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Thread: What do you do if your Internet goes down?

  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    What do you do if your Internet goes down?

    Last night the internet just died and cycling the router Ie switching on and off checking the cables and the filters (they can just die) Listening to the phone for any off noises. Doing line checks. CHecking the Router settings resetting and reinputing. Switching all off overnight nothing better.

    Nothing worked in my case. In the end I had to get a old router where it came apranet the lease on the Broadband was still at 14hours and so many minutes ie roughly when it packed in and the "new" old router tricked it in to refreshing. Phew no need to call a helpdesk and battle past level one

    But it made me think the internet is so vital now what backup plans do you have?

    We had the option of dial up (never got round to using and not always a good idea if broadband on the line)

    I tether my Phone to my Laptop while checking BT. I also have a 3G dongle. Most basic email, im and browser could of been done though the household phones. but some sites u need a full pc browser..

    But worth thinking especially when communication is so important especially with Brit phill relationships to think how would you cope if the household broandband packed up for a length of time..

    Remeber its bound to go down late at night at the weekend or over a bank holiday weekend
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    what i do when internet's down? I'll try to fix the router and stuffs..if i can't, i call the helpdesk..if it still isn't fixed, i go to internet shops if it's still early..if i can't do that, expect me to have a BAD mood the whole time and sulking!!!

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I love to fiddle my gadgets,electronics and cables,routers yeah one of my favorite...when i was in the Phils,i got a wireless set up by hubby during his visits ...when he is away and my internet is down,i will turn it off/on ,check the cables if properly inserted,turn on off the pc,on start click run type cmd,ipconfig,default gateway,check the activities,sometimes the prob is from the main box ,no signal received on my end etc etc... if it technical support,...if it fails again i tik a button which resets the router.. if it still fails I throw it out the window and ask for a new one

    i dont worry about it anymore as hubby fixes everything for me now
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i talk to my misses
    lucky it hardly ever goes down

  5. #5
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    I just switch to Television X on Sky if I lose my net access! Although admittedly, it's a lot harder trying to hide a plasma screen from your missus when she walks in as opposed to hiding the laptop screen!

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i just wait till it starts up again then ring virgin tell them that i miss a very important meeting using the web cam and then waite for the £10 rebate, hope no ones working for virgin reading this

  7. #7
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Some great responses Joe you dont talk to the missus the missus talks to you and you listen Visions of Dave hurling self at the TV

    So Sars has this big pile of Routers outside her window Uh oh Better make sure Rayna has Internet or

    But worth bearing in mind its worth having a backup as the issue I had after a bit of delving into on google the horror stories once a Broadband fault occurs can mean they can take days even weeks to fix if unlucky. Worth if you have a decent 3g reception at home to look into what your mobile company provides for either tethering your mobile or getting a cheap PAYG 3g Modem so you can keep up comms with Phill or the UK even if your a bit more restricted than before

    If you do decide to go down this route make sure you have the latest version of the software you need to connect your Phone and/or 3g card to your PC installed!! Save using the old version form the DVD which you got in the box which may mean the program tries to update..

    Check if there is a setting to adjust if you need to restrict the amount you use. Consider switching off images in your browser maybe worth installing Opera which has a turbo mode which can be used to compress the data for a website and then uncompressed by your PC to save on data downloaded.

    Also check your caching so pages which you use regularly are not always downloaded. Although not so good on pages which update a good deal.
    Ensure any p2p software switched off otherwise even if your not downloading it may start uploading. Switch off any autoupdates you can for the duration of using the 3G card some programs will check regularly and a easy way to burn though data.

    Check your email situation if you download your mail check to see if you can just download headers rather than the whole mail as some do. Maybe not the time to see the six huge emails of uncle Chicos collection of Hires HDR jeepney Photos download and cost you a load of data
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  8. #8
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    My hard drive failed (yes, we're talking about computers) recently, and the netbook was away for 10 days for free replacement, as it was still under warranty, but I've heard of far longer delays. Luckily I had saved important data before this happened.
    There are internet cafes in the UK, just as in the Philippines. Mine is at the local library. For 10 GBP (670 pesos) / year I get 6 hours a week (312 hours a year) which works out at 3 pence / 2 pesos an hour
    More people visit UK libraries than attend football matches, but numbers of visits are slowly falling Among the spending cuts this "ConDem" government is looking at are closure of libraries Use them or lose them

  9. #9
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    When i'm away at work, we have our challenges. If we are using the vsat (Satellite) internet at work, rain can deteriate the connection to zero, and then when the Land Earth Station in Miami has bad weather, again we end up without internet! Also the technical problems, again without internet. aghhhhh
    Then with the recent power outages in Cebu, it's hit and miss whether the misses will be online. All makes life exciting!

  10. #10
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    My hard drive failed (yes, we're talking about computers) recently, and the netbook was away for 10 days for free replacement, as it was still under warranty, but I've heard of far longer delays. Luckily I had saved important data before this happened.
    There are internet cafes in the UK, just as in the Philippines. Mine is at the local library. For 10 GBP (670 pesos) / year I get 6 hours a week (312 hours a year) which works out at 3 pence / 2 pesos an hour
    More people visit UK libraries than attend football matches, but numbers of visits are slowly falling Among the spending cuts this "ConDem" government is looking at are closure of libraries Use them or lose them
    Very true about public libraries and webcafes although cafes are getting fairly hard to find in many parts of the UK. But as you know Alan with phill being 7 hours ahead and 8 hours soon finding an open library or webcafe is not easy with many peoples busy lives. Plus i simply would not use a Public PC for any remittance or official correspondence etc and to be frank very wary of using anything I have with a login on a public pc.
    Ensure you log out, make sure save password or autocomplete etc not activated. Personally i would check to see if a usb stick can be connected and accessed from the pc and a program run if it can then unless you wanna run a AV or two I would only definitely use for anything you happy for anyone to know read or use. Having said that if not locked down tightly a Webased method of hacking the device is possibly just as easy if the download and upload speed decent. Also dont forget to check if cookies are being stored etc.

    Possibly have a separate YM or facebook account which you use in public (remember with these accounts and other social media your allowing others access to not just your info but other peoples info!! if they can gain access to your account) You could ask your mahal to restrict your public Facebook account so fewer details can be seen but you can contact via..
    Dont use an Email account where bank details are sent again have an email account which you are happy all correspondence is not needed to be kept private.

    One reason the typical Phill family pc's are far more likely to be full of Viruses n malware is partly down to USB sticks used on them and then in webcafes plus all the network traffic from Webcafe PC's. In Phill friends and family every week (also Phills on here) seem to report accounts taken over yet very rare in the UK it seems where home usage is far far higher.

    Like you say Browsing in the Library is a good option although do remember to check if you need to book in advance I know in many Parts of London you have to book in advance it seems as the desks are packed out.. I was told in one Westminster city library some people book the spaces as they are made available sometime in advance..

    I dont think i would recomend it but here you go

    I would now Include due to the high level of data you and others would wish to be private contained in many social messaging and email accounts on par with shopping online.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    We still have libraries?

    Remember the old days, see something mentioned on TV at 9pm.... and want to know more.... go out following day at 10am in the pouring rain.... squelch into the library and get told off for making a noise.... spend an hour shivering as the heatings off, and you're still dripping while you dig out the reference book.... look through the index.... page 198 .... turn to ... page 197 then the next page 199
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
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    Yes we do still have libraries, and all the advice about security is well taken Using an internet cafe is fortunately for us in the UK only a short term solution while our personal computer is sorted It is a cheap way of letting people know your internet is down. I wouldn't consider sending remittance, doing online banking, or filling in my tax return using a public computer. I don't even use my maximum allowance of over 300 hours / year, but I'm thankful the facility is still available when my own internet is down. It could be good exercise walking to the internet cafe.

  13. #13
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I would just use my phone if virgin went down for a few hours,the internet is a free bolt on so it's not a problem.

    Luckily my internet is not work related

  14. #14
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Yes we do still have libraries, and all the advice about security is well taken Using an internet cafe is fortunately for us in the UK only a short term solution while our personal computer is sorted It is a cheap way of letting people know your internet is down. I wouldn't consider sending remittance, doing online banking, or filling in my tax return using a public computer. I don't even use my maximum allowance of over 300 hours / year, but I'm thankful the facility is still available when my own internet is down. It could be good exercise walking to the internet cafe.
    Very true sir ref the Exercise and also meeting real life people can be good many people do shut them sleves indoors far to much
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  15. #15
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    I would just use my phone if virgin went down for a few hours,the internet is a free bolt on so it's not a problem.

    Luckily my internet is not work related
    Many of the Mobile companies are enforcing their "Unlimited" bolt on for example Vodafone from OCt 1st whereas before most people never got charged if they went over their in small print limit.
    Its amazing how much data everyday sites in there full desktop version can use. On my Nokia N900 it has a browser which views full pc like webpages and runs flash and a browse on that on 3g for hour or so will consume a huge amount of data compared to the slimmed down "Iphone version" of facebook. A quick browse on my pc of BT sites and whatnot took just under 100mbytes!!!
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  16. #16
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Many of the Mobile companies are enforcing their "Unlimited" bolt on for example Vodafone from OCt 1st whereas before most people never got charged if they went over their in small print limit.
    Its amazing how much data everyday sites in there full desktop version can use. On my Nokia N900 it has a browser which views full pc like webpages and runs flash and a browse on that on 3g for hour or so will consume a huge amount of data compared to the slimmed down "Iphone version" of facebook. A quick browse on my pc of BT sites and whatnot took just under 100mbytes!!!
    Yes i have no doubt you are correct but I cannot get charged only warned and maybe service suspened for a while at the worst so if i have to use it occasionally
    then it should be ok.

    i streamed some you tubes for about 20 mins the other day while waiting for a customer and no problem

  17. #17
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Cool Les hope its the case not sure which type of package you have but it says on the Virgin Site 1gb then once over you get charged on their unlimited Which better than some of the vodafone ones but still not unlimited
    I know Vodafone have started to enforce from October the 1st and before did as you mention above. As we have a cartel with oftel doing little im sure the others will be doing much the same if not now in the near future
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  18. #18
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    What do I do if MY internet goes down?

    & ... generally go ... and - !

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    & ... generally go ... and - !
    ...and then walk to your nearest internet cafe ! I'm no computer expert but I guess we're all agreed ... they can be very annoying We need to chill by remembering to exercise and keeping in touch with the "real" world

  20. #20
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Cool Les hope its the case not sure which type of package you have but it says on the Virgin Site 1gb then once over you get charged on their unlimited Which better than some of the vodafone ones but still not unlimited
    I know Vodafone have started to enforce from October the 1st and before did as you mention above. As we have a cartel with oftel doing little im sure the others will be doing much the same if not now in the near future
    My isp is virgin and o2 phone contract £35.00 for phone with unlimited o2 to o2 calls,900 mins to anyone,unlimited texts and unlimited internet wireless and through o2 network,I got a htc desire phone free

  21. #21
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    ...and then walk to your nearest internet cafe ! I'm no computer expert but I guess we're all agreed ... they can be very annoying We need to chill by remembering to exercise and keeping in touch with the "real" world
    Omg thats so 5 years ago,lol.

    I dont even know of any internet cafes left in Harrogate,just sit outside mcdonalds and log onto internet with phone for free

  22. #22
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    We need to chill by remembering to exercise and keeping in touch with the "real" world
    , Alan. I've always been a keen cyclist - hitherto, my main form of recreation. But these days ... due to a marked deterioration in my hearing - and with the ever-increasing volume of traffic on the roads - I'm not getting the same amount of physical exercise.

  23. #23
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    is the first thing that comes to mind followed by the wife saying too
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  24. #24
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Having said that, being a member here, keeps my mind active and alert ... and, hopefully, will stave off the onset of "Old Timers" disease!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    Omg thats so 5 years ago,lol.

    I dont even know of any internet cafes left in Harrogate...
    I called them "internet cafes" meaning "places providing internet access to the public" for the benefit of our filipino friends.
    On 18 October Harrogate Library re-opens after over 3 million GBP refurbishment and extension - with full computer + internet've paid for it through your coucil tax Les, so it's worth knowing it exists .

  26. #26
    Respected Member tomboo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    I would just use my phone if virgin went down for a few hours,the internet is a free bolt on so it's not a problem.

    Luckily my internet is not work related
    A virgin going down for a few hours? wow, not so innocent

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomboo View Post
    A virgin going down for a few hours? wow, not so innocent
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  28. #28
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    My isp is virgin and o2 phone contract £35.00 for phone with unlimited o2 to o2 calls,900 mins to anyone,unlimited texts and unlimited internet wireless and through o2 network,I got a htc desire phone free
    You sure its unlimited apparantly oftel are ok with unlimited meaning up to a certain amount all the unlimited refers to is you can use anytime or some daft statment like that

    If you do have one watertight unlimited then dont change it just buy a phone yourself when upgrade time comes in 12 months I know a lot of people In the US are doing this some are getting offered large bribes to change like the people with the old one2one phones with unlimited landline calls back in the day

    Lot of people at work love their Desires
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  29. #29
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If you read the small print on the mobile sites 'unlimited' means either 1GB or 2GB's a month depending on the carrier.
    Keith - Administrator

  30. #30
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    if internet shuts down it means hubbys downloading something

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