Originally Posted by
James Hubbard
So is this your current guy you're talking about ... the one about whom you have written "in a relationship" in your profile?
Has the dude ever been to the Phils?
i am kinda lost for words here.
yes, he is. he's never been to the philippines. we met in amsterdam after my choir tour. he's kinda considering teaching english here or indonesia next year.
he's got this i'll-give-you-ultimatum-so-you-will-get-off-your-lazy-butt way of getting results :(
but coming up with my ticket fare in only a month is impossible, especially me being solo. no help from anywhere. and that is only for a month's visit to london! im not rich, heck -- im actually broke! i feel like giving up already
when we fight, we make up within the day. its just sometimes, i dont know IF we're ever going to fix things. im always scared. i got this email last night from a friend:
"Shouldn't he be trying to prove himself worthy of you Ghee, isn't he, after all, the man? I never require you to be worthy of my friendship, Ghee! That is my point. I guess we're all different, my view is reversed. I would kiss the ground you walk on Ghee, but that is me. Every thinking head is different. I'm sorry your desire and goal for a serious, meaningful, and lasting relationship has to endure such childish and immature acts Ghee. :( Note that I am always here to be your source of encouragement, in other words, I'm a good shoulder...
With that kind of an attitude, ask yourself, is he worth it?! Ghee, I'm serious now, I'm not trying to discourage you, or break you up, but damn, do you love this guy that much? Is he worth selling all you have?! Is he about your happiness, or his?! I'm inclined to believe it's about his!! Why won't he foot the bill to get you over there if he loves you that much?! Why the hell is he placing ultimatums on you?! And don't contact him until it's done?!?! Wtf?!?! What are you going to do Ghee, what are you going to do?! $1200.00 is a lot of money in this messed up economy. Sounds like it's more "you" than "we" or "him" though! :( anyways, I wish you all success and happiness, Because I'm your friend, and I don't want to see you fail.
You are unique chubs, and if it works out for you, super duper, but if it doesn't, at least I know, and can give witness that you gave it your best shot, that you put your all into it. I respect you so much, I don't understand it, I guess love really is blind, but I do respect it. I'm almost jealous, I wish someone loved me like that, to give everything for me, I certainly wouldn't treat them like he's treating you, if anything, I would help to achieve the goal, I mean, doesn't he have things he can sell too?! sorry if I seem offensive, I just care about fair, I just want him fair with you, forgive me Ghee..Luv yah."