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Thread: life in the uk test

  1. #1
    Member alan/maleiya's Avatar
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    life in the uk test

    Hi just like to start with a big hi and hope all is well to all on here ,due to some personal reasons I've not been on for a while ,how early can my wife take the life in the UK test before the indefinite leave to remain, a late happy new year to all

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by alan/maleiya View Post
    Hi just like to start with a big hi and hope all is well to all on here ,due to some personal reasons I've not been on for a while ,how early can my wife take the life in the UK test before the indefinite leave to remain, a late happy new year to all
    Your wife may take the test anytime she wants. I always advise earlier is better.
    Leaving it too late can create too many pressures.
    It's a test that can be taken as many times as needed, but it must be passed before ILR

  3. #3
    Respected Member filbrit's Avatar
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    My husband thinks the same as Sir Terpe. My FLR expires 4Q 2014 but I am booked to have the test next month. I am seriously studying for a month so I can take it before the new set of test takes place on March 25. You might want to consider the same for Maleiya. As quoted from a website "Unlike the current test which only has questions on selected chapters, the new test will include questions on all sections of the new handbook, meaning that candidates will be tested on their knowledge of history and the law." In my opinion, they made the new tests more difficult. If I passed it next month, I hope that no rules will be implemented like ILR 2014 applicants has to take the new test or else I am dead, lol.

    I hope I am doing the right thing.

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hello, Is anybody here know if UK LIFE TEST CERTIFICATE has an expiration date?, I mean the certificate that they will issue after you pass the UK LIFE TEST.. Or we can still use it for citizenship application in the future?
    Hope to hear from you guys..
    Thank you.

  5. #5
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    There is no expiration for the LIFE in the UK certificate. Once youve done it thats it, valid for life I suppose.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Maritess was due to take her Life in the UK test tomorrow, so just to make sure that we had the correct ID I called them today, Wow! they told me that her ID should be Passport not biometric because when we applied a couple of months ago it asked if we wanted biometric or passport, I chose biometric because when we went to Cebu for her passport she had to have her biometrics done, also at VFS Manila did the same so I assumed she had a biometric visa and passport. We were told to cancel the old application for tomorrow and reapply for a new one the second week in March, did that paid another £50, then we received an email confirming all details were correct, but no they were not because it still stated biometric ID, so I had to go though the procedure again after another couple of phone calls and eventually got it right, during this process I had to cancel the first payment that I made today and they sent me an email saying they had refunded my first payment and another email arrived say that they had received my second payment, then after 2 hours and lots of stress because I know very little about computers, I was at last happy! Just checked my bank a/c and discovered that two payments of £50 have gone out, but Guess What! no refund.

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