I also think single sex Grammar schools are better.
You concentrate on your work and the girls don't leave school behaving like little tarts !![]()
State funded Grammar Schools in Wiltshire...according to Wikipedia....
Bishop Wordsworth's School, Salisbury (boys)
South Wilts Grammar School for Girls, Salisbury (girls)
Bishop Wordsworth's School, Salisbury (boys)
11 Plus Applications
11+ Procedure for Entry into Year 7 in September 2013
Phase One - June 2012 to 31st October 2012
This does happen everywhere but its this country we are talking about Lastlid. Your right it might always happen in this country until there is a uprising and thats the way it is heading.In my opinion they should ban foreign students and bring our own through. The ones that live here. After all there is a fair few of them forget where they come from when their visas come to a end.
Thanks for that Lastlid....I was actually schooled in Oxfordshire....for what it was worth
To bring out the best of our own you got to have the best setup...as said and agreed by numerous before on this thread...in hindsight, the grammar school selection process was the way to go....whether you lived in a sink council estate or a lovely cul de sac you were all treated the same.
Who said socialism is dead!...citizen Smith would be loving this...needless to say, he was educated up to the gunnels. One of Lastlid's ''im alright Jacks''![]()
This is where the selective / grammar system falls down potentially....the stigma factor. "Bright with the riff raff" is a bit out of order really. In re establishing a grammar school system we need to be a little more caring about those that do not succeed in the entrance exams...
I was unaware of it ..cheers...my first kids, now 31 and 29 wasn't given the option to go to grammar school...we as parents weren't told of it either...anyway, both went to a highly rated comprehensive, the outcome being both are doing very well in life..thank you very much
Now, thanks to Lastlid hopefully my latest editions can enjoy learning at an appropriate schooling environment, unlike the uphill struggling my first 2 children had..luckily they were made of stern stuff...unfortunately many aren't thus the failings of the comprehensive system.
Here is a ( lengthy ) document on the advantages and disadvantages of both systems.
You left your sense of humour under the bed again Lastlid....![]()
I was just glad I didn't have to go to school with thickos anymore...and people with plastic shoes.
Rightly or wrongly this is a reason given for taking on the foreign students...
With international students paying market rates for their degree courses, usually £10,000 to £20,000 a year, they are critical to the financial health of many universities. One university vice-chancellor yesterday called for the immediate scrapping of student number controls.
In other words the foreign students keep the courses afloat.
I have just been working with a summer student at Leeds Uni and he says half his Engineering course intake are Arabs...they stump up the big spondoolies for the courses. Said a couple were from Libya but they had to disappear halfway through the course to go back and fight in the civil war. He is British by the way.
Money money money. How would you feel if your kid had passed their a levels and they couldnt get a place?![]()
Thankyou Lastlid. Thats the point I was trying to make all along.Its ok for people like gwapito bragging about his 40% tax rate what about the others on less incomes? British kids.
Ok appologies its just that it seems you dont care for the briitish kids of today. There are bright kids on council estates. So why not give them a chance? Ever growing club? What planet are you on?
My son has just passed 3 'A' levels and is going to Sweden in 2 weeks time to be trained and university-educated by a Swedish company.
(He'll be living with his mum).
I had offered to send him to a £15,000 a year private school from age 12, but he wanted to stay at the same school as his friends.
Good for him Graham. Had he got the choice of a university place here?
He had already made up his mind to study in Sweden because of the enormous debts that he'd have run up if he'd gone to uni here. Fine for those who went before him.
I wish they'd leave the damned education system alone and stop screwing up kids' lives !
Half the kids at my first grammar school in Pontefract were from council estates, and they did perfectly well.
The 11+ catered for ALL the bright ones of course....regardless of income. My family certainly wasn't well-off by any standards.
There was also a 'second chance' exam at secondary modern school...the 13+ for the 'late-developers'.
Wish him good luck from me and I agree 100% with your 2nd comment.
When I was in Aberdeen a few years back I had a few hundred graduates through my hands over a five year period, mostly from England. I also worked with a good few. They all had loans. As such they aren't quite as bad as they seem as they pay back only above a certain level of income and at a very low rate of interest. It isn't quite so bad as it might seem. If they are unemployed then they do not have to repay and the loan is deferred until they can. It sounds frightening but not quite so bad as it seems.
"The repayment of student loans is managed through the tax system (PAYE) and only begins after you’ve left university and are earning more than £15,000. You pay back 9% of all you earn above the £15,000 threshold. Someone earning £18,000 a year will have to pay 9% of £3,000 (£18,000 minus £15,000) - around £5.19 a week."
I met many who paid theirs back within a few years.
Did I not say it was wrong of the goverment of the day trid the country of state run grammar schools?....schools where bright British kids of every background could attend.
As for what planet im on....if only you knew..what ever I say you area gonna twist it...oh, I was married to someone like that before...Andy, didn't you say you was an engineer big money etc but you packed it up coz of the unsocial hours well, that's me..I wasn't prepared for my family to suffer...its all your choice...nobody elses
I'm talking about the NEW system....starting THIS year, not 5 years ago or whatever.
£9,000 a year ?
The country has the nerve to put its students into £20-30,000 worth of debt before they even get a job ?
I don't care that they don't start paying til they're on a certain salary. It is DEBT.
What message does that send to youngsters who live in a country that has just about bankrupted itself through governments and individuals living beyond their means ?
It is total nonsense when we are sending billions toother countries....AND providing our facilities and training to their students so that they can go home and steal our markets from us !
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