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Thread: Afterlife

  1. #1
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Just like to ask peoples views and whether they believe in the afterlife also views on mediums, clairvoyants etc.....

  2. #2
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    Psychics, clairvoyants, etc. are at best "a bit of fun" and at worst, dangerous and manipulative frauds.

    For me it's very simple - there's no scientific evidence for any of this stuff, so it's all just quackery!

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Having been born into, and raised according to the teachings of the Christian Faith - as interpreted by the doctrines of the Church of Scotland - suffice to say at this stage, I like to believe there's an "afterlife" of SOME sort ... YES.

    Otherwise ... ... WHY on Earth [literally!] is there such misery and suffering throughout the world ... were it NOT to prepare US (the so-called human race) for a "better place"?

  4. #4
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Having been born into, and raised according to the teachings of the Christian Faith - as interpreted by the doctrines of the Church of Scotland - suffice to say at this stage, I like to believe there's an "afterlife" of SOME sort ... YES.

    Otherwise ... ... WHY on Earth [literally!] is there such misery and suffering throughout the world ... were it NOT to prepare US (the so-called human race) for a "better place"?
    Exactly my thoughts Arthur.

    Its a fascinating subject especially with people who have had NDE (near death experience) and have described leaving their bodies and actually recollecting afterwards that they described a football and the colour of it on the hospital roof as they ascended above the hospital grounds then were brought back to their bodies.

    Touchy subject but myself as a christian totally believe also...

  5. #5
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    i think this, if there is nothing to follow then why are we here to start with, - seems pointless, why bother with all of life's tribulations if there is nothing at the end of it?

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    I'll make the most of what is left of my miserable existence on this earth and not concern myself with pointless man-made fairy tales.

    It all started as a ruse to keep the poor and ignorant under control, along with so much other religious stuff from thousands of years ago...IMO.

    The concept does give some people comfort though, and that I can understand.

    Pity it's abused by the muslims and their suicide bombers.

  7. #7
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I'll make the most of what is left of my miserable existence on this earth and not concern myself with pointless man-made fairy tales.

    It all started as a ruse to keep the poor and ignorant under control, along with so much other religious stuff from thousands of years ago...IMO.

    The concept does give some people comfort though, and that I can understand.

    Pity it's abused by the muslims and their suicide bombers.
    Wait til I'm next in York with my sister Graham you are coming out with us, you will end the night smiling or in the gutter

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    It'll be a cheap night...only takes about 2 pints to get me pissed these days.

  9. #9
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Well i don't know what's happened to me (apart from dating a piss head from York) I get on train with sister,drink cheap champagne on train in plastic cups,start off in that pub towards micklegate, then hit all the pubs we can,finishing off in reflex and flares, taxi picking us up at 3am lol
    I discovered Vodka red bull combo
    Ps have you ever heard of Mandy from york?

  10. #10
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    Heaven for me is fast cars.

    Yesterday I had a run out with some friends and acquaintances to Lotherton Hall for a car meet. Some tasty stuff, admiring my dream car - Ultima Canam belonging to a friend (almost 600bhp of Chevy V8).


    Some of the cars at the meet:



    This is the biggest car I've EVER seen ! Must have been 20ft long.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Having been born into, and raised according to the teachings of the Christian Faith - as interpreted by the doctrines of the Church of Scotland - suffice to say at this stage, I like to believe there's an "afterlife" of SOME sort ... YES.

    Otherwise ... ... WHY on Earth [literally!] is there such misery and suffering throughout the world ... were it NOT to prepare US (the so-called human race) for a "better place"?
    Absolutely Arthur..I'll go a step further in saying I have faith, so I do indeed believe there's an afterlife.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Exactly my thoughts Arthur.

    Its a fascinating subject especially with people who have had NDE (near death experience) and have described leaving their bodies and actually recollecting afterwards that they described a football and the colour of it on the hospital roof as they ascended above the hospital grounds then were brought back to their bodies.

    Touchy subject but myself as a christian totally believe also...
    Dr Eben Alexander's ''proof of Heaven'' An excellent read

  13. #13
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I think there is nothing (we hope for eternal peace), if there was an afterlife, then it means there should be a before life, and we would be aware of our former selves!
    I have beliefs but do not regard myself religious yet when first in bed at the end of the day my thoughts go back to my parents and departed loved ones.

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If you believe in infinity, then you have already been alive forever

    Get on with doing good in your life today, don't worry about tomorrow
    Keith - Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post dream car - Ultima Canam belonging to a friend (almost 600bhp of Chevy V8)......
    Maybe in your next life........

  16. #16
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    If you believe in infinity, then you have already been alive forever

    Get on with doing good in your life today, don't worry about tomorrow

    Nice one!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    no afterlife, one chance here and now.

    as for ghosts etc, i've taken my dog and previous dogs for walks late at night and even 4 or 5am in the morning at the local cemetery for the last 20+yrs , some graves date back to the 1840's and i've never seen or heard anything supernatural

  18. #18
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    no afterlife, one chance here and now.
    But if that were the case ... ... WHAT would be the point of our Earthly existence?

  19. #19
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    here we are just a wee spec in the universe a universe thats a small spec to whatever lies beyond it,
    probably endless, there isn't anyone could persuade me that there is no maker no afterlife or before life come to that,
    life and everything around us that can or can not be seen even yet undiscovered, can not be an accident , science and mathematics has to be precise for anything to exist, surely not by accident,

    why are we here, to learn

  20. #20
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    People should be concern on what they can do here on earth (for the good/better) while we are all living and not about afterlife. It's a waste of time wondering or discovering if it exists or not. I think there's no point. No one would really know.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  21. #21
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    People should be concern on what they can do here on earth (for the good/better) while we are all living and not about afterlife. It's a waste of time wondering or discovering if it exists or not. I think there's no point. No one would really know.
    Once had a private reading with a very well known medium after a tragic loss in my family.

    There were things he told us which nobody else knew, personal things to myself also to other members of my family.

    It was really an emotional time but also gave some closure and I would say even more faith and actually a sense that we are never alone.

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    I'd rather ponder the universe and it's wonders than watch rubbish on the telly, that's for sure but, it takes all sorts to make a world

    Keys words here are ''doing good in you life today''.... as opposed to getting on with your life today.
    Totally agree with Stewart's take on this

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Once had a private reading with a very well known medium after a tragic loss in my family.

    There were things he told us which nobody else knew, personal things to myself also to other members of my family.

    It was really an emotional time but also gave some closure and I would say even more faith and actually a sense that we are never alone.
    My first wife is a care worker, looking after and tending the sick and elderly in their homes. She's been doing that for years. Many times she would come home and tell me what some her chickens (endearment) would tell her..things like them seeing and talking to their mums, dads and loved ones at the bottom of their beds...these sorts stories would repeat themselves over the years by countless people whom she looked after's as if a welcoming committee was being drumed up. Either way, it's a wonderful thought

  24. #24
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Although I try - and have ALWAYS tried - to live a decent life ... I cannot help pondering whether or not there's life after death.

    Furthermore, I challenge ANYONE to deny the concept has crossed his or her mind.

    Nobody alive today can possibly know for certain, of course; nevertheless, surely it's comforting to believe we shall be reunited with our departed loved ones someday. Otherwise - as I stressed earlier - : what would be the point of it all.

  25. #25
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    some say what you see as you are dying is a chemical reaction in the brain in order for nature to give you a peaceful send off,
    like many stories iv heard of the warm light you wait to enter as you die, i have been there and seen it,i waited there for a decision, i heard voices talking around me not by my ears and i felt their presence ,i didnt enter the light, i was sent back, guess it wasn't my time, this happened in my teens,

    more recently in hospital just about 4 years ago, i lay in bed, 2 spirits came to visit me a young boy and a younger girl, they sat and talked with me, i asked where i was, they replied you are in a waiting area, after chatting a while they left and said they would return, and they did each day for 3 days

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Once had a private reading with a very well known medium after a tragic loss in my family.

    There were things he told us which nobody else knew, personal things to myself also to other members of my family.

    It was really an emotional time but also gave some closure and I would say even more faith and actually a sense that we are never alone.
    did you record it ? if you did play it back and see how much they got wrong

    i was watching something on you tube about James Randi, someone in the audience went to see one of these people and he asked the guy about it,he said he named 7 people he knew, james said he infact mentioned 42 different names and the guy swore he didn't and james gave him a copy of it to prove it

    you only remember things you want to, derren brown also does it, and he tells you he's a fake

  27. #27
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Heaven for me is fast cars.

    Yesterday I had a run out with some friends and acquaintances to Lotherton Hall for a car meet. Some tasty stuff, admiring my dream car - Ultima Canam belonging to a friend (almost 600bhp of Chevy V8).


    In Yellow

    What you really want is a nice orange one

    Mine might be up for sale soon

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    did you record it ? if you did play it back and see how much they got wrong

    i was watching something on you tube about James Randi, someone in the audience went to see one of these people and he asked the guy about it,he said he named 7 people he knew, james said he infact mentioned 42 different names and the guy swore he didn't and james gave him a copy of it to prove it

    you only remember things you want to, derren brown also does it, and he tells you he's a fake
    Nothing wrong in this Joe...Mark plainly said that things were said that wasn't possibly known by anyone else.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    some say what you see as you are dying is a chemical reaction in the brain in order for nature to give you a peaceful send off,
    like many stories iv heard of the warm light you wait to enter as you die, i have been there and seen it,i waited there for a decision , i heard voices talking around me not by my ears and i felt their presance ,i didnt enter the light , i was sent back,guess it wasn't my time, this happened in my teens,

    more recently in hospital just about 4 years ago, i lay in bed , 2 spirits came to visit me a young boy and a younger girl, they sat and talked with me, i asked where i was, they replied you are in a waiting area, after chatting a while they left and said they would return, and they did each day for 3 days
    Thank you Stewart...Heartwarming stuff!!!.....these are the things what Sue, my first wife told me..I would of said the same but, I'm not in the right frame for ridicule

  30. #30
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    This is a sensitive topic. Of the many post-mortem examinations I have performed as a doctor, the overwhelming wishes of relatives and other loved ones are – apart from knowing the cause(s) of death – that the death was peaceful; and if not, that suffering was for as short a time as possible.

    MANY, in my experience, gain consolation from the belief that there is some form of life after death, and they will be re-united in some form of heaven with already deceased loved ones. My responsibility is limited to a sensitive and clear explanation of the cause(s) of death with contributory factors. It is certainly NOT – especially at such a time – to pour scorn over any beliefs people may have, especially if it helps the grieving process.

    To ascribe a purpose to life is, however, in my opinion a teleological explanation ( teleology means explaining ANY phenomenon in terms of purpose ). Life started with chance chemical events eventually resulting in simple one-celled organisms. These evolved through survival of the fittest. Any mutation resulting in a survival advantage was likely to be perpetuated in subsequent generations. We continue to evolve, and our intelligence means that it can be used to benefit survival ( warm clothes ; antibiotics, drugs for diabetes ) – and also cause untold numbers of premature deaths ( violent acts and wars ).

    Viruses live ( for a limited time outside cells ), as do bacteria, plants, animals and birds at various stages in evolution. When bacteria are killed by antibiotics, some survive and may kill the patient. Animals may be slaughtered or die “ naturally “.

    Just because we are – arguably – at the top of the evolutionary tree does not mean, in my opinion, that we are any more or less likely to have, or deserve, any form of " life after death " than bacteria or other form of life.

    We are capable through our intelligence of having purposes in life - unfortunately not all good. Hitler, Chairman Mao, Stalin and others abused these on a massive scale. Far more, like Dr Harold Shipman ( who probably killed hundreds of his patients ) abused them on a lesser scale.

    As individuals, no matter what our beliefs, we should certainly have a moral obligation to do good during our life on earth, and in so doing gain pleasure and peace of mind for ourselves. We don’t know what the future may hold. Be positive, make the most of every day, and my best wishes as always to every member and their loved ones for good health .

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