Hi guys, we are getting nearer and organised for wedding. She gets the CENOMAR this week coming and just waiting for my new CNI to come which I have with me ( copy of registra notes ) and checked all the details!
We have fab skype connection now for 900p a month on land line..goodbye dongle!
My mum & her mum chat on saturday's now so good bonding. I have lots of letters of finantial / practical support from my brothers and dad and our church to.
I plan to transfere money to her BDO in 2-3 sessions and take some cash with me to .. lot cheaper.
We shall allow 2 hours to get to the Embassy on July 1st Monday @ 09:30 then go to hospital for TB screening. Stay the night then CDO next to the city hall wait for 10 days for licence which arrives saturday so wait until Monday to collect and one day for delay and marry on 17th July. Arrange pre-nuptial. After wedding day apply for her passport and advanced endorsent for marriage certificate.
Collate lots of good photos and recipepts of wedding and time wtih each other, add them to the folder of evidence etc.
Come home obtain a new works signed contract with all the relevant questions for UKBA answered, and send that off with my latest pay slip and bank statement and a few emails.
Then my love will apply and wait .. the arrange CFO hit & miss interview.. and if goes well book the flights to collect her here is hoping for late Novemebr early December.
pheeewwwww worth it all ! I love her dearly!