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Thread: Documents Gathered- Fiancee Visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member BriaNoreen's Avatar
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    Documents Gathered- Fiancee Visa

    Hello Everyone!

    Brian, my fiance and I are currently in the process of completing the documents needed for my UK Fiancee Visa application.

    Here's a brief story of our love. I'm hoping you can advice us of what we need to include in our application to prove that our relationship is genuine.

    We met online 8th of March 2011. We just celebrated our first anniversary

    We emailed and chatted almost everyday back then. May last year, He booked his flight to the Philippines and he was here from June 11-28. He was here again September 29-October 18. When he went home, that was when we decided to apply for the fiancee visa so I can go there and get married!

    Now, we have almost everything thats needed. Im hoping you can tell us what else needs to be added

    -Brian's passport, birth certificate photocopied and notarized
    -Brian's bank statements
    -Brian's landlord letter agreeing that I can live with him under the same tenancy agreement
    -Brian's tenancy agreement- he is yet to take pics of his flat
    -Brian will write a sponsorship letter- what needs to be in this letter?

    Brian's brother and mother are co- sponsoring so we also have

    -Brian's Brother and Mums passport photocopied
    -Brian's Brother's bank statements
    -Brian's mums financial documents
    -Brian's Brother and Mums letter stating that they are co-sponsoring my application

    I have prepared my documents too

    -2 Colored Photos as specified by VFS
    -Baptismal Certificate
    -NSO and Local Civil Registrar Birth Certificate
    -Certificate of Employment from Previous Employer
    -NBI Clearance for Travel Abroad
    -TOEIC Cert Listening and Reading- Im yet to take my Speaking Test (wish me luck!)

    For our proof of relationship-- this is my concern and Im hoping you can shed some light

    -We will both write our love story
    -Brian's Dad wrote a letter welcoming me to their family
    -Emails between me and his parents
    -Brian got a Provisional Marriage License from Strabane Registrar in Northern Ireland (we will marry there)
    -Brian's flight itinerary to the Philippines (June and October)
    -Hotel Bookings (June and October)
    -Travel Insurance Policy
    -Greeting Cards from Brian and his parents for my birthday, Christmas, Valentines day and I just received St. Patricks day cards from them
    -Photos of his gifts
    -[We only have a few photos of us together. About 8 I think. My question is: How many or is there a required number of photos of us together needed?

    Also, regarding our communication:

    -We only have one phonecall in April as we all know it very expensive to make calls from the UK to the Phils and we chat everyday.

    -Our emails are short and mostly talk about side topics and we send each other links about future business plans, buying home appliances, wedding plans, etc. Nothing lengthy. I had the emails directly printed from Yahoo and Gmail.

    -we chat everyday but our chats weren't archived from March-May 2011 ( I've managed to rescue some that I've saved to my email inbox- I included screencaps when I printed them)

    -the whole month of June he was here.

    -beginning 30 June until 8 September 2011, all our chats are saved to Yahoo Conversations-- what I did is I copied some parts of them to Micorsoft Word. Do I need to include screen caps too?

    9 September until the present we chat through Google Chat, everything is saved to Recent Conversations too-- I did the same; copied some parts of our daily chat to Microsoft Word.

    Anything else you can suggest that we do?

    Thank you so much in advance!

  2. #2
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    Firstly may I suggest you take some time to read this thread "How To Apply For A Fiance(e) Visa"

    Hopefully it will provide you some helpful detailed information and will also provide links to the most important UKBA webpages.

    I'm sure you've both done endless research, but I just wanted to empasise that each visa application made is almost unique to the individual making the actual application.
    Really what I'm trying to say, is not to get too hung up on the number of documents and the name of the documents.
    The very important issue is the information contained and conveyed within the supplied documents.

    Some documents are specifically required by UKBA to ensure compliance.

    Some documents are submitted as supporting evidence in support of UKBA requirements.

    Lists of documents are a good source as a kind of checklist or ideas on how to provide the evidence needed, but a list of documents in itself cannot give any indication on the likely outcome of the application.

    Please do read the above thread, and please do review the UKBA requirements then compare with the documents you have to be sure that they clearly demonstrate the evidence needed by UKBA.

    You really need minimise all risks and not give any reasons for the ECO to refuse you.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Good luck with it, we didn't put screen captures in of the Skype logs, I simply copied and pasted them into word, then removed any bad words.

    I'm sure with all the evidence things will work out, it would be useful to get some emails your Fiancé may have sent to the various registry offices to enquire about dates for registering your marriage (giving notice) and we also put some catering quotes/limo/hall hire in to show we were making steps to arrange a wedding.


  4. #4
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    Snap. Identical. We logged 8th March 2011 on my wife's visa application. We had a very little tangible evidence in March as we had just met but we salvaged and presented what we had for that month. We had no tangible proof that we met on 8th march but that was the date so we logged it as such.

    We just dumped both Skype and YM to printer via Notepad. No messing around. And submitted a small cross section of emails. And one months phone bill. Not every phone bill, partly as we rarely texted or phoned each other.

    We actually submitted just under 50 photos of ourselves together. We were told that was more than adequate. It was one thing we were aware of well before I visited in April and my wife is a bit of a "photo freak" anyway.

    Do you have the ticket stubbs for any flights together? They have your names on and kind of proved you flew and together.

    We only had 6 or 7 months worth of YM and Skype and emails anyway as we married in June and got the visa on 1st October. So you will have enough evidence anyway in terms of time duration, using our circumstance as a yardstick.

    Like Tone said, we were careful and selected chat that was free of swearing, arguments and derogatory remarks about the UKBA. Didnt do any editing, just selected the best days.

  5. #5
    Respected Member BriaNoreen's Avatar
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    thank you Terpe, tone and lastlid for the guidance

    All is appreciated

  6. #6
    Respected Member BriaNoreen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post
    Good luck with it, we didn't put screen captures in of the Skype logs, I simply copied and pasted them into word, then removed any bad words.

    I'm sure with all the evidence things will work out, it would be useful to get some emails your Fiancé may have sent to the various registry offices to enquire about dates for registering your marriage (giving notice) and we also put some catering quotes/limo/hall hire in to show we were making steps to arrange a wedding.

    Thank you Tone. We have emails discussing what kind of wedding we want, an inquiry to a shoemaker for my wedding shoes and Brian got a Provisional Marriage License, he is seeing a priest too. We Will email caterers and get quotes as well.

    Thanks for the information

  7. #7
    Respected Member BriaNoreen's Avatar
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    more and more papers and folders. the stack goes up and up. done with TOEIC and got very good scores for both tests!

    almost time to go to VFS.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BriaNoreen View Post
    more and more papers and folders. the stack goes up and up. done with TOEIC and got very good scores for both tests!

    almost time to go to VFS.
    Good luck.

  9. #9
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    goodluck BriaNoreen

  10. #10
    Member Stevi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmg423 View Post
    goodluck BriaNoreen

  11. #11
    Respected Member BriaNoreen's Avatar
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    thank you everyone .im glad to be a part of this forum.

    praying and hoping for the best

    the wedding dress and shoes are ready...i just need a visa

  12. #12
    Respected Member Eyes O'Donnell's Avatar
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    Good luck with your visa application!

  13. #13
    Respected Member BriaNoreen's Avatar
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    thank you Eyes O Donell!

  14. #14
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    A letter from the wedding reception venue- otherwise I think you have got more than enough . Best of luck to both of you and be patient as the waiting can be as stressful as the preparing of the application

  15. #15
    Respected Member BriaNoreen's Avatar
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    thank you!

  16. #16
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BriaNoreen View Post
    thank you!
    It's our pleasure, Noreen ... once again, all the best with your application.

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