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Thread: UN Brands Australia Racist over its immigration policy

  1. #1
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    UN Brands Australia Racist over its immigration policy

    The United Nations' top human rights watchdog has attacked Australia's tough refugee policies and the treatment of outback Aborigines, saying there was a strong undercurrent of racism in the country.

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    What a load of nonsense - I applaud Australia for having a robust immigration policy and dealing as it chooses to do with so called "asylum seekers".

    This crackpot handwringing woman should button her lip and get back to South Africa

  2. #2
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    I agree, as regards scheming illegal parasites.

    Though I can't condone the treatment of the Aboriginals, I suppose that could be attributed to the 'survival of the fittest' principle.

  3. #3
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    I read that the other day Australia sent a boatload of Pakistanis and Afghans that they'd intercepted back to Malaysia. That's the way to do it - ship em off to the countries they had passed through en route - if we had the balls we would deal with the human tide assaulting our borders in the same manner

  4. #4
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    Problem is, our govt. don't have the balls.
    They're more concerned with the 'image' of our country and feathering their own nests.
    They've also allowed the infiltration of whining troublemaking minorities into every strata of society, and of course where they're likely to cause the most disruption... the media, politics and virtually every govt.dept.

    Did you watch that prog last night about the extradition squad at New Scotland Yard ?
    More power to their elbow !

    As with all other types of general riffraff and scum, it seems that the most wanted murderers, bank robbers and rapists are coming here in their droves to hide out....and continue their trade of course.

    No surprises there then.

  5. #5
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    I watched that Extradition Squad one the other week - very good. Thats where it was said that there's a 100 or so Albanian murderers that Tony Blair let loose here

    - is it a series ?

  6. #6
    Member exadore1's Avatar
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    I think everybody is missing the real threat here. This country is being taken over quietly by stealth. Certain so called "Ethnic Minorities" don't need to fight or cause trouble here. All they have to do is what they have been doing for years, "Breed" and quietly take over neighborhoods. The UK's apathy allows them to have such numbers that they can elect their own councilors, mayors and MP's. It's not unreasonable to expect to see a time when one of them will be vying for the PM's job. A certain Mr. Powell foresaw it years ago but was persecuted for telling it how it will be.
    Anyway, best not to think about such things it will only depress you.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by exadore1 View Post
    I think everybody is missing the real threat here. This country is being taken over quietly by stealth. Certain so called "Ethnic Minorities" don't need to fight or cause trouble here. All they have to do is what they have been doing for years, "Breed" and quietly take over neighborhoods. The UK's apathy allows them to have such numbers that they can elect their own councilors, mayors and MP's. It's not unreasonable to expect to see a time when one of them will be vying for the PM's job. A certain Mr. Powell foresaw it years ago but was persecuted for telling it how it will be.
    Anyway, best not to think about such things it will only depress you.
    I agree, and that's what I just pointed out.

    Such people don't give a toss about our heritage and traditions, and this makes an enormous difference to their basic attitudes and motivations.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I watched that Extradition Squad one the other week - very good. Thats where it was said that there's a 100 or so Albanian murderers that Tony Blair let loose here

    - is it a series ?
    Maybe it was a repeat I saw.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by exadore1 View Post
    I think everybody is missing the real threat here. This country is being taken over quietly by stealth. Certain so called "Ethnic Minorities" don't need to fight or cause trouble here. All they have to do is what they have been doing for years, "Breed" and quietly take over neighborhoods. The UK's apathy allows them to have such numbers that they can elect their own councilors, mayors and MP's. It's not unreasonable to expect to see a time when one of them will be vying for the PM's job. A certain Mr. Powell foresaw it years ago but was persecuted for telling it how it will be.
    Anyway, best not to think about such things it will only depress you.
    Absolutely right. You only have to look at this article about whats going on in Tower Hamlets London

    Earlier thread

    Yesterday we had this from the same area

    Four Islamic extremists were jailed today after they attacked an RE tutor because they did not want him teaching religious studies to Muslim girls.

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  10. #10
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    It's time a STOP was put to all these practices from the dark ages imported into our country.

    Imagine the (permitted) outcry if a Caucasian Christian were to take it upon himself to behave in such a way....arranged/forced marriages/bags over womens' heads etc.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    It's not unreasonable to expect to see a time when one of them will be vying for the PM's job
    I have long forecast this,could be worse however,could be a nigerianthen we truly are doomed

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