How PC is the forum?![]()
How PC is the forum?![]()
Keith - Administrator
Wow!!! Lots of visitors and no one has an opinion!!! God help use when we have to choose Broon V Cumonron![]()
Keith - Administrator
Well, I've read it for a bit and for me the joke looks quite funny but offensive.
Not an expert, I only try to help.
Change the word 'nigger' to 'Welsh' gets even funnier![]()
Keith - Administrator
I'm a white jigger boo and proud of it![]()
Keith - Administrator
i think its not just the jokes that are offensive.. its also the pictures posted that are more offensive.. esp the one with the dead black person lying naked on the street.. poor thing...but then again thats just me.. .
Plenty of pics of dead Iraqi's on the news....does that make the USA racists for causing it?![]()
No idea why that bird got thrown out of Big Brother for saying nigger.....even Stevie Wonder could tell she's a Paki![]()
Keith - Administrator
well there is a lot of science behind what makes a joke, what makes a joke funny. and there is a lot of politics involved too - with the people who tell the jokes (notice I said politics rather than racism).
I find baddiel telling a jewish joke prettyoffensive, & ali-g the same too - the 'throw the jew down the well 'joke, would be funny if someone else told it?
billy connolly is another of the 'comedians' who I don't find funny
now, if you had little britain sketch with a mat lucas as black man drowning in a pool & david williams throwing him straw... you see the comedy.
..but that would never happen. it's only black comedians who can(/will) say 'nigger' on tv, which has everything to do with politics & nothing to do with humor.
all that said, i think thats just what happens on tv. go to a stand up comedy show & anything goes & its all very offensive & very funny![]()
if you go to the other pages on that site you see its a political website, not a joke website.. point proven i think..![]()
Well to some like me I find it offensive. But then if it was jokes taking the p*** out of white people i would find it funny. But i took your advice keith, only i used the word scouser instead of welsh, then it gets really funny.
I do have a good close friend who is black, who take offense if a stranger called him a nigger, but then he calls me a tight lipped thin nosed honky so who is racist ?
Not a kind of jokes to say to anyone, whatever race he belongs.
"Ignorance and inconsideration are the two great causes of the ruin of mankind."
John Tillotson
Those jokes are really sad. How can someone find it as funny joke to hear or say? and what is funny about it? It is beyond my understanding...Only those who ignores what really is there behind those jokes finds it funny.
totally agree with you.
that sums up the scouse race, being Ignorant and inconsiderate , they will be the ruin of manc kind![]()
I would like to hear the opinion of those who vote for that joke as "funny".![]()
i wanted to vote for funny and offensive..
funny as i think you should be able to laugh at anything, no sacred cows.
offensive because who ever created the web page looks to me like they really have a deep hate for black people.
win 2 win u should watch BB with ur eyes open,theres a black girl in there too!and guess what she called her the nigger!!
i would find the site funny but the people behind it must hate blacks which make u think have they ever seen tyra banks???
No idea why that bird got thrown out of Big Brother for saying nigger.....even Stevie Wonder could tell she's a Paki
did u write that?
No, I typed it, we call it humour![]()
Keith - Administrator
for goodness sake, jokes have been told about every single race & city on the planet. that page is a whole load of jokes about black people, and the site is clearly some anti black political organization.
What do you call a Filipino walking a dog?
- A vegetarian.
if I made a page of 100 Filipino jokes, would the page be funny?![]()
"Did you hear about the new Black Barbie? It comes with 12 kids, AIDS and a welfare check"
Is this a kind of a joke that will make you laugh? Why should we instigate those people who spread this kind of hatred and ignorance? Frankly, I don't find anything funny about those jokes...I don't find funny seeing a dead man with a stick in his ass? Was he a victim of violence, injustice or whatever? And those who read the jokes are laughing because those jokes were told centuries ago...because black were slave so they are entitled to be humiliated? Jews are stingy so as they have no right to have their own country? because they find it funny to laugh to someone's disgrace? It is not educative. To be able to laugh...Yes, we are so lucky that we are able to laugh because we are not dying of hunger...we don't have kids in Africa who are dying of AIDS, we don't fight our war...And what is our WAR? Have you ever thought about what is it? IGNORANCE is hard to eradicate it is a timeless war.
well i don't see your point
3000 people died in 9/11
Q: What is the New York City Fire Department's favorite song?
A: "It's Raining Men"
it's a funny joke I think. seems like you want to turn all jokes into political statements.
It's the least of my intention to turn all jokes into a political statements, what I am trying to point out is that those jokes might look funny but behind it there is a history. Not all jokes are educative not all of them are funny. Behind the 9/11 there is a history and I would not laugh if someone made a joke about it as I would not laugh if someone made a joke of children dying with AIDS and of a man who has been ripped out of his dignity as a human. What I am just trying to say is that we should not tolerate those kind of propaganda. Anyway, politically or not this is my opinion no offence meant.
blacks and slaves, iam sure there is not a country on earth that has not been invaded by another, where its citizens have been rounded up, shot, butchered and murdered, or used as slaves, britian like most of europe had been invaded by romans, the british empire, nazi germany and the japanese, even the americans today. its thru humor that people are able to try to deal with the situation, as for africa, look at the state of it, you cannot tell me that its all europes and america's fault ? the picture you mention, is disgusting, that a human could do that to another human, but the slaughtering in africa now is mostly done by its own people on its own people, which country in africa is not corrupt ? they cannot feed their straving people but they can afford to buy weapons.. its aup world, just becuase i laugh at a joke, it dosn't mean iam not offended by it or hate anyone. some of the jokes to me are funny, thats my sense of humor, but it doesnt mean iam also not offended by them, or i support the racist who wrote them and put them on a web site, i could laugh at every joke on that site, but iam never going to join the KKK or kill someone..
Thank God for that, I can sleep with both eyes shut now knowing I'm not going to get rogered to death by the sites local white Manc jigger boy![]()
What do you call an intelligent blonde? A Golden Retriever
(Apologies to any thick blondes this may upset)
When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $2.95 a minute![]()
This site is bloody funny
What's brown and white and flops on the beach?
A Filipino and a seagull fighting over a fish!![]()
Keith - Administrator
I don't find any humour in that jokes, people try to deal with the situations when they understand what they are dealing about. I am not pointing fingers to those who colonize Africa and who should be blame for it as what it became now, what its predecessor left them is the reality they are living now. History is there to teach us, but we have not learned far from it. I have an easy laugh but I do chose on which to laugh, knowing the root of those jokes takes away the humour of it. I do agree that if you find funny some of those jokes it does not make you a racist or a supporter, but what it makes of you?
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