After 4 years of trying to develop business in the Philippines I am pretty much heading home dismayed at the way people operate.Not all failings by the way just that the time invested does not justify the business development that has happened and just wanted to warn others as it seems common pitfalls that people have.
Application for a job :- gave the job and they texted shortly after "is it ok I start in two weeks as its fiesta in my province?". For me its unacceptable at the same time would interview others so said "ok". Why interview more? because after 2 weeks she never answered the phone. Often people go back to the provinces and get persuaded to stay which is why we went through 2 yaya's and countless applicants in a short period of time until we now have a reliable working student.
Business meetings :- Organised an organic farmer with over 16 hectares of farming on Negros to meet up and develop a business with restaurants and other businesses I am on good terms with on a partnership basis. 3 times I set up the meetings and 3 times the guy never showed up, didn't answer his phone and would then text out of the blue a month later as if nothing happened with a lame excuse. There is good demand for organic and fish produce for the cities from the provinces if you can get the right staff.
Internet :- Internet seems to be worse than ever lately although we don't suffer with power issues. Problem is I am looking to develop web businesses but simply can't get a good enough infrastructure to gamble on expanding what we do already. On top of that finding the right staff is near impossible as they quote "foreign prices" based on what they are seeing what others are paid on the internet. Even though they do not work on the internet or have any business contacts or contracts that earn them access to the money. There is a saying your only worth what the market will pay but many people would rather not work than actually develop an ongoing business that would prosper over time once they have built up a reputation.
Corruption :- This remains a big issue and is only likely to create more problems in the future rather than decline. Looking at the current "buddying up" between the Taipans of the Philippines and China your going to see an increase in activity of the Filipino rich accessing China and in return flooding the Philippines with Chinese goods damaging the majority of businesses in the Philippines which is mainly small scale. Rich getting richer while the poor get poorer.
All in all :- After 4 years we have made a sustainable income in the Philippines and could stop here for the next 20 years at the same time is it worth it? I can return to the UK drop back into surveying, take my wife and kids with me and have a life that even in the current economic climate will be a lot healthier for the family as well as the possiblities of gaining a good education without a strange sense of nationalism being drummed into them at school as well as religion.
Not really bitter just disappointed to be honest as a lot of the things above are trivial but actually stop real business development. The UK has its problems at the same time I do believe having a mixed bag between the UK and the Philippines utilizing both countries is a better solution rather than banging my head off the wall in the Philippines.