Last night the internet just diedand cycling the router Ie switching on and off checking the cables and the filters (they can just die) Listening to the phone for any off noises. Doing line checks. CHecking the Router settings resetting and reinputing. Switching all off overnight nothing better.
Nothing worked in my case. In the end I had to get a old router where it came apranet the lease on the Broadband was still at 14hours and so many minutes ie roughly when it packed in and the "new" old router tricked it in to refreshing. Phew no need to call a helpdesk and battle past level one
But it made me think the internet is so vital now what backup plans do you have?
We had the option of dial up (never got round to using and not always a good idea if broadband on the line)
I tether my Phone to my Laptop while checking BT. I also have a 3G dongle. Most basic email, im and browser could of been done though the household phones. but some sites u need a full pc browser..
But worth thinking especially when communication is so important especially with Brit phill relationships to think how would you cope if the household broandband packed up for a length of time..
Remeber its bound to go down late at night at the weekend or over a bank holiday weekend![]()