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Thread: refused marriage visa/settlemet

  1. #1
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    refused marriage visa/settlemet

    hi i would only like to share the decision of the ECO that refused my visa application as proposed civil partner of my latvian bf who is a permanent resident in the uk. we are a gay couple im 28 and my bf is 27. appeal is on its way to the first tier tribunal and my bf will email the home secretary theresa may about how incompetent the ECO in assessing thoroughly the evidenciary support we submmited and analyzing the circumtances. and we both emailed the british embassy here in the philippines and addressed the complaints to the ECO. also my Bf will email BBC news. lol

    just annoying the ECO assumed our relationship is not genuine which in fact all his/her doubts can be strongly answered by the documents we submitted. the fact that it only took the ECO 20days to make decision, so maybe he was in a hurry coz he might go for a vacation!

    he said we only submitted 5photos which appears that it had been taken on the same day as im wearing the same clothing, HE MIGHT BE COLOURBLIND. im wearing blue jacket, then grey jackt, then a stripe tshirt, a black tshirt. to me it doesnt look the same. photos is to comply the requirement of the paragraph 290 (ii) to show that we have met. so we have met. and im not wearing the same clothing

    he said that since i came back here in the philippines last june 2011, my bf has not sought to visit me and our only communication is through skype which is not proff og subsisting relationship . if he really assessed the documents carefully we provided his university diploma date he recieved it in june 2011 a few weeks after i came back here in the philippines and his employment letter which he started in july 2011. so basing from that it shows reasons why it made impossible for him to come visit me here because he just started having a job in july 2011 and the planned submission of my visa application was in june 2012, so that only gives him 10months to earn money to comply to the financial and accommodation requirement, he has to earn money for my visa fee, english exam, he also sent me 300pound on his first salary,show money, housing or flat cost as he has to move out from his parents house so that we can have a place on our own, all money he sent me were being documented in his bank statement he sent and my bank statement also. and also tenancy agreement has my name printed in which he has to pay extra to the processing fee. has he considered this? i hope he realized how expensive it is to fly here in the philippines and that we needed to save money for my application. and its only 10month that we've been apart. and in that 10months he saved up money

    lastly he said we made no booking for civil partnership. we submitted an official letter from the register office that they wont give us a provisionary booking and all ECO has been warned already about this, that its illegal to ask for provisionary booking coz i need to be in the country to give notice.

    so therefore hes not satisfied that we are going to live as civil partner. if he readd through all our skype chat he would see there about our plan for each other our exchange of website about the flat we prefer to rent coz we both looked for a flat online.

    very simple and non sense reason which could been resolved if proper assessment has been done.

    thank you for reading

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear your news. It seems to happen that these people sitting up high just fail to process the visas properly and fail to look at all the evidence supplied.
    I wish you luck in your appeal. Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum, it will be good to hear your follow up and appeal decision.

    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    Hi travina, welcome here to the forum.

    I too am very sorry to learn your visa experience. It certainly appears that you provided as much as you could do.

    I understand your disappointment and frustration and can say that we have seen quite a number of refusals recently that have been based on the evaluation of the ECO on the genuiness of a relationship and the intention to marry/civil partnership.

    I do hope that the appeal will bring a positive outcome.
    Did you also send a letter to the Embassy for the attention of the ECM requesting his reconsideration of the refusal and highlighting the evidence you supplied?

    Sometimes it can be the case that the ECM will overturn the decision much faster than would happen within the appeals process. Appeals can take a long long time.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
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    I'd say 90% of the visa refusals we see on here are due to people not preparing thoroughly for the application and sending in sufficient and correct evidence, however in your case it seems that you have complied with that yet have been denied. It has been noticable that there are more refusals in recent months and that the the UKBA are tightening up, however I strongly feel that if you appeal that you'll have some success.

  5. #5
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum and so sorry to read of your refusal. It can do no harm to send a letter requesting reconsideration with the facts you have outlined here. I wish you the best of luck

  6. #6
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    what my bf and I did, we individually emailed the british ambassador here in the philippines, the entry clearance officer and the entry clearance manager, and my bf also emailed the home secretary theresa may and also emailed the chief expector for ukba. and tomorrow Im going to send a letter to the entry clearance manager to ask for review of the decision while my appeal documents to the tribunal in UK is still on its way.

  7. #7
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    i already sent my appeal to the tribunal, and tomorrow im going to send a letter to the ECM to reconsider with additional photos and explanation pointing out where ECO went wrong. also i emailed the british ambassador, and also emailed the ECO. i dont know who else my bf will email to, but he also sent an email to the people I sent emailed with.

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    about the refusal of your civil partnership visa application. It does seem you have just been rather unlucky!

    However, from what you've told us, you appear to have matters under control ... and I'd like to join the other respondents in wishing you every success with your next move.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    I'd like to join the other respondents in wishing you every success with your next move.
    Meanwhile ... to the friendly, online filipino/uk community.

  10. #10
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    Hi Travina, could you please tell us where we can get the contact details for the relevant people to contact in the case of a refusal ? All the best of luck to you

  11. #11
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    Hi Travina!

    You have a very good case and I wish you well and your partner!
    I've also passed my appeal to the tribunal but waiting for the appeal hearing takes ages.

    I hope you'll update us with your case. It will be very helpful.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julie0904 View Post
    Hi Travina!

    You have a very good case and I wish you well and your partner!
    I've also passed my appeal to the tribunal but waiting for the appeal hearing takes ages.

    hi julie

    I hope you'll update us with your case. It will be very helpful.
    I just hope it wont go to tribunal. when did your visa application get refused? its nearly a month since my appeal bundle arrived at the embassy. yes ill update you.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanandClavs View Post
    Hi Travina, could you please tell us where we can get the contact details for the relevant people to contact in the case of a refusal ? All the best of luck to you
    Hi danand

    sorry for the late reply. I just use the and just qoute for the attention of the entry clearance manager and to the british ambassador. my partner sent an email to the home office addressed to theresa may. and also we emailed his MP.

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