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Thread: Owning a Property { HELP NEEDED PLEASE!}

  1. #31
    Member sneaker23's Avatar
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    hi jim
    justa a thought on your 1st post.

    i wouldn't advise having it that way, that is if you're investing on a property here (not necessarily a house and lot / tract of land). instead foreigners can own a condo unit, and lease it (your GF can help while you're away) atleast you get to own the property.

    It is BETTER buy something for a wife (not a GF) but its BEST if you own it

  2. #32
    Member sneaker23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve monty View Post
    I was looking at what was available to buy property wise in the Philippines after reading this thread. You can even buy your own Island!!! Or maybe for your wife or girlfriend!!
    speaking of paradise! indeed! that is so true

  3. #33
    Member sneaker23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerg View Post
    I was wondering if I was to give a house in the Philippines [ Mindanao ] to my girlfriend & then we married and she relocated to the Uk, would there be a problem with her still owning the house?
    I just exploring my future options & have no plans right now..... just in case she reads this
    not at all.
    she is natural born filipina after all.

  4. #34
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Its on Panglao island Steve,, Its very rural and quiet and not for everyone... We've applied for title and once we get that I am thinking of subdividing into smaller and more affordable lots and perhaps leasing them to foreigners that want to live out in the sticks.. Like me! Oh..And we have Tarsiers!!
    Its about 400 meters from the highway (cheaper land)
    and a rough barangay road to get in but I will be developing all that myself in time..
    Its the lease holders for 50 years. Of course you can build on it just as long as its purely residential...I dont particularly want to live next door to a piggery!!
    hi fred sorry so late in getting back to you could be a inyresting venture this could have you a figure in mind for the land

  5. #35
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    550.00 Per Sqr Metre Steve.. Hang on...I`ll see if I can find some pics to post..

  6. #36
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    The front bit is our un matured garden with a direct view of our unfinished patio area etc..minus proposed swimming pool, Jacuzzi,bar and other future boys toys..the dirty black arrows are a crude attempt with photo shop at pointing to where the land for sale or lease will begin.. We've sold one 500 sqr mtr lot to a friend and Im in no rush to sell or lease the rest.. That said..Give me a shout if you want to take a butchers some time in the future..


    Our nipa hut.

    and one more with a pic of some local kids that gate crashed my extended birthday party.. I lay completely smashed somewhere behind the nipa hut (Or so Im told)

  7. #37
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    love it Fred, we always get that with the little kids, reminded me so much of our house parties with the extra kids from nowhere lol
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  8. #38
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    Fred, I'll take 4 square metres for my tent please.

    Looks lovely.

    I particularly like your Opium patch.

  9. #39
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Funny you say that Graham and Im going to start a whole new thread on the subject at some point to get some general input and critique on a project we are probably going to begin this year..
    Nothing to do with my Opium patch but more to do with my idea of starting a secure camp-site for backpackers or just about anyone that is put off visiting by the extortionately high accommodation rates here on Panglao island ..

    love it Fred, we always get that with the little kids, reminded me so much of our house parties with the extra kids from nowhere lol
    I know.. We had around 60 visitors after inviting around 10 !!
    The more the merrier I suppose!
    We just had to lay on another 5 pots of rice and 3 large BBQ`d fish..Probably sufficient for 5 thousand,just in case.

  10. #40
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    starting a secure camp-site for backpackers
    Very good ideaOnly ever met one person in Pinas packing a tent however,you might have to supply them, also having showers on site and a communal area(backpackers/gap year students are sociable creatures) with lockers for individuals valuables?

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  11. #41
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Very good ideaOnly ever met one person in Pinas packing a tent however,you might have to supply them, also having showers on site and a communal area(backpackers/gap year students are sociable creatures) with lockers for individuals valuables?
    Tawi.. The idea is to produce tents of all sizes (up to army size)complete with Japanese style futons (beds) with electric fans and LED lighting and a really nice shower and CR block..
    Also large native roofed style eating area/bar.. To start with we will get a full time BBQ guy/girl to provide food / breakfast etc.
    Later plans to open kids adventure play ground.. Might even build some native cottages for those that prefer extra comfort sometime in the future...
    The family own about 4 hectares here so plenty of room..

  12. #42
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneaker23 View Post
    not at all.
    she is natural born filipina after all.
    I thin it can depend on the size of land, if she hs become a Briish Citzen and although in theory those who are a natural born Phill still can own land the British Filipino embassy advise (ok they get some cash out of it) to retake an oath once you have become a Brit so you can have a new phill passport.

    I know some use there Phill passport they have renewed or gained before becoming British for ID purposes etc in buying lands etc. But i belive offcially that the mintue you bcome British your Phill passport and status offcilly changes. I dont know what would happen if you use expired ID to purchase/lease land but i could see the possibily of Court action if there is a chance to snach back or gain money..

    Also be careful of extended family, friends and Neighbours wishing to exploit any loop hole..

    I would strongly advise any brit phill couples to investigate the rules and laws to ensure they dont get caught out.

    Also what happens if there are local by laws or is a change in the future which afects ownership or taxation?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Very good ideaOnly ever met one person in Pinas packing a tent however,you might have to supply them, also having showers on site and a communal area(backpackers/gap year students are sociable creatures) with lockers for individuals valuables?
    As middle class and upper class Phill becomes more affluent gap years will become more popular locally.

    The Wifes younger brother is on a gap year and is not uncommon an expresion to hear in and around the affulent laguna city i'm in presently it appears.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  14. #44
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbojac View Post
    If any members here can help it would be greatly appreciated!

    I was thinking of buying a modest 3-4 bedroom house and small parcel of land in Northern Mindanao. The title would have to be in my GF's name.


    1... Is there any truth that i can "lease it" from her to get over any legal ownership from me being a foreigner? I have heard you can draw up a 50 year lease at a ridiculously low rental rate just to keep it " legal."

    2... What is the normal deposit required in % terms?

    3... How easy is itfor me to open a bank account there where monthly standing orders/ mortgage re-payments can be drawn from?

    Thanks folks for any advice, very welcome!
    Why rent if you can afford to buy it for her, if she deserves it then go for it!! remember that if youre renting your giving away money to people(landlord) who doesnt take care of you like your gf does at the moment, is full of surprises and sometimes $hit happens , but then again,you can charge it all to experience..
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  15. #45
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    Very true.

    My ex is very grateful for the property that she acquired in the Phils, after I built and paid for it.

    I never did receive any of the 16 hectares of land she inherited either.

    Won't be doing that again.

  16. #46
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    Although I am quite drawn to the idea of buying cheap land, and building a nice home overlooking the beach. I've known and heard of enough guys here giving up their homes when things turn sour to turn me off the idea for now. Married with children would be different, as I'd want to make sure they've got a roof over their head should anything happen to me. But for now I like the flexiibilty of renting, that you can easily and quickly up sticks if you want to or need to.

  17. #47
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    building a nice home overlooking the beach.
    When I am in Davao I wake every morning right on the beach,lola has a beach resort,well known in the city,BUT in cotabato theres a small farm I would rather call home,your right,renting gives you the flexibility if your single in Pinas to up sticks and move around a little over time

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  18. #48
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    Dam i must be lucky the wife is paying out of her own pocket to improve housing of some of the family, start up small businesses on some of the family plots and employ some more local people

    She even paid for the holiday and spending money all i have done is buy some pasaulong before we got here and a few Meals out for people

    In fact some of our spending money is coming from a Business the wifes little sister is running now she has graduted

    My advice let all the family work and pay for the housing (family who will live in it that is) chip in of course and help kickstart but no person from any background will benefit from getting money or the things we work for parachuted in..

    Just as benefit culture in the UK if families become reliant on affects them massively its the same here. Something for nothing is not helpful..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  19. #49
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    Also a word to the wise im sure as your older and wisr be careful trusting those courses many of us have done on body language and understanding the customer. Some trainers I have who have trained in phil and india have mentioned some of the major differences in those countries.

    But from personally experience region to region person to person in phill I have notice small little difference that contradict the other local body language. Some even speak a different language or dialect and may use that body language!!!

    Even wise locals get taken in as you say the stakes are high if it means the survival of your family.

    Also regarding land take some time in the wifes family and circle of friends nearly everyone seems o have or know someone with land to sell.

    Just today in the house we are staying in the Tita and Tito have suddenly realized how much land they had out the back as the workers clear the undergrowth to start up a new farm!!! It goes back for what seems like miles you could build a shopping mall init almost

    Land in Phill gets over grown quickly and many may no realize if a family plot held for generations how much they have..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  20. #50
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    Yes, you are very lucky.

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    When I am in Davao I wake every morning right on the beach,lola has a beach resort,well known in the city
    Buenavista? you jammy git

  22. #52
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    There is government leased land available in Cebu dont know about anywhere else its all leased but folk are often keen to sell you (there lease) some, you have to pay the back taxes but one guy got a big plot at 20 piso a friends are exploring this now you have to inprove the land fence trees etc but theres lots of it out of the cities
    Absit invidia

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  23. #53
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Buenavista? you jammy git
    I am lucky,but not THAT luckystill a very well known beach resort however in Davao,everyones heard the family name which has stood me in good stead in the past and opened doors

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  24. #54
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    With any land especially if its been laying idle take your time and carry out checks and double then triple check that the land is the sellers and it has not been used as security for loans.

    Spare land in Phill is often hard to sell but easy to raise capital on.

    The Wife and others in the family who are abroad now has been for a while buying back Tracts of land back.

    Make sure you have right of way access and any utilities ie water phone line etc come via land you own from the main road if possible.

    Often read of people buying land but not the section which gives them access to the main road..

    A few in the wife's family raised capital on Land but thankfully did not do so on the land access. So the banks found it near useless so were happy to liquidise the asset for a not to high price. I don't think many banks would be stupid enough to do such things now days..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  25. #55
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    Another point (sorry been imersed in the subject over the last couple of weeks) find out whats happening regarding flooding and other natural "Issues"

    Also see how things will fair over the next ten twenty thirty years etc..

    In the Wifes local town several projects are underway to reducde the flooding but it has got a lot worse over the last 5-10 years. Also no gurnantees that the flooding may not become more of an issue. What with areas which were flood plains being bulit on trees being chopped down rivers and lakes being misued as dumping grounds for waste and of course maybe human intevention the local Mayor/council/rich land owner redirects the potential flooding issues away from his and his chums land.

    Seen plenty of new propeties (we are planning and buliding several batches of appartments on different plots at the present so been scouting) which seem to have not been designed to deal with likely annual flooding. Some even seem to be in land lower lying than all around

    I know Phills live for the moment but never hurts to think ahead.
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  26. #56
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    if you get the opportunity and are buying away from your honeys province as in our case then visit Landbank and PNB and ask for their foreclosed list of land plots and properties. The problem with clean title is not then yours and if at some point you are challenged on the deeds you revert to the bank and it beomes their problem. We bought our house./plot in Puerto Princesa that way and of course because they have an outstanding mortgage on the property that there not getting paid, the banks are very keen to offer maximum discounts. We got ours at an embarrassingly low price WOO HOO
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    if you get the opportunity and are buying away from your honeys province as in our case then visit Landbank and PNB and ask for their foreclosed list of land plots and properties. The problem with clean title is not then yours and if at some point you are challenged on the deeds you revert to the bank and it beomes their problem. We bought our house./plot in Puerto Princesa that way and of course because they have an outstanding mortgage on the property that there not getting paid, the banks are very keen to offer maximum discounts. We got ours at an embarrassingly low price WOO HOO
    Yeah I have done much studying of those lists i can remeber 5 or so years ago first reading though them by chance whole streets can appear on them as different lots!! Can be quite eye opening on who owns what..

    I would suggest checking the Mahals families propties suddenly certain behaviour by certain households becomes easier to explain..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  28. #58
    Member madmitch537's Avatar
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    hi im new here
    maybe this advice may help
    i have just taken the risk of funding a property just outside olongapo city in philippines a big risk as it is common for girls there to do this with foriegners to then take the lot as you have no legal ownership even if you marry there its not much differant really always a risk i do not know about lease deals but bits i do know from experience there are many things you can do to give a little safe gaurd
    my girlfriend/fiancee insisted at the local attornys office that dealt with the sale draw up papers to insist that i had a claim to the propertys value not the property or more importantly the land
    it basically says that if we break up i can authorise its sale in real terms i dont really know how it would stand up
    but the attorny did advise my girl not to do this because she could stand to have no claim all quite bizarre so its a suggestion id be interested to know how you fair
    also my girl had all sorts of checks done through a local goverment employee{friend to see if any debt was attatched to the property as houses often get additional loans taken against them often lease schemes for reasonable fees to be repaid after say a yr or two but often this is not repaid then you can stake a claim then often to find other huge debts linked to it
    all very bizarre and care needs to be taken
    lucky that no debts were revealed
    but we did get a shock when the local water company presented us with a bill but with debt from previous months outstanding
    the electric company revealed the same kind of issue when they turned up to cut off the electric
    so unless the previous owner clears the debt the only other way is to buy a new meter in her name cost 3,000 peso
    could that happen here i really dont think so
    this is ongoing my advice be very carefull
    id also be very interested in banking there for the future regards mark

  29. #59
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    As previously stated, buying property/land can be a big hassle, with more twists and turns and ins and outs that even most attorneys cannot properly handle!!

    You may hear, learn, or create many clever and innovative ways to get around the law. Forget it.

    If ever you would be legally contested you would lose.

    Now the good news. Although you cannot legally lease a property from your wife, you CAN legally lease from your girlfriend. However, you still cannot either own the land or control the land on which it is built.

    The double whammy in Phils is phrase '....cannot own the land or control the land on which it is built' No-one has ever, so far as I know, ended up as the winner
    in any legal decision regarding this. Period.

    Trust is a big thing.

    On the question of getting a clean title this is a relatively easy thing to do yourself.

    Go to the local assessors Office with the description of the property and property number.
    From there you can get the title number.
    Go to Register Of Deeds (ROD) and get a copy of the true title.
    Now you know WHO and HOW MANY are title holders, and also if the property is mortgaged and by whom

    I would never put my trust totally in an attorney.

    No offence meant to anyone.

  30. #60
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    I'll put it simply.

    I would NEVER get involved with property purchase in the Phils.

    Invest it in the UK.

    If you want to play house in the Phils there are plenty of places to rent.

    Ladies come and go, and you can be SURE that 'your' property will go with them.

    YES I speak from experience...and I'm not daft, believe me.

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