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Thread: Millipede in row over Mail "smearing" his Father

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I'd recommend the Daily Mail Android App - it's very good
    I will stick with some unbiased reporting the BBC App is great and free

  2. #122
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Joe, you need to refresh your memory of the meaning of 'moral'

    The Labour leader has made extensive references of love and respect for his late father and the influence he had on his moral outlook.

    Surely there's enough dots here for you to join together?
    give me some dots to join up, where have any of the brothers said they agree with their fathers Marxist views, come on Gwapito, just one bit of evidence ,, i'm waiting

    your adding one dot and another dot and getting 3

  3. #123
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    I will stick with some unbiased reporting the BBC App is great and free

    dedworth are you on commission from the daily mail , I'll ask scouser Keith to replace their name with 'Tory Rag'

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    give me some dots to join up, where have any of the brothers said they agree with their fathers Marxist views, come on Gwapito, just one bit of evidence ,, i'm waiting

    your adding one dot and another dot and getting 3
    You'll have to bear with me, I'm still looking..I need to sleep now..give me a couple of days

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    You'll have to bear with me, I'm still looking..I need to sleep now..give me a couple of days
    as long as it's not a life time , i cant wait that long

    i'll take any offers from dedworth or any other thatcherite

  6. #126
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post
    There was a program on BBC about a year ago where school leavers were offered jobs and they had to prove themselves initially.
    What shocked me was the attitude of most of the kids - they just couldnt be bothered. I know thats not a large enough "sample" but it opened my eyes to the types of sillyness that exists in a group of people that seem to want everything on a plate..

    I also think the schools really need to think about the skills of tomorrow - in my industry (IT Security) there is a shortage of people - there are loads of jobs in my sector, I believe I get 2 calls a week from headhunters asking if I'm looking or know anyone suitable..
    I'm glad my son (just finished he GCSE's) seems to have his head screwed on but lots of his friends didnt get the required grades to stay in his 6th form and he now calls them losers because they had the chance but decided to doss rather then graft. My son only got this attitude a year ago and had to turn around his studies big time and he did. I was really pleased.

    Personally with the way this country is going we need to see youngsters do something otherwise some of us will be supporting our kids well into their 20's...

    Going back to this party or that party - if Labour come back into power things wont change... and I think we'll have to really tighten our belts even more... somehoe I cant see millipede as a PM.

    I agree with most of that..
    If these kids leave school and are not employable,why not pay them Benefits and give them something to do?
    In the old days they called it "National service" ..
    Apart from learning discipline and respect they could also learn about things like Engineering, Carpentry,Electronics,General labouring and Marching UP and DOWN the SQUARE!!

  7. #127
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    failure of governments and schools to prepare kids for the real world, your going from being in a controlled environment for at least 12yrs then to either going to college or looking for a job, and for some of those 'jobseekers' reality will soon hit them that things will not be as easy as they thought

    maybe for the last 6 months of schooling they should be found work experience placements and how to apply for jobs, interview skills etc or help finding college courses etc.

  8. #128
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    failure of governments and schools to prepare kids for the real world, your going from being in a controlled environment for at least 12yrs then to either going to college or looking for a job, and for some of those 'jobseekers' reality will soon hit them that things will not be as easy as they thought

    maybe for the last 6 months of schooling they should be found work experience placements and how to apply for jobs, interview skills etc or help finding college courses etc.
    The one thing we all have in common here is some sort of connection to the Philippines, but we don't have a Filipino perspective on it
    I'd like to hear what the main difference is that makes the Philippines one of the worlds most prolific exporter of labour, whereas here we seem to be getting a worldwide reputation as being a bit of an easy touch when it comes to benefits.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    failure of governments and schools to prepare kids for the real world, your going from being in a controlled environment for at least 12yrs then to either going to college or looking for a job, and for some of those 'jobseekers' reality will soon hit them that things will not be as easy as they thought

    maybe for the last 6 months of schooling they should be found work experience placements and how to apply for jobs, interview skills etc or help finding college courses etc.
    A lot of schools already do that Joe....certainly my son's school did.

    Very half-hearted effort though.

    Don't forget that most people involved in education/teaching, have never had a REAL job either.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I agree with most of that..
    If these kids leave school and are not employable,why not pay them Benefits and give them something to do?
    In the old days they called it "National service" ..
    Apart from learning discipline and respect they could also learn about things like Engineering, Carpentry,Electronics,General labouring and Marching UP and DOWN the SQUARE!!
    I totally agree Fred, but of course these days it would be considered 'un-pc', against human rights, etc etc.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Off you go with your tail between your legs

    Defending a newspaper who attacks peoples dead fathers was never going to last that long
    An incorrect supposition - I started a new thread

  12. #132
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    An incorrect supposition - I started a new thread
    are you going to attack Hitchens for being a Marxist dedworth

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    are you going to attack Hitchens for being a Marxist dedworth

    No I'm more interested in the antics of the arch hypocrite champagne socialist Millipede.

    This is actually quite good - the slug who attacked the Mail on Question Time wanted to work for the paper a couple of years ago

    What a difference three years makes: How political journalist who attacked the Daily Mail on Question Time once asked if he could write for the paper

    Read more:

    He's a nasty piece of work - typical BBC left wing muslim question time stooge. He was also paid by the Mail on Sunday when they serialised his book about Millipede

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