Steve, my 2 centavos worth, from personal bitter experience.
The advice given is right and wrong, good and bad. It all depends.
Very easy to be strong strong as an outsider.
Personal experience has taught me that only our wives can find the best way for them.
In so far as they want to continue in that employment then they are the ones who have to work in that environment and they are the ones who will face the consequences of any decisions they make and behaviours they adopt.
We all have to survive and we all have different strategies to achieve that with peace and happiness.
My wife admits it has taken her 2 years to 'grow a horn and a tail' (her words) but now she take no

from anyone if she knows she's right and she knows just how to handle the small minded gossiping troublemaking

's - and there are many.
My advice is to be an outlet for Emm's listen, support and be there. But let her be the one to decide whether you agree deep down or not.
Different strokes for different folks.
No offence Steve, I get just the same thing happen to my wife.
In fact she had tried to book yesterday as leave since she had a hospital appoinment for conductive nerve and muscle test. But her work sat on the request for 3 weeks then told her she can't have it as 4 weeks notices is needed.
She kicked up one almighty stink and eventually they said she can attend the hospital with pay but must come to work immediately after.
Not ideal but she accepted as she felt she had made her protest and her point and was happy to go back after her test and after the lunch I treated her to.
Personally I'd have wanted something different, but I support her decision