Maybe part joke but has some points worth thinking about
Maybe part joke but has some points worth thinking about
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
Spacial skills are important to me so I automatically wrote the word (in my mind) right to left on my forehead. A simple matter of correctness for me as otherwise it could not be read easily by others, I have no concern if others think I am an Ass
As you say an interesting point Andy but possible a joke as well![]()
I'm really not too bothered what other people think about me.
I am who I am and feel comfortable with that. Carina loves me the way I am. Her family love me the way I am.
I know I am nowhere near perfect. But I am open and honest.
I tend to think more about others than myself. USUALLY
If someone has a problem about that ..... well that's not my problem... it's theirs.
Everyone deserves to be happy
Indeed Terpe that's the most important thing in life in my view, life is unrewarding if you are only concerned with your own personal gain or position or power over others.
Clarity and accuracy of understanding of the world itself and of and of other people is incredibly important to me, always has been.
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