takes the important decisions about the child's upbringing, for example where the child lives, the choice of school, religious practice etc?

    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    does your daughter work ? if not is she a student ?
    how long is it since she has lived with you?,
    how long have you been in the uk?
    who does she live with ?
    does she have contact with her father ?

    you better get that visa in app asap.

  5. #5
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    Hi Joebloggs, thanks for replying..
    My daughter is a student but not working. I have been in the UK for five years now and got my settlement early this year. She lives with my mother in Manila since 2005 when I left the Philippines. She used to have contact with her father but of late, they had a fall out and they are not in anymore speaking terms.
    Does she have a fair chance to be issued a visa?

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    , Eileen. I cannot guarantee the outcome of an application for a settlement visa on behalf of your daughter BUT ... based on the additional information you've provided since reading others' replies ... it may well BE that my colleague Joe Bloggs will now have a clearer idea of your chances.

  7. #7
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    It was moderated...............

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post

    It was moderated...............
    ... And ... ???

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The moderate Mod has been moderated moderately
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eileen View Post
    Hi Joebloggs, thanks for replying..
    My daughter is a student but not working. I have been in the UK for five years now and got my settlement early this year. She lives with my mother in Manila since 2005 when I left the Philippines. She used to have contact with her father but of late, they had a fall out and they are not in anymore speaking terms.
    Does she have a fair chance to be issued a visa?
    there is a risk that the embassy will say that your mother has 'sole responsibilty' for your daughter, 5yrs is a long time

    but i think you have to try because time is running out, you really need to apply ASAP but need as much evidence as you can get to show you have 'sole responsibility'

  11. #11
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    Hi Joe,

    You are right. My daughter has been refused of the visa! The entry clearance officer said I failed to establish that I have the sole responsibility for her. We had submitted documents like our yahoo chast, emails and cards to establish that we are in constant communication with each other. I had written a letter that my mother is too old to take care of her and that she needs to enjoy her retirement years. Still, the officer thinks that my daughter has already formed an independent family unit with her grandparents-my parents. How could I provide more documents to establish that sole responsibility?? Joe, this is really depressing! I just wanted to be with my daughter and why wouldn't they allow that? Also, they said that the father is still alive. I am separated from him for 7 years but he has been with a partner. Please suggest what else I can provide to prove sole responsibility. I am thinking of lodging an appeal. Please help!!

  12. #12
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    Hi Joe,

    You are right! The embassy ruled out against my daughter's visa application. The officer said I failed to establish my sole responsibility for her. Had provided documents like yahoo chats, emails, greeting cards to establish that I have been in constant communication with her. Had also provided remittance slips and bank statements. Still, they ruled that my daughter has already established a separate family unit from me. I even wrote a letter saying that my mother is old enough to take care of her. I need a legal document to say that I have the sole responsibility. How do I establish this? PLease help!!!

  13. #13
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    hello eileen,

    been in that situation before, it's really heartbreaking, my daughter's got refused, we appealled and Thanks God our appeal was allowed, proving sole responsibility is very hard, you have to pull out every little single details/documents you have. we did our appeal through a solicitor and it was so costly. you have to submit the appeal as soon as possible coz it has a time limit on how long you can lodge the appeal, but if you decide to do it through a solicitor, they will take care of the submission of the appeal.

    i wish you and your daughter all the best...

    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eileen View Post
    Hi Joe,

    You are right! The embassy ruled out against my daughter's visa application. The officer said I failed to establish my sole responsibility for her. Had provided documents like yahoo chats, emails, greeting cards to establish that I have been in constant communication with her. Had also provided remittance slips and bank statements. Still, they ruled that my daughter has already established a separate family unit from me. I even wrote a letter saying that my mother is old enough to take care of her. I need a legal document to say that I have the sole responsibility. How do I establish this? PLease help!!!

    sorry i missed your reply
    yes bad news,
    3kws ago, have you appealed ?
    independent life style, does she work ?
    i take it she doesn't work? not married? and is totally dependant on you ?

  15. #15
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    Hi Eileen,
    I think, it is also necessary that you present to them any financial help you previously sent to her. Also it helps if you show them that you have money in the bank. A letter from your banking institution can be forwarded to them.

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