If your looking for a business model SP,you could initially follow the example of certainly the best known UK based pinay business-woman consuelo farochilen,I met her a few times when she was hands-on back when she first started out,her business newtork grew to encompass travel-agency,estate-agency,mini-market,a recruitment-company,publishing etc,pinoy TV (I forget which network) featured her in a "Pinoy-abroad" program,but last I heard her business has closed or shrank?Once she took her hands off the steering wheel the service went downhill as I found to my cost

Good luck with your venture anyway,whatever it may be,my lady is an entreprenuer,got a degree from ataneo as an economist,works with world-bank and USAID,several others,did a few courses at the Asian Institute of Management in Makati,if your minds as sharp as hers your going to do just fine,be lucky and welcome to the forum

Maligayang pasko.