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Thread: Application start date

  1. #1
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Application start date

    We are waiting for an appt at our local Nationality checking service (Birmingham registry office) where for £60 they will check our form completion, copy all documents so we have them back and take payment for Ligaya`s citizenship application.

    I am trying to find out if as they take payment that day does that mean the application is lodged that day. One of the key rules is that you are in the country on day of application , well clearly if we use this service then she is here.

    If however they send all the checked forms off to the UKBA and it is commenced some days /weeeks later Ligaya may be at home in the Phils as she leaves a couple of weeks after our projected appt if we allow the maximum 6 weeks for the checkimg appointment. I have tried calling the helpline but all automated and I cannot get this answered.Any one happen to use this service recently?

    I have sent an email to UKBA help centre so may be I wlll get an answer
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  2. #2
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    We used it a couple of years ago and I think the date is that day. A worthwhile service but quite time consuming as they go through everything with a fine tooth comb and take lots of photocopies inc blank passport pages - remember to take any old passports that have work permits/visas in them. I've got a feeling the Council takes their fee and the UKBA fees there and then by credit/debit card

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    You are legally required to be in the country at the point that the Home Office receive your application. To ensure this happens the NCS service normally say you shouldn't travel for 5 days after submitting your papers just to be sure that if there is a delay in the post etc that you are still here when it hits the HO.

    The important point here is, that it's the date the Home Office's receive the application – not the date that you submit it via the NCS or send it thru the post.

  4. #4
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    well I hope that the NCS branch is not crazy busy , they say between 4 and 6 weeks for appt , we posted it last wednesday. If we get appt in one month around 20th of June then we should be ok as Ligaya flies 29th but you never know I guess if the internal post is slow we might have a problem
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  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I've got a feeling the Council takes their fee and the UKBA fees there and then by credit/debit card
    Yes, they do ... but using the National Checking Service doesn't necessarily seem to speed up the process.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Having said that ... ... it's definitely worth the sixty quid, Scott ... even if for no reason other than Ligaya getting her passport back immediately after the NCS has duly completed its perusal of the various supporting documents.

  7. #7
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    wooo hoooo worry over we have a checking appt on the 11th June.. now to complete the application form
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