firstly just want to say say hiand im glad i stumbled on this site and hopefully i can get some advice. Also sorry if im posting this in the wrong place i wasn't sure where to put it.
Ive been trying to find information recently and have been pulling my hair out and this
forum seems the best place to ask. ok so here it goes ...
Im a British citizen living in England with a filipina gf who is living in the Philippines (cebu). We plan on marrying at some point in the near future after she gets an annoying and prob quite lengthy annulment, but that shouldn't be a problem just quite time consuming. But then comes the problem, being together, i understand the laws on earnings in the UK now and im currently unemployed and claiming ESA and even if i was in work earning 18+k a year is pretty impossible plus there is a young child involved.
I have also looked into moving there, but with my minimal savings id be broke in no time and with the earnings there life would be hard and maybe impossible again specially with 3 mouths to feed. But im still not ruling that option out.
So in a perfect world in the future id love her to be here living with me, but i have no idea where i stand and if i have any rights. I'm currently not working due to ill health and claiming ESA so i don't know if that makes the minimum earnings exempt list. Also theres a possibility i wont be claiming ESA in the future.
We are so so in love and just want to be together and are willing to listen to any ideas
possible as im running out of them and its really killing us both inside. Without lots of money
its going to be hard moving to the Philippines but im willing to listen to anything. who
would have thought being poor and in love would be so hard :/ shes such an amazing beautiful, caring, hard
working woman and i want my future with her.
thanks for reading and any advice good or bad would be appreciatedoh also i have been
looking through the forums looking for similar story's, etc. hope someone can help, if any more
info is needed please just ask.