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Thread: Bigamy question

  1. #1
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    Bigamy question


    I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on this.

    I have recently discovered that my Filipino girlfriend of 7 years, while waiting for the annulment of her first marriage to come through (it completed 2 weeks ago), decided 2 years ago to marry again - I think it may have been some sort of 'marriage of convenience' but she won’t say why. Despite the 2nd marriage being null & void and a 2nd annulment case needed to clear her record at the NSO, she has committed bigamy and I understand could be prosecuted if her 1st (ex) husband decided to press charges. Assuming her NSO record can be sorted out, does this mean any chance of a UK fiancée or spouse visa has now gone?


  2. #2
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    Based solely on the information divulged it's impossible to conclude legal position one way or another.
    If indeed she got married in the Philippines whilst already married then she did break the law. Period.

    UKBA requires:-

    - that you and your partner have met in person
    - the relationship can be evidenced as genuine and subsisting
    - if you are married that it is valid in UK law
    - if you intend to marry under Fiance(e) visa that you are both free to marry
    - that any previous relationship has permanently broken down. Where the applicant and/or their partner has previously been married or in a civil partnership, the applicant must provide evidence that the previous marriage or civil partnership has ended.

    - you and your partner intend to live together permanently in the UK

    So in principle UKBA can only have knowledge of whatever is indicated on submitted documentary evidence with the application.
    The visa decision will be made on that

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brucep View Post

    I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on this.

    I have recently discovered that my Filipino girlfriend of 7 years, while waiting for the annulment of her first marriage to come through (it completed 2 weeks ago), decided 2 years ago to marry again - I think it may have been some sort of 'marriage of convenience' but she won’t say why. Despite the 2nd marriage being null & void and a 2nd annulment case needed to clear her record at the NSO, she has committed bigamy and I understand could be prosecuted if her 1st (ex) husband decided to press charges. Assuming her NSO record can be sorted out, does this mean any chance of a UK fiancée or spouse visa has now gone?

    Hi Brucep, when you say (NSO record ''CAN'' be sorted out)..what do you mean??

    She needs the Annotated copy of both marriage certificates from NSO and the DECISION AND FINALITY from the court for annulment ... without these three important documents i am afraid she cannot push thru with the fiance or spouse visa for UK.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
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    Nowt to do with me Bruce, but there anything else she forgot to tell you about ?

  5. #5
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    Thank you Terpe and sars_notd_virus for your replies.

    By "NSO record can be sorted out" I was meaning that once the 2nd annulment had finalised, the record of her 2nd marriage would be cleared at the NSO, and she would be single again.

    Will it be necessary to submit both annotated marriage certificates, decision & finality documents for a visa application? If so, will it not be immediately obvious the 2nd marriage occurred before the first was annulled? Her only legal marriage is her first one.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brucep View Post

    I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on this.

    I have recently discovered that my Filipino girlfriend of 7 years, while waiting for the annulment of her first marriage to come through (it completed 2 weeks ago), decided 2 years ago to marry again - I think it may have been some sort of 'marriage of convenience' but she won’t say why. Despite the 2nd marriage being null & void and a 2nd annulment case needed to clear her record at the NSO, she has committed bigamy and I understand could be prosecuted if her 1st (ex) husband decided to press charges. Assuming her NSO record can be sorted out, does this mean any chance of a UK fiancée or spouse visa has now gone?

    Welcome to the forum Bruce

    Am I reading this correctly?.....Your girlfriend of 7 years decided to marry again 2 years ago and you think it was out of convenience but, she won't say why

  7. #7
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brucep View Post
    Thank you Terpe and sars_notd_virus for your replies.

    By "NSO record can be sorted out" I was meaning that once the 2nd annulment had finalised, the record of her 2nd marriage would be cleared at the NSO, and she would be single again.

    Sorry you got me confuse on your first post
    *who does your gf lives now??..the first??..the 2nd?? or on her own?
    *who filed the bigamy case? (as your thread question is about bigamy)
    *the annulment for the first marriage is completed 2 weeks complete is complete
    *2nd annulment?? the 2nd marriage is invalid from the start as she is still legally married to the first husband.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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