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Thread: Sharing my experience on my successful spousal visa application

  1. #1
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    Sharing my experience on my successful spousal visa application

    Hi just wanna share my bits on getting the spousal visa.
    More than two years ago, I came here on a student visa then I met my hubby who is Scottish but is living in England, a year after we decided to get married.
    It has been really a roller coaster, coz before we decided to tie the knot, we applied for Approval of Marriage wherein we passed all our documents to UKBA, 2 mos after we passed it early April, they gave us a letter saying it was abolished and we can just proceed to the registry office and get married.
    After that we booked an appointment for the registry, called them and gave us an appointment after a month.
    Well, time wasn't really on my side as my student visa will
    expire on September and we would like to do it before I get that expiration.
    The earliest we can get married is July 30. That meant me and my hubby have less than 2 mos preparing for the wedding and at the same time preparing for our documents to get the spousal visa.
    Anyways here are some of the lists we submitted when we have to go on premium service in Liverpool (yup we drove more than 4 hrs to be there)
    1.The FLR (M) form
    2.our Passports
    3.Birth certificates
    4.Marriage certificate
    5.My Certificate of No Marriage in Philippines
    6. Both our 6 mos payslips
    7. 6 mos bank statements for each of us
    8. Passports photos (2 for me, and 1 fr my hubby)
    9. A letter from our Pastor stating how we met, that we are a regular church goer and that if they have any questions, they can phone him about us.
    10. The Approval of marriage form and the form that was send back to us staing there is no need for us to apply for approval of marriage ( we needed to show the home office that we have been wanting to get married as early as April this year)
    11. Letter from our Marriage Prep teachers, last May attesting we have been planning to get married mos before
    12. My School records, and a letter from my school attesting am attending college, including my certificate when I finished my course last year.
    13. My Pearson certificate stating my grade for the English exam.
    14. Tenancy agreement from August 2011
    15. Pictures from wedding and pre nup and some pics while we were dating
    16. Our wedding invitations.

    I think these are all I showed the UKBA,
    and as soon as we came in for our 2:30 pm appointment last September 2, the first thing we did was

    1. The first window asked for our passports, the flr (m) form, and the english exam..she just checked if everything was filled up on the form, next you have to pay
    2. You can pay by cash or debit card
    3. Next you have to wait for the eco to check your papers
    4. While they are checking for the papers, biometric is next
    5. After the biometric, it's the waiting game.
    6. We have to wait for an hr or so, and then what will happen is you will be given a letter explaining the biometric card will be given in about 7-10 days from that time.
    7.All your papers will be given back and you just need to make sure you will be at your address as a signature is needed.

    My biometric came after more than a week as no one is around when they came heheh...but I got it now lol

    My best advice is to make sure you review everything, and that all documents are around just in case.

    best of luck and hope this helps.


    ~~God is good all the time~~
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  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well done dee

  3. #3
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    Hi dyannesky
    Good post and good information.
    Thanks for sharing your experience. It will be helpful to many people.

    It's good you chose premium service. If you can budget for that then I agree it's a great idea and saves much stress and waiting.
    It's OK if your case is straightforward, but not worth risking the extra cost if the case is likely to need more checking that cannot be done on the day.

    Anyway, thanks again for sharing.

  4. #4
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    thanks as well, I wanted to share my experience to others who may have the same situation as me. Thanks also to my hubby who has been very supportive of me...

    ~~God is good all the time~~
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  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Dee ... I remember well, your applying for an NVQ Student Visa - not least, the seemingly interminable W~A~I~T you'd to endure prior to its approval - and I salute your infinite patience! But thankfully, it all paid off in the end ... lots of good things have happened to you since - ABOVE ALL, meeting the man who was to become your husband! And here you are, nearly two-and-a-half years down the line with your Further Leave to Remain as a spouse.

    As you so aptly put it, Patience IS, INDEED, a virtue. Very many Congratulations ... and for sharing your success story; it's truly an inspiration to all its readers.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    It's good you chose premium service ... it's a great idea and saves much stress and waiting.

  7. #7
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    You are right Arthur! God is indeed good and really patience is a virtue!
    Thanks so much for all your kind words and help

    ~~God is good all the time~~
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  8. #8
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    Congratulations Dee... As to my case, I got 2 letters from Hone Office less than a week after I applied on post. First letter confirming me that they received the letter. The 2nd one I got is for the Biometrics. Me and my husband will be going to Oxford for the biometrics next week since that's the closest one. Hope things go well.

  9. #9
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    goodluck confusedme, im sure everything will be fine, pray and hope for the best! Keep us posted

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  10. #10
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    this is a very informative post dyannesky i just wana ask if you go online for appointment can i ask for aschedule date first before i actually filled up the apllication form online. or really fallow the steps 1 to 5 and then youl get a date for ppointment? i tsays also you can pay online and i see it as one of the steps you have to go through on the online apllication. can i missed these step and pay it on the day of our submission? or i really have to fill in the payment form like the credit card no. just to complete the steps, and then just pay cash on the day of concern at the moment is just to ge ta schedule appointment for submitting out flr(m) in person which is in croydon.tnx

  11. #11
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    hi ybba what we did is we just downloaded the form, and called the HO, and got a sked in Liverpool, and that is where we paid. I think we just googled the flr form and from there we were able to print the form. You can do the online thing but we were able to download it without even paying first. Try it

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  12. #12
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    tnx dyannesky, ive already downloaded the flr(m) form.

  13. #13
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    ok, and then you just call em ayt? Good luck dear and keep us posted.

    ~~God is good all the time~~
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  14. #14
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    57 is this the right and recent links for
    flr m? thanks xxx

  15. #15
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    yes, thats correct

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  16. #16
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    thanks dyanne for the info
    I just want to ask something because i will apply for FLR M soon
    1. Did you change your passport with your new surname before you apply for FLR M?
    2. When doing the Report of Marriage to the Phil Embassy, did you use your Surname when you were single?
    I'd like to change my passport but it takes 6 weeks and i need to apply for FLR M as soon as possible.
    I would be happy to hear any advices

  17. #17
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    its still on my single name, as there is no time for me to change it, we applied for flr 5 weeks after our wedding, and 4 days before my student visa expires.You need to use the exact name that appears on your passport.
    There is an application form in the Phil embassy that needs your maiden name written. i havent done that yet but will do next week.
    You know that is also confusing me, my Phil passport will expire on Oct 2012, I would like to use my married name but heard it takes 12 weeks here in London to have it changed. I guess I need to make a new thread regarding this issue

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  18. #18
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    right, thanks for the clear and direct to the point infos Keep on posting as i will keep on following your threads

  19. #19
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    hi dyannesky, thanks for the information you have provided. I have a question though, is it really necessary to have Cert of No marriage? Were you not interviewed when u applied for the Premium service and do u think they would be checking for the current college? Coz in my case, i still go to college however my attendance is not that good ( i know i should be attending my classes) this term. My bf and I are getting married in 3 weeks time and were planning to apply for the visa 2nd week of Dec, and im wondering whether Ho will still be checking for the attendance?
    thanks for any info that will be provided

  20. #20
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    Just make sure that all your school details are complete, are you using the premium service, it will definitely be a plus if your attendance is good but as long as they know that you are still enrolled and abiding on your visa then it will be good,
    as per the certificate of no marriage it is not really a requirement but it will be a big plus if you show it to make sure that you are single in the Philippines.

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  21. #21
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dyannesky View Post
    as per the certificate of no marriage it is not really a requirement but it will be a big plus if you show it to make sure that you are single in the Philippines.
    ... don't wish to contradict what you've said ... but here's ME, - up until now - being under the impression that the 'CENOMAR' WAS a prerequisite to applying for any of the Settlement Visas ... ... for the very reason you've mentioned it being a big plus!

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    ive rang ukba to be on the safe side and they told me that cenomar is not needed if neither of u were married before

    im feeling the stress now, only concern ive got is my attendance as its not really satisfactory and im feeling agitated on whether they would ask about it though im still enrolled with the college

  23. #23
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    here's ME, - up until now - being under the impression that the 'CENOMAR' WAS a prerequisite to applying for any of the Settlement Visas
    Quote Originally Posted by simplesmayl View Post
    ive rang ukba to be on the safe side and they told me that cenomar is not needed if neither of u were married before
    ... silly ME ... ... Iris, is it? It has since occurred to me you're studying in the UK - which explains why a CENOMAR isn't required for the marriage to take place at a British Registry Office.

    Quote Originally Posted by simplesmayl View Post
    im feeling the stress now, only concern ive got is my attendance as its not really satisfactory and im feeling agitated on whether they would ask about it though im still enrolled with the college
    Mmm ... ... I imagine you ARE a bit uneasy on that score - as the UKBA COULD well ask. And I wish I were able to put your mind at rest for sure as to whether your "sporadic" record of attendance at college in England is likely to affect your visa application.

    Sadly, I'm not in a position to do so - being none too familiar with the terms & conditions of Student Visas. But Dee [dyannesky] IS ... so I'd tend to be guided by HER opinion or, at least, that of others more conversant than myself about such matters.

  24. #24
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Meanwhile ... I should like to take this opportunity of extending a somewhat belated to our friendly, online filipino/uk community.

  25. #25
    Respected Member Blesslady's Avatar
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    Everyone i am new here!and its nice to read a forum that is so informative.and i am actually getting all the info here.i do have question's to those fellow filipina's who is married also to englishman.i am recently, married few months ago. my question is that, do i need to take the Ielts exam as a first step?my husband and i were planning to apply visa this coming december, and until now we don't know yet what's the best and1st thing to do.i am hoping that my question will be answered and i wish to get more info's.thank's everyone and i am looking forward for you suggestions.Godbless us all!

  26. #26
    Respected Member dyannesky's Avatar
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    hi blesslady, yes you need to take an english exam which is a requirement for flr (m)visa. Make sure you check which english exam is valid for ukba. I am pretty sure ielts is one of them. Check on the ukba website for more info coz from time to time their requirements changes, always check for updates or do not hesitate to consult or ask questions on the forum, thanks.

    ~~God is good all the time~~
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  27. #27
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blesslady View Post
    Hello Everyone!

    i am new here!and its nice to read a forum that is so informative.
    Hello, there ... to our midst and for your kind comment.

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