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Thread: Husbands Visa Situation

  1. #1
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    Husbands Visa Situation

    Hello- last year I managed to obtain my British passport and citizenship after 6 years here, this I applied for on my own merit and did not include my husband. We have had a stormy relationship and he was reported and arrested previously and charged in the british Court for beating me and I am kept like prisoner, we still have kids in Pinas looked after by his perents. It has been a difficult time workwise being Senior Carer and I did not want put application in danger if he invloved. He has been in UK now for 4 years and his Visa ran out last November 2010 he applied for an extension by himself but used the wrong form and it was returned 3 weeks ago telling him to reapply as a dependant he also didnt have enough money in the bank so they couldnt take it and he still dont have. So he is here working now with no visa in a factory. I obviously do not want him here. he threatens if he would go back he will poison the kids against me. He is also going to court again next week 3rd march for driving on a provo licence and no insurance. Is his employer working him illegally? Can he be deported? Its a mess Im sorry. Does anybody have an opinion Many thanks

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if his visa has expired he should not be working, his employer can face a £10,000 fine, and he should not be in the uk, he cannot get a visa without your help, and i doubt he could with your help now as his visa has expired months ago. not much he can do but wait to be caught and deported or go back on his own accord.

  4. #4
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    I think:-
    As it stands right now he is facing a minimum 5 year ban on entry to UK.
    If he cannot make payment for his return home, and UKBA make payment he will be facing 10 ban on entry to UK

    Someone will jump on me if I'm wrong

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devonian-angel View Post
    Hello- last year I managed to obtain my British passport and citizenship after 6 years here, this I applied for on my own merit and did not include my husband. We have had a stormy relationship and he was reported and arrested previously and charged in the british Court for beating me and I am kept like prisoner, we still have kids in Pinas looked after by his perents. It has been a difficult time workwise being Senior Carer and I did not want put application in danger if he invloved. He has been in UK now for 4 years and his Visa ran out last November 2010 he applied for an extension by himself but used the wrong form and it was returned 3 weeks ago telling him to reapply as a dependant he also didnt have enough money in the bank so they couldnt take it and he still dont have. So he is here working now with no visa in a factory. I obviously do not want him here. he threatens if he would go back he will poison the kids against me. He is also going to court again next week 3rd march for driving on a provo licence and no insurance. Is his employer working him illegally? Can he be deported? Its a mess Im sorry. Does anybody have an opinion Many thanks
    All told, it hasn't exactly been an easy ride for you over the past seven years. But in spite of everything, you've come "smiling through" with your head held high. Having since obtained British Citizenship you're no longer dependent on your abusive husband. Well done!

    As his visa expired more than 3 months ago, he is now living and working here illegally ... so, YES ... he faces immediate deportation once the Immigration Authorities catch-up with him. And certainly the sooner this happens ... the safer you'll feel - regardless of his threats to turn your children against you.

    Do you have knowedge of his present whereabouts? (I mean with your awareness of his court appearance in the offing!). If so, you might like to call in at your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau for a chat about your circumstances. At the same time, take a look at the link that my colleague, 'Dedworth' has posted ... and also consider what the others have already advised.

    Whatever course of action you decide to take, keep us informed of developments.

    Meanwhile, to our friendly and caring online filipino/uk community.

  6. #6
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    hi Devonian-angel, well done on achieving your status of British Citizenship,
    sad to hear the domestic problems, everyone here im sure will be supportive toward you,
    and i see you have already been given good advise and information for you,
    i hope everything works out good for you, your certainly almost there,
    well done,
    as suggested report him as an illegal imigrant, im sure you can do this without giving away your identity,
    that being the case your husband wont know you did this,
    if hes been visiting you and beating you, you can get a court order to stop him comming to where you live,
    as suggested , good idea to see citizens advise, they are good with all these kind of problems and will if they can help you ,

  7. #7
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    thank you (salamat) everyone for advice...u have given me something to think about and i report back to the forum for any progress (fingers crossed)....

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