I need the expert’s opinion, we are planning to submit an application for EEA Family Permit on January and my husband is working in an agency. The problem is he got some fractures from yesterday and advised that he cannot work for a while.
The question is will it be a disadvantage if he will apply for a statutory sick pay or something like that, will this affect the application on January? My husband is flying to Philippines on December 30. Will this put us into a disadvantage situation if he will claim benefits?
He was beaten by those bullies from the same flat he's staying I want him to come over here sooner than the 30th of December but his ticket is for Dec 30 and I already inquired with the agency where we bought the ticket how much to change the schedule like make it early like Nov 30 and it seems that we have to pay a lot it is like almost buying a new ticket and we cannot afford it at the moment as we have other expenses..... I want him to be here soon because I am worried about his situation and because of what happen he cannot work and planning to claim benefits but we are worried as well if this will affect the application