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Thread: Baby Milk Philippines

  1. #1
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Baby Milk Philippines

    Hi guys my wife is currently visiting family in the Phils and she asked me a question regarding baby milk.

    She took with her a supply of Cow and Gate and is just a bit worried as she says there will not be enough to last.

    She was just wondering if there is a similar product to Cow and Gate she could use as I have heard that Aptamil is made by the same company with almost identical ingredients and was wondering if Aptamil is one brand of baby food you can buy there.

    Any help from people who have experienced this would be very welcome.

    Just for information our little boy is nearly 5 months old.

    Thanks Guys.....

  2. #2
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    You can't buy Aptimil there. ..we took our own supplies. .we eventually ran out of that so had to use the best stuff available. .both our boys hated it. .they ended up with constipation and whatnot. .bloody nightmare. ..I hear what you are saying about the cow and gate brand. ..maybe worth a try but babies aren't silly. .we couldn't pull the wool over our babies eyes. ...if you are going for 3 weeks or so you could pack enough in hold luggage. ..believe me. ..better for one of you to buy clothing out there as opposed to buying baby milk.

  3. #3
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    You can't buy Aptimil there. ..we took our own supplies. .we eventually ran out of that so had to use the best stuff available. .both our boys hated it. .they ended up with constipation and whatnot. .bloody nightmare. ..I hear what you are saying about the cow and gate brand. ..maybe worth a try but babies aren't silly. .we couldn't pull the wool over our babies eyes. ...if you are going for 3 weeks or so you could pack enough in hold luggage. ..believe me. ..better for one of you to buy clothing out there as opposed to buying baby milk.
    Thanks for that maybe I should just send some over by royal mail airsure who aim to deliver within 5 days because he still has enough to do him for 12 more days...

  4. #4
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    I doubt there is any need to go sending baby milk -babies in phils aren't any different to other babies and they can survive on whatever brands are available there ,I forget what brand we used when we were there ,there was another thread before about this -will try to locate

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Thanks for that maybe I should just send some over by royal mail airsure who aim to deliver within 5 days because he still has enough to do him for 12 more days...
    I would Mark.'ll be money well spent. ..what we did was send a load over via LBC 6 weeks in advance of our arrival. ..unfortunately the box didn't arrive until the 2 week of us being there. ..we ended up having to buy the stuff there. .the cost was 1200 pesos (15 pounds) compared to the 9 pounds we pay here for a by far superior blend!

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by irishman12 View Post
    I doubt there is any need to go sending baby milk -babies in phils aren't any different to other babies and they can survive on whatever brands are available there ,I forget what brand we used when we werne there ,there was another thread before about this -will try to locate
    Mark was asking anyone had any experience with baby milk in Philippines. .I as a caring father have. .No one's doubting the Phil babies and British babies all bleed and poo the same. one is saying the milk is all the same well I'm telling you the babies know when they are being feed a different formula. affects digestion and gave my babies constipation. ..This is my experience from last October and from when I was first a daddy in 81..Babies don't like formulation change. . Mark. ..I urge you to disregard irishman12 post. ...he's wrong. If he's ever been put in charge of the baby feeding department he would know. CheersMarkBtw We ain't talking about survival.'s all about keeping everybody happy and comfortable

  8. #8
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Mark was asking anyone had any experience with baby milk in Philippines. .I as a caring father have. .

    No one's doubting the Phil babies and British babies all bleed and poo the same. one is saying the milk is all the same well I'm telling you the babies know when they are being feed a different formula. affects digestion and gave my babies constipation. ..This is my experience from last October and from when I was first a daddy in 81..

    Babies don't like formulation change. .

    Mark. ..I urge you to disregard irishman12 post. ...he's wrong. If he's ever been put in charge of the baby feeding department he would know.

    Cheers for that really appreciated even with postage costs and buying the milk the cost is not much more than buying another type there.

    But the important fact is that I dont want my little guy to be changing formula and it upsetting him, I will post it out tomorrow.

    Thanks once again Mark.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Cheers for that really appreciated even with postage costs and buying the milk the cost is not much more than buying another type there.

    But the important fact is that I dont want my little guy to be changing formula and it upsetting him, I will post it out tomorrow.

    Thanks once again Mark.
    You are welcome Mark.
    Gosh, now I know how helpful Peter (Terpe) feels most days of the week

    Mark, I hope your Aptamil arrives in good time.


  10. #10
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    You are welcome Mark.
    Gosh, now I know how helpful Peter (Terpe) feels most days of the week

    Mark, I hope your Aptamil arrives in good time.

    Thanks for the rep buddy also I have been reading posts you have on here and I wish you all the happiness you surely deserve.

    Best of luck for the future...

  11. #11
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    Thanks Mark just a thought, you said you were going to post off tomorrow. ..well, depending on how many you intend to send, you may have to visit a number of outlets to fulfill your requirements.
    I know Tesco's are only allowing customers only to buy 2 tubs per transaction. .Boots are doing likewise. Just in case you thought you could do it all in one shop.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Mark was asking anyone had any experience with baby milk in Philippines. .I as a caring father have. .No one's doubting the Phil babies and British babies all bleed and poo the same. one is saying the milk is all the same well I'm telling you the babies know when they are being feed a different formula. affects digestion and gave my babies constipation. ..This is my experience from last October and from when I was first a daddy in 81..Babies don't like formulation change. . Mark. ..I urge you to disregard irishman12 post. ...he's wrong. If he's ever been put in charge of the baby feeding department he would know. CheersMarkBtw We ain't talking about survival.'s all about keeping everybody happy and comfortable
    excuse me -who do you think you are? just because you are a father -doesn't mean I am wrong ,I have 2 kids and took them to phils when they were a few months old ,sure we took some of what we used here with us but if it ran out -we used what they have there ,ok so it might be differnet for them but its hardly going to kill them? isn't it the same for adult-the food tere isn't what we are used to and we might feel different /sick too ,so what if he was moving there with his child -have to keep sending over the same formula for 2/3 yrs? hey go ahead if you have money to burn

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Thanks Mark just a thought, you said you were going to post off tomorrow. ..well, depending on how many you intend to send, you may have to visit a number of outlets to fulfill your requirements.
    I know Tesco's are only allowing customers only to buy 2 tubs per transaction. .Boots are doing likewise. Just in case you thought you could do it all in one shop.
    ever think of buying 2 and then going back in again to buy more?

  14. #14
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Enfalac is a great brand in Phils. My son has been on that. I actually agree with Irishman, babies are very adaptable, probably more than us, so a change is not going to make so much difference. Maybe for a day or two but not life threatening. If you are prepared, you can always wean the powders by mixing until you are on the new one over a few days, the baby won't even notice.

    I think sending over by post is a bit extreme tbh
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  15. #15
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Enfalac is a great brand in Phils. My son has been on that. I actually agree with Irishman, babies are very adaptable, probably more than us, so a change is not going to make so much difference. Maybe for a day or two but not life threatening. If you are prepared, you can always wean the powders by mixing until you are on the new one over a few days, the baby won't even notice.

    I think sending over by post is a bit extreme tbh

    As a father of 3...I agree!!

  16. #16
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Breast milk is best for babies up to 2 years old!

    Seems that breastfeeding is becoming a thing of the past. Boobs produce milk for a reason

    Before anyone says anything i know some women cannot produce milk and they have other perfectly good reasons to choose formula for their children.

    MRI Study: Breastfeeding Boosts Babies' Brain Growth

    June 6, 2013 — A study using brain images from "quiet" MRI machines adds to the growing body of evidence that breastfeeding improves brain development in infants. Breastfeeding alone produced better brain development than a combination of breastfeeding and formula, which produced better development than formula alone.

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I still use breast milk from the local bull

    You could buy some Phil milk and add 1 part of that to 2 parts C&G to make it last longer, that way the baby is still getting the flavour and nutrition of the main one.

    Can I now have some Rep for my first piece of useful advice in 2013?
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I still use breast milk from the local bull

    You could buy some Phil milk and add 1 part of that to 2 parts C&G to make it last longer, that way the baby is still getting the flavour and nutrition of the main one.

    Can I now have some Rep for my first piece of useful advice in 2013?
    Ummmm............. no, because that is what I said in my post!!!
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Ummmm............. no, because that is what I said in my post!!!
    You were talking about weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeening ... wich you don't need to do, just mix and let the baba drink, if you ween it off totally, you have to do the opposite back home, and I wouldn't want my baby suckling 100% of Chinese lead milk
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You were talking about weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeening ... wich you don't need to do, just mix and let the baba drink, if you ween it off totally, you have to do the opposite back home, and I wouldn't want my baby suckling 100% of Chinese lead milk
    Everybody consumes a bit of lead before they die!!
    Anyway stranger.. Who pulled your chain??

  21. #21
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Anyway stranger.. Who pulled your chain??
    I've been allowed out of the cellar for an hour
    Keith - Administrator

  22. #22
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    RAYNA..................... lock him back up again !!!! He's being a menace!!
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  23. #23
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    Nobody is right or wrong here's all down to personal choice..I know babies don't like change in formula..yes, they adapt but, if it isn't a problem sending over the little man's regular tipple what's the big deal. Unless of course, it's dipping into your earmarked beer money

    I know we have to adapt to food etc but, I see no reason to put our babies through the same ordeal.

  24. #24
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    good that you have changed your mind since previous post -where I was clearly wrong ,I even heard on the radio today where someone had changed the food for the dog and the smell from the pooh was terrible -poor dog ,babies don't like a lot of things but they adapt /grow ,my baby spent a week in the hospital with vomiting bug last year same time as my dad died but luckily he survived that -they sometimes even as tough as us .

  25. #25
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    Sorry about your Dad irishman12. .If Mark wasn't bothered about changing his baby's formula he wouldn't of asked the initial question.
    This was our concern the last time we went out there. .we knew they didn't sell Aptamil and bearing in mind we were going for a holiday, not a 3yr prison sentence didn't see the point of mix and match only having to revert a month later.
    I apologise for my over reaction. .quite uncalled for but, the memory of my 2 boys screaming those 3 nights away is still all so vivid...I would of given my high teeth for their Aptamil.

  26. #26
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Unless of course, it's dipping into your earmarked beer money

    Kids soon adapt..Thank goodness!!!

  27. #27
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    Breast milk is best for babies up to 2 years old!

    Seems that breastfeeding is becoming a thing of the past. Boobs produce milk for a reason

    Before anyone says anything i know some women cannot produce milk and they have other perfectly good reasons to choose formula for their children.
    I agree , breast milk is the best !! cheaper and economical
    I breastfed my daughter for one year and i noticed she is not prone to any sickness...i dont know if its the generation these days for a woman to strictly don't use their boobs anymore (let your babies suck them all colostrum) its good for them.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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