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Thread: some Filipinos can be real bad neighbours

  1. #61
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    My only comment on this subject is, I've been travelling to the Philippines for 25 years and most of that time twice a year and on the strength of that always fancied living there for the rest of my life so I gave it a try, and after 16 months returned to UK because I discovered that it was not what I imagined at all. I realised that I knew nothing at all about Philippines until my experience of living there!

  2. #62
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    Nice one Terpe
    Jake. The endurance I'm talking about is with tiger31 situation.
    Brian sounds like he could do with a break so coming back home wouldn't be such a bad idea be it only temporary.
    As for the chicken intestines etc etc as you know I was referring to the street food favoured by some I know.
    Honestly, not my cup of tea. wasn't meant to have come over as derogatory

    I was just pointing out can live in the style of a westerner if you so wished.

    If one has burnt all bridges in the UK then you have to make it work. .no choice.
    Brian, I gather still has a home here. .he's got options.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    My only comment on this subject is, I've been travelling to the Philippines for 25 years and most of that time twice a year and on the strength of that always fancied living there for the rest of my life so I gave it a try, and after 16 months returned to UK because I discovered that it was not what I imagined at all. I realised that I knew nothing at all about Philippines until my experience of living there!
    That says it all. You just don't know until you take the plunge.
    A timely post Michael

  4. #64
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    All harmless banter. .let's not get all defensive here Brian and I was just expressing an opinion. I dare say just like me, the dream of living a life in The Philippines will return at some stage.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    We do see things differently as i see Filipino's as neighbourly.
    Yes i agree with your comments about noise. That is part of the culture and other neighbours don't have a problem with it so what gives us the right to say what is right or wrong.

    I often read on the forum comments about Paki's and other nationalities not integrating into British society. Ask a filipino the same question about foreigners who live here. They will tell you that the vast majority of them are rude,snobbish, isolated and never really try to integrate. Sounds familiar!
    You obviously think everything is so fantastic there in the Phills
    The fact that any "kanu" could criticize the Phills is unpalatable for you
    The reason why other Filipino's don't complain about the noise there is because they are afraid to complain
    I saw this first hand in Bernabe Compound in Las Pinas City
    You are trying to paint a picture that other pinoys dont mind the noise well i totally disagree
    Keeping one's noise down is about common decency and respecting other people around you and that is not
    immune from the Pinoy culture

    The reason why we are seen as snobbish is because some people there envy our wealth
    Yes i had to keep isolated sometimes because i did not want anything stolen

    As someone else pointed out i see nothing appealing about living in some rat infested barangy where even if you sneeze it could be heard by 5 other households

    I put it to you = our minimum standards when it comes to living conditions are much higher than the average barangy there

    I like the Philippines and the people there as well but it winds me up when some people lose touch with the real reality of what it is like living in a normal barangy

  6. #66
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    My only comment on this subject is, I've been travelling to the Philippines for 25 years and most of that time twice a year and on the strength of that always fancied living there for the rest of my life so I gave it a try, and after 16 months returned to UK because I discovered that it was not what I imagined at all. I realised that I knew nothing at all about Philippines until my experience of living there!
    good reply at least i,m not alone in my views

  7. #67
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    So true LM. ..I know that squat you are talking about.
    I gave you a reputation for your troubles posting that.
    Jake, it's good to have got to admit its not all sweetness and light in the land of smiling faces.

  8. #68
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    good reply at least i,m not alone in my views
    To be honest I think more members on this forum would like to comment more than they are doing, and don't say too much in case they offend someone!

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    good reply at least i,m not alone in my views
    You are not alone Brian

  10. #70
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    another thing the fact that my missus don,t want me to go out on my own says a lot to me and no its not because she worried I find another girl its because she don,t trust her own country folk .Its just not safe to wander off on your own in parts of the country life is very cheap here and if some local spots an opportunity they will go for it .I don,t want this thread turned into a battle ground i,m just giving my on the ground opinion of being here for 3 years .The fact that I still can,t speak the lingo either makes me feel isolated too .Since moving here in february to bacolod I have not even met another foreigner even to strike up a conversation with apart from one irish guy who pulled up in a tricycle steaming with a bottle of whisky sticking out his shorts .I thought if he is the example Filipinos see,s no wonder they don,t want to mix with us .but overall the Filipinos i,ve met have been friendly towards me I always wave at them if they are smiling the kids crack me up all the time they just stare at you like your from planet zogg lol .when I return to u.k i,ll see how I feel about my situation at least I have the choice to return ,which is something i,ve stated before think long and hard before you sell up its a big decision to make i,m so glad I kept my house phew .

  11. #71
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    To be honest I think more members on this forum would like to comment more than they are doing, and don't say too much in case they offend someone!
    very true I will always tell it the way I see it ,if people get offended then they can reply with a different view thats what forums are for in my view to give people the facts if they have not been here before everyones stories help others build a picture of what life is like in this country .

  12. #72
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    we all like a good moan now and again , and we all get down some days too, some may last a hour or so and some last weeks, take me i dont like my neighbors at all, have they done anything wrong to me not at all, they just invade my noise, they do turn the music down so alls well, but i still dont like them, take driving i hate everyone then , you see where ever you live you have to adjust or you will sink,
    I cant wait to try my luck over in the phils, if it works then great if not well at least i gave it my best shot,
    Like i have said many times , stress, work,weather, and the cost of living here, is why i am off

  13. #73
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    Tiger I had bad neighbors that were pretty similar to yours , absolute nightmare, as soon as I went to bed I had a gaggle outside our front gates, music, talking till all hours, it made my dogs bark as the squatters opposite us used to sit on our front drive outside our gates,.....
    Didn't matter how many times I or wife told them, they would stop for 30 mins then just got back to exactaly what they were doing!

    In the end we sold the house a lot cheaper then it cost to get away from them,build the place from scratch with a nice pool as well....

    Anyway I think if you could move do it, and also you should move somewhere where there are foreigners so you can get time with a bit of chat and gossip with your own kind, dumaguete comes to mind! Plenty of foreigners down there,
    If you have friends there it makes it worthwhile living there, but will get loney if just you and wife, we all need space and someone to talk to on our level,,,,,

    I for one love the Philippines and as soon as my kids are old enough to stand on their own feet I will be returning to live my days out there, for the weather more then anything else, I love the uk and I love the ph! Will be nice when I can go between,

    Hope things work out for you

  14. #74
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    It only goes to show how different some people can be.. For me,to go back to the UK would be to enter purgatory!! I dread the very thought.. (I actually just shuddered)..
    The country that I was born in and loved is no longer the same place anymore...Its gone.
    For me.. Leaving the U.K was like leaving a life viewed in black and white (and grey skies) and entering one in glorious technicolour!!!
    The truth is that not everyone see`s it that way..
    Tell it how you think it is though..
    In Australia the story about the blokes in the pub having a whip round for the whinging Poms return flight are all true..
    If you don't like it.. Fack off...and here`s your one way fare!!

  15. #75
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    You obviously think everything is so fantastic there in the Phills
    The fact that any "kanu" could criticize the Phills is unpalatable for you
    The reason why other Filipino's don't complain about the noise there is because they are afraid to complain
    I saw this first hand in Bernabe Compound in Las Pinas City
    You are trying to paint a picture that other pinoys dont mind the noise well i totally disagree
    Keeping one's noise down is about common decency and respecting other people around you and that is not
    immune from the Pinoy culture

    The reason why we are seen as snobbish is because some people there envy our wealth
    Yes i had to keep isolated sometimes because i did not want anything stolen

    As someone else pointed out i see nothing appealing about living in some rat infested barangy where even if you sneeze it could be heard by 5 other households

    I put it to you = our minimum standards when it comes to living conditions are much higher than the average barangy there

    I like the Philippines and the people there as well but it winds me up when some people lose touch with the real reality of what it is like living in a normal barangy
    If you took the time and read through some of my previous posts, you might realize there are times i do have a moan about the Philippines. Most of the time i do think everything is fantastic that is why we live here.

    We live in a normally barangay and it is not rat infested!

    I know roughly how long Brian, Mark and Michael have spent living in the Philippines. We don't always agree but nothing wrong with them giving their opinion. How long have you actually spent living in the Philippines?

  16. #76
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    what i have learnt so far from this thread is to have space between myself and my neighbors and take some earplugs with me and a beer and a smile too

  17. #77
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    what i have learnt so far from this thread is to have space between myself and my neighbors and take some earplugs with me and a beer and a smile too
    and a whole lot of patience coz you gonna need plenty of that lol

  18. #78
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Just saw this Tiger. Expats in Bacolod meet up every month although this is dated in 2011. A lot live in Talisay apparently.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Just saw this Tiger. Expats in Bacolod meet up every month although this is dated in 2011. A lot live in Talisay apparently.
    Well spotted Jamie

    Gary M is a friend and sometimes business partner of mine. He is a lovely chap (for an american!)

    If you want his private email address and phone number send me a PM Brian.

  20. #80
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Just saw this Tiger. Expats in Bacolod meet up every month although this is dated in 2011. A lot live in Talisay apparently.
    cheers lol talisay is an up market place maybe a bit out of my league but I might just get my bro n law to take us there for wonder around and check the place out thats when it stops raining ,its the rainy season right now .

  21. #81
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    sounds like you are wanting a holiday Brian,

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    You obviously think everything is so fantastic there in the Phills
    The fact that any "kanu" could criticize the Phills is unpalatable for you
    The reason why other Filipino's don't complain about the noise there is because they are afraid to complain
    I saw this first hand in Bernabe Compound in Las Pinas City
    You are trying to paint a picture that other pinoys dont mind the noise well i totally disagree
    Keeping one's noise down is about common decency and respecting other people around you and that is not
    immune from the Pinoy culture

    The reason why we are seen as snobbish is because some people there envy our wealth
    Yes i had to keep isolated sometimes because i did not want anything stolen

    As someone else pointed out i see nothing appealing about living in some rat infested barangy where even if you sneeze it could be heard by 5 other households

    I put it to you = our minimum standards when it comes to living conditions are much higher than the average barangy there

    I like the Philippines and the people there as well but it winds me up when some people lose touch with the real reality of what it is like living in a normal barangy
    Good edit LM Worth another rep. Totally agree with what you say.

  23. #83
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    wow are we talking about the phils here or most major cities in england, just drive or walk if you dare to many places in england and they seemed to have gone back years, there are good parts but bad parts too,

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    If you took the time and read through some of my previous posts, you might realize there are times i do have a moan about the Philippines. Most of the time i do think everything is fantastic that is why we live here.

    We live in a normally barangay and it is not rat infested!

    I know roughly how long Brian, Mark and Michael have spent living in the Philippines. We don't always agree but nothing wrong with them giving their opinion. How long have you actually spent living in the Philippines?
    Hi Jake
    Surely its about experience in the Philippines not time. cld of spent the last 20 years stationed in the poshest gaff in green belt land yet know nothing of the country.
    Just a thought :-)

  25. #85
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Another good thread!

  26. #86
    Respected Member mickmyrna's Avatar
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    Hi everyone ! If my husbands moaning about our neighbours when we go back to live in the Philippines I think it's a good idea to soundproof our bed room , so that he can't hear my neighbours at night time ... and if he still can hear my neighbours we transfer to the mountain to live with a monkeys , how about that ?

  27. #87
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickmyrna View Post
    Hi everyone ! If my husbands moaning about our neighbours when we go back to live in the Philippines I think it's a good idea to soundproof our bed room , so that he can't hear my neighbours at night time ... and if he still can hear my neighbours we transfer to the mountain to live with a monkeys , how about that ?
    soundproof you bedroom so they neighbors cant hear you

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    wow are we talking about the phils here or most major cities in england, just drive or walk if you dare to many places in england and they seemed to have gone back years, there are good parts but bad parts too,
    I suppose i must count myself lucky. I don't live a major town or city. .sleepy Swindon a place where we can't even muster a proper football team.
    Where I live, the neighbours are on the whole friendly and approachable as I've recently found out.
    The schools are great as well. A great place to bring up a family.

  29. #89
    Respected Member mickmyrna's Avatar
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    Yes indeed , Stevewool ! LOLS

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickmyrna View Post
    Hi everyone ! If my husbands moaning about our neighbours when we go back to live in the Philippines I think it's a good idea to soundproof our bed room , so that he can't hear my neighbours at night time ... and if he still can hear my neighbours we transfer to the mountain to live with a monkeys , how about that ?
    My wife once suggested we live in the trees living on dried leaves.
    If you got the right partner I think you can make it work anywhere.

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