Hello Forum!
I never believe in soulmates nor long distance relationship... But WOW! It really does exist.
My amazing husband and I got married 3 months ago in the Philippines and now sorting out paperwork for my visa. We're really hoping that everything will work out rightI find this website very helpful coz I was able to get some useful tips.
I will have my English exam result/certificate next week, and we're pretty excited to see how it goes. CFO is done and married name passport will be ready first week of June so after that, we are good to go with the visa application.
All we need to do is to complete all the supporting documents. I always check this site and I'm happy to know that approved > refused visa. Some people are lucky to get their visa in just a few days. I hope we will be lucky tooWe're keeping the positive attitude towards all of this process and procedures but no matter what happened my hubby and I will work as a team.
We're both professional and good people. I know and I believe that we will be together soon and build a good, happy and peaceful life.