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Thread: Spousal Visa Application - Appendix 2 questions

  1. #1
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    Spousal Visa Application - Appendix 2 questions

    Am filling out wife's spousal Visa application and need advice on a couple of questions re the financial requirements form, appendix 2:

    1.27 - It asks if the sponsor has any children. My question: I do by my first marriage, but they are both adults now 22 & 24 yrs old. Do I need to enter them on form?

    1.28 - It asks is your sponsor responsible for supporting anyone financially, including Children listed in 1.27. My question: As part of my UK divorce settlement, I give 40% of my monthly salary to to my ex wife until she remarries, so do I have to list her in this section? I guess the ECO will see the same amount coming out of my salary payslip, but not sure if I need to enter on this information on the application form.

    thanks for your help,
    Robert & Novi

  2. #2
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    We answered yes to 1.27 even though both my Girls are working.
    Not sure about it but I think perhaps you should mention the payments to the ex as this will avoid them querying it.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by robert34 View Post

    1.27 - It asks if the sponsor has any children. My question: I do by my first marriage, but they are both adults now 22 & 24 yrs old. Do I need to enter them on form?
    We were advised to state the names, date of birth and place of birth of all of my children from my previous marriage, whatever their age. So this is what we did. One of my children was 30 years old at the time of the application.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by robert34 View Post

    1.28 - It asks is your sponsor responsible for supporting anyone financially, including Children listed in 1.27. My question: As part of my UK divorce settlement, I give 40% of my monthly salary to to my ex wife until she remarries, so do I have to list her in this section? I guess the ECO will see the same amount coming out of my salary payslip, but not sure if I need to enter on this information on the application form.
    I seem to remember that we simply stated the amount per month.

  5. #5
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    Thanks for your answers I will include information on my adult sons and payments to my ex wife,

    I have another question on appendix 2 re questions 3.3 (part A). I have ticked box for "income from Salaried employment" but it then ask me to indicate whicjh option I am rekying on: CATEGORY A or CATEGORY B. Does anyone know hwat the diferrence between Category A and Category B is, as I don't know what box to Tick.

    many thanks

  6. #6
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    i just ticked category A coz my hubby had one job but if you have another job aside from the one you had now you have to answer category B as well....that's what i understand hope someone will clarify this
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  7. #7
    Respected Member joy_86jm's Avatar
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    Don't forget to fill up the latest Appendix 2 Robert

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by robert34 View Post
    Thanks for your answers I will include information on my adult sons and payments to my ex wife,

    I have another question on appendix 2 re questions 3.3 (part A). I have ticked box for "income from Salaried employment" but it then ask me to indicate whicjh option I am rekying on: CATEGORY A or CATEGORY B. Does anyone know hwat the diferrence between Category A and Category B is, as I don't know what box to Tick.

    many thanks
    Hi Robert,

    Category A: salaried employment for the last 6 months

    This category is where the sponsor is in salaried employment at the point of application and has been with the same employer for at least the last 6 months.
    You can count your gross annual salary (at its lowest level in those 6 months) towards the financial requirement.
    You need to provide 6 months payslips and 6 months bank statements corresponding to the same period as the wage slips, showing that the salary has been paid into the account.

    Category B: salaried employment for less than the last 6 months

    This category is where the sponsor is in salaried employment at the point of application and has been with the same employer for less than the last 6 months.
    You can count the gross annual salary at the date of application towards the financial requirement.
    You can provide payslips for the 12-month period prior to the application.
    You need to provide 12 months bank statements corresponding to the same period as the wage slips, showing that the salary has been paid into the account.

    Hope this helps.

    Take a look here for full details of the Financial Requirement

  9. #9
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    Thanks Terpe, a very good answer. I will tick Category A as I have been with my company for 23 years.

    These Visa application forms are becoming more onerous to complete and the notes attached do not help that much, I hope it doesn't put people off applying.

    Many thanks,
    Robert & Novi

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by robert34 View Post
    Thanks Terpe, a very good answer. I will tick Category A as I have been with my company for 23 years.

    These Visa application forms are becoming more onerous to complete and the notes attached do not help that much, I hope it doesn't put people off applying.

    Many thanks,
    Robert & Novi
    One of the complications I've found with the new forms, is that they combine more and more different cases in a 'one-size-fits-all' type of approach.
    Just makes it more difficult to understand exactly which sections/question are applicable to your own individual situation, and just what information they're really looking for.

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