Our niece was going to go an work in Singapore or Hong Kong as a house maid and Joy now with 2 of our own under 3 and having a chronic muscle disorder decided we should have our own nanny.
Bouyed by hearing of local friends who obtained nanny visa even just after employing locally for nine months despite the rules saying 12 months we resolved to go for it and send Joy and our little ones to our place in Palawan in March this yr and hire our niece locally. I am able with work to visit reasonably often so it is not too hard to bear the seperation.
We now hear that enforcement is tougher, our local pastor with twins just had their nanny visa turned down. We have decided to wait until March to apply but apart from our nannys age what other factors may not help. joy has letters from her consultants here and in Manila sying her condiiton is for life and flares up without notice rendering her unable to even to pick up the baby and our intended nanny does have connections back to the Phils her own 2 babies and husband but no real land or savings to speak off.
Any experiences here of applying for this tyoe of visa?
any advice greatly appreciated