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Thread: I hate who I work for

  1. #1
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    I hate who I work for

    THis lot do my head in. I work for an egyptian outfit on a dive support vessel. Basically my back to back has resigned, I thought good oh I can now sort it so I'll xmas at home as I'm due to work it the moment. So tell the wife I can be home for chrimbo but it'll mean I'll be away for 10 weeks (I normally do 5 weeks away and 5 weeks off). The extra money will also help pay off debts and I can take her to london for a little break as I've (still) not taken her there. Also I've rearranged hospital appointments for some procedures we're having that are very expensive and unfortunatley have a very limited appointment availability.

    So all sorted or so I thought. Until usless numpty in the office declares that my relief will arrive on the 1st september!!! A whole 4 weeks too early!!! PLus this guy has only done one trip on a barge that does what can only laughabily be called diving. Also that wasn't even as a senior watchkeeper. So in one foul swoop fat man in the office has up my xmas (first at home in 3 years), up our hospital procedures and up my extra wages

    God I need to win the lotto so I can tell these useless, bone idle, stinking, halfwit to shove their job up their I bet anyone to prove to me this lot built the pyramids. Not a chance.

    Rant over
    It's been emontional

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    you missis is more then welcome to share our xmas diiner

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    I worked offshore for many years also subseastu (worked as electronics tech.)
    I am a diver also, but only for sport...too many scary stories about doing it as a job for me.

    I was in Dokki (in Cairo), Ras Shukier, Ras Gharib back in 1977 and then also in the 80's.
    This type of thing happened a lot to me also, I suppose it comes with the territory
    You never knew when you were going home until it happened back then.

    I was on oil rigs and pipelay barges there also, and had good and bad we all do.
    Try to keep positive, the job situation in the UK is not the best at the moment.

    I actually found Egyptians to be fairly competant and was often shocked at how badly the Saudis treated them.

    We only had SSB radio for comms in those days, it's a bit different these days LOL

    Chin up mate

  4. #4
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Cheers for the offer Steve but the missus doesn't even go round to my mam and dads when I'm away at chrimbo
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  5. #5
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I worked offshore for many years also subseastu (worked as electronics tech.)
    I am a diver also, but only for sport...too many scary stories about doing it as a job for me.

    I was in Dokki (in Cairo), Ras Shukier, Ras Gharib back in 1977 and then also in the 80's.
    This type of thing happened a lot to me also, I suppose it comes with the territory
    You never knew when you were going home until it happened back then.

    I was on oil rigs and pipelay barges there also, and had good and bad we all do.
    Try to keep positive, the job situation in the UK is not the best at the moment.

    I actually found Egyptians to be fairly competant and was often shocked at how badly the Saudis treated them.

    We only had SSB radio for comms in those days, it's a bit different these days LOL

    Chin up mate
    Wow, I'm actually working off Ras Shukhier now probably on the same platforms you worked alongside. Infact, now keep this under your hat, but we are now working for Gupco which is the egyptian branch of BP and we've just had to pull over one off their platforms and cap the wells. Basically due to the fact that since they where installed 25 - 30yr ago absolutely no maintenence has been done on them what so ever. THey only realised there was a problem when a helicopter landed on one of them and promptly had to take off again due to excessive movement!!! THeres been a media blackout due to the problem they've had over in the states.

    Turns out nearly every structural member had broken at the weld and it was only the weight of the topside keeping it upright!!

    I actually worked with this lot round in saudi the other year and to be honest it was nice to see the saudis treating the egyptians as badly as they did. Mainly to show them what its like for others. The egyptians treat S africians, indians and canadians badly but the filipinos get it worst. So to be honest it was a bit of payback.

    The biggest problem I have at the moment is that after informing the office and reorganising my appointments etc, sorting the family for xmas, fat man in the office then puts a spanner in the works for no reason what so ever. I mean who'd have an egyptian back to back and work xmas?! Its not like he's going to know the difference is he?!
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  6. #6
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    Every company I've worked for I've had issues with one person or another, usually jobsworths who trip off the power. When my kids were young it used to drive me up the wall working with this , just me and him stuck in a room together for 8 hours a day (didn't help him being a Man utd fan, me Liverpool ). It used to wind me up that I was spending more time with this idiot than I was my kids (I'd get in around 6 and they'd be in bed by 9).

    I'm not proud of this, but I finally flipped one day and threatened to knock him out. I quickly resigned before I was fired. It's a sad predicament working for a company that you're spending most of your waking hours with people you wouldn't normally choose to be with

  7. #7
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Know what you mean triple5. I have to spend 12hr a day on the bridge of my ship working in close quarters with some real. It takes all my legendary poise and control not to go off on some of them!!! Doesn't help when the office send out blokes that apparently got 3years experience and it become blatently obvious that they know the square root of f*** all.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    ..... Its not like he's going to know the difference is he?!
    He may enjoy Christmas, you never know.
    There are moderate Egyptians who drink liquor and get up to all sorts of things
    The more I travelled, the more I realised that nothing is as it seems

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Know what you mean triple5. I have to spend 12hr a day on the bridge of my ship working in close quarters with some real. It takes all my legendary poise and control not to go off on some of them!!! Doesn't help when the office send out blokes that apparently got 3years experience and it become blatently obvious that they know the square root of f*** all.
    I always looked at it that idiots stood a great chance of making me look intelligent, which is quite a hard thing to do normally

  10. #10
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    I was working offshore in the early 80's in the Gulf of Suez when everything got shut down.
    Somebody pulled the wrong lever or pressed the wrong button and a French diver had his insides sucked out in the bell whilst on the loo.
    Strange and often terrible things happened a lot back then

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    ... usually jobsworths who trip off the power. It's a sad predicament working for a company that you're spending most of your waking hours with people you wouldn't normally choose to be with
    , Paul. I spent over fourteen years in a small offshoot of the former Regional Council Social Work Department ... where I was more or less my own boss and given free-reign as Records Officer ... until, one day, I "shot my mouth off" [with GOOD reason, I might add!] and found myself transferred - without prior warning - to the mainstream office. And I absolutely detested this move, because I was forced to work with a wee shte called Morris (whom I nicknamed 'Morris Minor') roughly the same age as myself; a proper little "Hitler" ... and no mistake!

    At the time, both he and I were fast approaching the age of 50. Unfortunately, he was senior to me by a couple of grades ... and there was no prospect of either of us progressing any further up the line in what was, by then, largely a "young man's world". So, rather than spend the rest of what, at this late stage in my working life, barely passed as a career ... festering alongside him, I applied for - and was granted - early retiral. It turned out to be a decision I've NEVER, to this day, had cause to regret! Last time I saw the pompous , he was shuffling along with the aid of a stick, and I actually felt sorry for him. Karma, eh?

  12. #12
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i love my work, somedays hard but most days its good , could do with a little extra mony but then again i have all i want , life is good most days

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    i love my work, somedays hard but most days its good , could do with a little extra mony but then again i have all i want , life is good most days
    Hi Steve, I tend to work far too many hours.

    I have always been like this, I always see it that it is better to earn while you can to plan for things that may come up later.
    Flights to Phils and such-like are expensive, a baby certainly drains the reserves

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I tend to work far too many hours.

    I have always been like this, I always see it that it is better to earn while you can to plan for things that may come up later.

    a baby certainly drains the reserves

    for many years where i use to work, i didn't even take one days holiday (only bank holidays) as they would pay me for the holidays i had not take in jan
    , not a good idea even if you like your job

    wait til their older, little joe will be 4 in nov, he's already wearing clothes for a 6yr old and has more transformer, power ranger toys than i've had posts

  15. #15
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    He may enjoy Christmas, you never know.
    There are moderate Egyptians who drink liquor and get up to all sorts of things
    The more I travelled, the more I realised that nothing is as it seems
    Very true, those that work for my company tend to fairly hard line though.

    Anyway the oldman has just come to me to say that the office in the infinate wisdom going against all the has been offered to them by the 2 captains in way of advice are sending this bloke out on wednesday to relieve me. Useless.

    THis man has never held a senior watch on a dsv before so its stupidly dangerous that he's even coming in this capacity. Plus xmas, hospital and getting out of debt have all gone for a burton. What a bunch of imcompetant

    So angery at the moment its insane how 5 months can be wiped out in one f***ed up decision by some dick in the office.

    Anyone got a job thats highly paid, that involves doing very little, don't have to pay tax, let me know please. BEst be quick though I feel like stringing myself up
    It's been emontional

  16. #16
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    I feel your pain, this is a familiar story, have experienced the same in Offshore, Cruise Ships and Yachting, think its the same all over. Problem is they have so little experience in the office, they really don't understand what is happening on their multi million pound assets! Had two Captains quit on the cruise ships when they decided they couldn't deal with the company trying to put inexperienced officers onboard and then expect the captains to pick up the pieces... It's never the company who are blamed in the accident reports!

  17. #17
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    How about the MOD Ro-Ro's with Bibby? 6wk on/off, decent salaries and sitting in Marchwood half the time, you do have to accept being shot at occasionally, but I guess you've sailed West Africa and had that lol

  18. #18
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    How about the MOD Ro-Ro's with Bibby? 6wk on/off, decent salaries and sitting in Marchwood half the time, you do have to accept being shot at occasionally, but I guess you've sailed West Africa and had that lol
    LOL. Never done africa but I did my cadetship and a couple of trips with the mighty RFA, so well used to grey ships, guns and senior officers with militaristic ideas (plastic rodneys). Needless to say that I didn't last too long there, Didn't see eye to eye with alot of their policies and man management. PLus 5 months away doing the old 4 and 8 watch system does start to grind after a bit!

    You're right about the office as well. I've now worked for 7 different outfits and I think there was only a couple who had anyone in the office with any sort of sea going experience. They just run it like an office and think its the same on ship. Like you say we're the ones left to pick up the pieces / appear in court.

    Just been told that they want me to stay for a few days to hand over to this clown. I've agreed so it'll be a few extra days pay and I'll be able to see if this bloke is any good and won't kill the divers!!
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  19. #19
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I was working offshore in the early 80's in the Gulf of Suez when everything got shut down.
    Somebody pulled the wrong lever or pressed the wrong button and a French diver had his insides sucked out in the bell whilst on the loo.
    Strange and often terrible things happened a lot back then
    THats shocking. Nothing quite that bad but its a wonder how we've not killed anyone on here with the standard of divers / supervisors we get. PLenty of run away spool pieces rocketing up to the surface, very lucky that the divers managed to clear their umbilicals before getting dragged to the surface as well!!

    Standard problem here is everything is done on such a shoe string that its a wonder we've not killed / maimed anyone or been shut down. We run so close to being illegal its mad.
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  20. #20
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    I ended up on Business in a Luxury boat office once lovely people but all of the people i encountered were landlubbers thats for sure and most clueless about working in an office let alone shipping regs or experience.

    Im amazed how people are promoted who are totally clueless even worse is when you take over a department and you have to get rid of these waste of spaces not easy in the modern work environment.

    Much seems to be due to promoting people due to factors which can be seen on spreadsheets:
    1 They are cheap, amazing how many people and mangers will promote someone who they know is cheap simply wants manger in their title and will "play the Game"

    2 They have been there for ages and deserve it, again just because they have stayed certainly doesan't mean they are actually any good

    3 They have a degree or other qualifications on paper shame though this person was not tested on the knowledge and skills they actually posses
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  21. #21
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I ended up on Business in a Luxury boat office once lovely people but all of the people i encountered were landlubbers thats for sure and most clueless about working in an office let alone shipping regs or experience.

    Im amazed how people are promoted who are totally clueless even worse is when you take over a department and you have to get rid of these waste of spaces not easy in the modern work environment.

    Much seems to be due to promoting people due to factors which can be seen on spreadsheets:
    1 They are cheap, amazing how many people and mangers will promote someone who they know is cheap simply wants manger in their title and will "play the Game"

    2 They have been there for ages and deserve it, again just because they have stayed certainly doesan't mean they are actually any good

    3 They have a degree or other qualifications on paper shame though this person was not tested on the knowledge and skills they actually posses
    THat all sounds incredibly familiar
    It's been emontional

  22. #22
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    i hate my work,, on the building mostly 6 days a week and on a door in bristol 2 to 3 nights a week. i get wound up and peed off most weeks and think sod the job, but then think about my wife and kids and that calms me down. at the end of the day a lot of people hate ther boss or work, but much better to have work than being on the dole.. and also just tink about the poor kids working in forced labour in india and other countrys to put rice on the tables. my bad days at work is nothing to what these kids have to put up with 12 hours a day 7 days a week.....

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    ps,, ive got tonight and tomorrow off, yipeee,, and i think myself lucky

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    i hate my work,, on the building mostly 6 days a week and on a door in bristol 2 to 3 nights a week. i get wound up and peed off most weeks and think sod the job, but then think about my wife and kids and that calms me down. at the end of the day a lot of people hate ther boss or work, but much better to have work than being on the dole.. and also just tink about the poor kids working in forced labour in india and other countrys to put rice on the tables. my bad days at work is nothing to what these kids have to put up with 12 hours a day 7 days a week.....
    Very true and for you there is hopefully very soon a end result ie your Wife and Children being with you Whereas the Child labourers
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Very true and for you there is hopefully very soon a end result ie your Wife and Children being with you Whereas the Child labourers
    hopefully my wife and 2 children will be with me in uk, thats all i work for saving the money for my wifes visa application and the rest of the expences that go with it,ie flights etc,, its the only thing that keeps me going on my bad days at work, my family with me here,, but if she dose not get the visa i will always work to support my wife and kids ther in rp..

  26. #26
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    i hate my work,, on the building mostly 6 days a week and on a door in bristol 2 to 3 nights a week. i get wound up and peed off most weeks and think sod the job, but then think about my wife and kids and that calms me down. at the end of the day a lot of people hate ther boss or work, but much better to have work than being on the dole.. and also just tink about the poor kids working in forced labour in india and other countrys to put rice on the tables. my bad days at work is nothing to what these kids have to put up with 12 hours a day 7 days a week.....
    That is very true it puts it all in perspective. I realise that I have a well paid job that allows me to travel sometimes to various parts of the globe, I work just over 6 months of the year so basically I could be called semi retired. We have nice stuff and clothes, We're trying to help the wifes family etc. But every now and again I look around myself at home and have a buddiest moment and think why do I need all this materal crap? I am in quite a privileged postion I realise and it does sometimes need a bit of shock for me to understand that.

    Mind you I still work for d*ck heads
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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    hopefully my wife and 2 children will be with me in uk, thats all i work for saving the money for my wifes visa application and the rest of the expences that go with it,ie flights etc,, its the only thing that keeps me going on my bad days at work, my family with me here,, but if she dose not get the visa i will always work to support my wife and kids ther in rp..
    Nice one a proper stand up bloke. Wish there was more like us!!!
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    for many years where i use to work, i didn't even take one days holiday (only bank holidays) as they would pay me for the holidays i had not take in jan
    , not a good idea even if you like your job

    wait til their older, little joe will be 4 in nov, he's already wearing clothes for a 6yr old and has more transformer, power ranger toys than i've had posts
    It appears there are many of us who keep our nose to the grindstone

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Nice one a proper stand up bloke. Wish there was more like us!!!
    im not what you call a proper stand up bloke, i have 2 kids from my first wife that i have always supported and i still do even though they are in ther teens,, but if you bring kids into the world you have to support them, in what ever way you can,,

  30. #30
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    im not what you call a proper stand up bloke, i have 2 kids from my first wife that i have always supported and i still do even though they are in ther teens,, but if you bring kids into the world you have to support them, in what ever way you can,,
    No matter, your supporting your kids from a previous marriage, you've not done a runner and your doing the best you can for your new family. A stand up bloke in my eyes. PLenty of others would have done a runner, especailly in this day and age when its pretty tight all round and it seems that now a days people seem to find it very easy to shrug off their responsibilities. I'm sure your a fine dad setting a good example to your kids.

    THere's too many people who take the easy way out.
    It's been emontional

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